Sentences with phrase «upon questions for»

And yet the palpability of the unspoken brews questions upon questions for us until they can now more stifle themselves behind their darting eyes and hesitant sentences.

Not exact matches

In other words, you purchased a virtual coin, and then sold it to the retailer or service in question for the agreed upon price.
Future prices for silver are dependent upon the answer to that question.
For example, one might question whether employees have the resources to bring claims challenging an employer's systemic discriminatory decisions as being based upon customer preference or resulting in a disparate impact.
A christian with a secret, a christian that looks down upon those that question, a christian that is too good for everything not associated with their beliefs.
And what if, instead, there's a supreme being who says, «let me reward those who have used their human faculties, reasoning and intellect,» and to add the drama that you so love, «and let me punish for eternity those with weak will who blindly adopted the fantasties and fairy tales pushed upon them without ever questioning...» What do you do then???
In question 21 of the Summa, Thomas writes that «the work of divine justice always presupposes the work of mercy and is founded upon it,» and that in acting mercifully God is «doing something more than justice,» for mercy «is the fullness of justice.
When the post-modernist argues that justice is a game we play; a set of rules two or more people agree upon as the frame within which to carry on their social intercourse (see, for instance, JG), the discussion shifts from a celebration of various uniqueness to the difficult question of how they interact.
Precisely at this point, a question forces itself upon us: Will any understanding of the resurrection be an adequate foundation for our hope?
The question is not as easy as it appears, but it is my contention that, mutatis mutandis, the ethic of reverence for life is not dependent upon a belief in God.
During last year's Albert Schweitzer Centennial Symposium at UNESCO in Paris, psychoanalyst Erich Fromm raised a pertinent question: «Is Schweitzer's religious ethic of reverence for life dependent upon a belief in God?»
I even got questioned for detracting from the thread, though my intent was to offer my personal struggle with what the thread eventually evolved into, while feeling for genuinely for Julie (based upon her willingness to divulge to a public blog her side of the story), and while questioning all along what really happened given others» pov on all this.
How far the Bible was familiar to the laity — or to the ordinary parish priest, for that matter — during the Middle Ages, is a question upon which mediaeval historians appear to differ; but it is safe to say that what knowledge of the Bible there was lay within the schema, which gave the key to its understanding.
God answered this vital question by sending His Son, Jesus, as the fulfillment of the most violent religious writings, to show us that He had nothing to do with the violence, but was instead dying along with us in the midst of the violence, taking our sin and suffering upon Himself, bearing our guilt and shame in His own being, all for the sake of those He loved.
I greatly welcome this turn in the discussion, for this latter question was also the theme of my own sermon, and it was only because the former arose in «Meeting Point» and was seized upon by many of my correspondents that I have had to devote a disproportionate amount of space to the historical problem.
So to take your question on: Why should I allow those beliefs to be forced upon me and my family, if I know for a fact that they are fallacious?
Also important for the character of the occasion are those objects not included in its choice of pattern, and this question of negative «prehensions» bears interestingly upon Hegelian determinate negation.
John Calvin managed to invert the lesson of the passage almost entirely: The young ruler, he claimed, had asked an inept question, supposing that one could secure eternal life through works, and thus Christ's metaphor was meant as an illustration of the impossibility of anyone fulfilling the requirements of the law, and of the need therefore for a total reliance upon faith.
On a question about premarital sexual intercourse, I found that I was generally giving higher grades to students who took the position that for Christians sexual intimacy is to be entered upon only after marriage.
The intuitional evidence for belief in Allah, the belief based upon the recognition of Allah by our inner consciousness, is brought to our attention in the Qur» an by pointing out the important psychological fact that there is an instinctive feeling of faith in Almighty Allah, the Creator of the universe, which comes to men when they are free from inclinations, or the distractions of dull routines, or when surprised by the question of the origin of the universe, or when faced with hardships or misfortunes which they can not overcome by themselves.
What a question i was so pondering upon this i burnt the potatoes for tea but i managed to rescue them from the brink of distruction any way where was i. To me love is not the act in itself because that is a response to love or to be loved.Nor is it a feeling because sometimes we choose to love others despite our feelings we lay aside our own desires for the sake of others.Nor is love confined to reason because it isnt always logical or reasonable and can be totally illogical.
Yet out of respect for you, the talk would be embarrassed to press this question upon you.
One young woman asked me this question with tears streaming down her face, for she had been made to feel small and worthless by churches like these, and she lived in fear that thousands upon thousands of women were experiencing the same thing and there was nothing she could do to stop it.
[16] Although upholders of general relativity theory maintain the unintelligibility of such questions, the questions are unintelligible only within their system Riemannian space depends for basic concepts upon Euclidean geometry, which is then transcended.
The latter will in all probability come from the humbler walks of life; for the wise and the learned will presumably wish first to propose captious questions to the Teacher, invite him to colloquia, or subject him to an examination, upon which they will assure him a permanent position and a secure livelihood.
