Sentences with phrase «upon the cross»

This complete self - giving love is fulfilled in his passion and death upon the cross.
I vividly remember seeing His broken and bleeding body hanging upon the cross.
There is nothing left but the naked man upon the cross.
His sacrifice upon the cross is our redemption, and His resurrection from the dead is our pledge of eternal life.
My first thought upon crossing the finish line: Must have water / bathroom / comfy flip - flops.
It includes the depth and mystery of the suffering of God known to us through the suffering of Jesus upon the cross.
He cried out «Why hast thou forsaken me» because in that moment he took on the sin, sickness, pain, and death upon himself and became that sin dying upon the cross.
I was finally able to break through this puerile excuse for a theology of grace with the help of a cartoon that showed Christ upon the cross asking, «If I'm okay, and you're okay, what am I doing here?»
I certainly hope for the Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, as I would hope for myself and others with me, if found out to be of Christian faith and a modern order, not unlike the Christians who walked with Jesus as a man and Pastor who, as it were, was finally offered up as a sacrificial offering to God upon a cross after being found guilty of offending the then Church of Israel who then proposed his death sentance to be carried out by a Roman Court, though he was innocent of the charges.
Today, most former students leave college with at least one student loan; on average the typical graduate in the United States carries $ 27,975 of debt upon crossing the threshold at commencement.
Then the king explained, «The cross which I drew beside each name was not a sign of punishment, but a pledge of forgiveness extended for the sake of the crucified Savior, who upon His cross forgave His enemies and prayed for them.»
through His death on the cross, then as we read Jesus back into the Old Testament, and as we seek to understand the violence of God in the Old Testament, we must keep the mission of Christ to destroy the devil's work first and foremost in our minds, and especially the critical aspect of Christ's work upon the cross.
The Eucharistic Prayer in Cramner's Book of Common Prayer begins, «Almighty God, our heavenly Father, who of thy tender mercy didst give thine only Son Jesus Christ to suffer death upon the cross for our redemption...» The service also expresses the depth of communion between Christ and believers, who pray «that we may evermore dwell in him and he in us».12 The expression of such communion requires participation in the bread and cup.
Jesus became sin for us, he took our sin upon himself, and suffered hell upon the cross.
When Jesus laid upon the cross he had the means to call down a legion of angels to defend and rescue himself from the cross.
«Jesus was a man who suffered, mentally and physically, in intense degree, and not alone upon the cross.
Being crucified with Christ is noble, but even He did not spend his life upon the cross.
But look at the victim dead upon the cross who, nonetheless, is strangely alive and life giving, and then observe the victors who gaze upon his lifeless body and do not seem to recognize that they are the ones who are dead.
It simply means that God took their guilt upon Himself just as Jesus did upon the cross.
to that extent then, the infinite existential loneliness has it's answer in an infinite God who himself shares in us through his incarnation in that existential loneliness upon the cross and it is transformed in the same way we too are called, to take up our cross and follow Him.
However in the New Testament, the Lord then gave us the eternal Lamb, his only begotten son Jesus, and because of his sacrafice upon the cross his blood now atones for the sins of all humanity.
As the Spirit leaves the dying figure upon the cross, the world is consecrated to the Lord.
Sixthly, Christ's threefold prayer upon the cross is represented; one for His persecutors when He said, Father, forgive them; the second for deliverance from death, when He cried, My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?
I think my mantra this weekend is going to be something like Chocolate muffins, my favorite breakfast treat I only allow myself after a good morning workout (and will likely gorge on immediately upon crossing the finish line), or Everyone is watching, a reminder to pick up the pace and make my friends and family proud.
While all social and environmental factors affecting children's lives outside of school do not fall within our locus of control, every second of what happens upon crossing the threshold of the school can be clearly defined to support student learning and character development.
Until they gain the cooperation of the majority of breeders, conformation (such as height, head shape, ear size and position, and coat type) can vary depending upon the crosses used to produce each individual dog.
They know instead that true pastoral care helps to unify our suffering with that of the Suffering Servant, who redeems us, and sanctifies us, and strengthens us to suffer with dignity in truth, as Christ himself suffered silently, conquering death upon the cross.
The resurrection of Christ is a way of affirming that God has received into his own life all that the historical event, designated when we say «Jesus Christ», has included: — his human existence as teacher and prophet, as crucified man upon his cross, in continuing relationship of others with him after that death, and also what has happened as a consequence of his presence and activity in the world.
We do find pointers to meaning in our lives — in acts of human love, in the way justice can be partially achieved even through structures of injustice, in a life of perfect sacrificial love that ends upon a cross.
In order to go up in the rapture, one must be saved or born again through the redemptive power of the blood of Christ upon the cross.
Today, most former students leave college