This recognition of the intrinsic value of the nonhuman world, and of its claim upon human beings, involves a deep shift for the Western psyche, raising a whole range of questions to which we are not accustomed.
Even if it is misconceived, though, the question is still pressed upon us: Is it permissible in our political community for public decisions to be based on moral values informed by religion?
In each dimension we «will draw upon whatever resources seem most promising for discovering and explicating its content [i.e., the content of Christian witness] so as to provide an answer to the complex question of its validity» (69).
A crucial question for the Roman Catholic community today, for example, is whether or not it can respond creatively to the challenge of individual voices as diverse as those of Hans Küng and Daniel Berrigan, and adapt its communal life to the demands for change that they place upon it.
Ultimately, however, the question of whether Israel can see in the church a sign that is fundamentally congruent with God's plan of salvation for the world depends upon the church's attitude toward the Jewish people.
As noted by Greeny, I was distinguishing between the commonly accepted qualifications for successful scholarship in virtually every secular discipline as opposed to the apparent extra requirements to «objectively» qualify one to study and comment upon questions of theology.
According to Deadline, LeBron James is serving as a producer for The Wall, which features teammates competing «for cash that can be won or lost in an instant, depending upon whether a ball bounces their way, or a trivia question is answered correctly.»
And there's also a deadline: An international Orthodox council is set to meet in 2016 to decide upon this and other questions, and the Assembly has to submit a plan for that council's consideration.
For it is quite stunning that the four documents in question depend for their intelligibility and their credibility upon a distinctively Jewish and Christian view of man's relation to GFor it is quite stunning that the four documents in question depend for their intelligibility and their credibility upon a distinctively Jewish and Christian view of man's relation to Gfor their intelligibility and their credibility upon a distinctively Jewish and Christian view of man's relation to God.
And that there are such conditions is just what it means, logically speaking, for there to be a presumption against the action in question» and, further, for the burden of proof to rest upon those who would show that the conditions have been met.
Paul Lazarsfeld and Robert Merton have said: «To the extent that the media of mass communication has had an influence upon their audiences it has stemmed not only from what is said but more significantly from what is not said, for these media not only continue to affirm the status quo but in the same measure they fail to raise essential questions about the structure of society.
It removes the necessity for you to question human morals or to make your own moral decisions, because it lays out a set of simple rules upon which you will always fall back if things get a little too confusing or uncomfortable for independent judgment or consideration.
This author in my opinion deep inside is questioning her faith but like a security blanket to a child does not want to get rid of it and is looking for any explanation she can come up with to hold onto it even in the face of the reality that the text that faith is based upon is highly flawed and frankly quite silly.
By the beginning of this century a great change had taken place and James Orr prefaced his defense of the traditional position by sketching the widespread questioning and rejection of «bodily resurrection» by Christian scholars.10 In 1907 Kirsopp Lake published the first study of the resurrection, in English, which rested upon a thorough application of historical criticism to the New Testament records and he concluded that «The empty tomb is for us doctrinally indefensible and is historically insufficiently accredited.
I happened upon your post — I know it's a bit old, but located a possible answer for your question about the Jews at the time of Coponius and the fulfillment of Genesis 49:10 — hopefully this will help:
Ultimately for me the significance is that Jesus died to save all mankind from certain death, and that all our questions will be sufficed upon our own resurrection.
That this was true for Paul does not depend upon any conclusion one may reach on the question whether Paul had ever seen Jesus in the flesh.
The adoptionist view is also usually ascribed to Mark, whose Gospel begins with an account of Jesus» baptism, the coming of the Spirit upon him, and this same pronouncement of approval, although I believe there are good grounds for questioning that conclusion.
So questions that impinge upon our contemporary personal experience of selfhood, community, racism, sexuality, good and evil, and meaning may form the structure for films of great religious power.
18:21 - 22) That means, if forgiveness is to be real, there is no question of commensurable achievements upon which the petitioner depends and bases a claim; the petition for forgiveness must be made by men who wholly renounce all claim.
I do not «deal in magic» for I deal upon questions regarding much of Jewish scriptures of the uncommon holdings that dares to leverage my understandings.
But perhaps for all readers, and certainly, I suspect, for at least some, a question presses insistently upon us.
The Pope posed the question: «Does the Apostle perhaps look upon marriage exclusively from the viewpoint of a remedy for concupiscence, as used to be said in traditional theological language?
For the first time in history the answers to all three questions seem, for a large number of intellectuals at least, to depend completely upon the answer to the prior question: «Who are we?&raqFor the first time in history the answers to all three questions seem, for a large number of intellectuals at least, to depend completely upon the answer to the prior question: «Who are we?&raqfor a large number of intellectuals at least, to depend completely upon the answer to the prior question: «Who are we?»
What he sees may vary all the way from his wife's childlike dependence upon her mother's opinion, the mother - in - law's hesitancy to ask him a question directly for fear of his explosive reaction, to the mother - in - law's attempt to downgrade him in his daughter's eyes because of her wish to have a more vital part in her granddaughter's life.
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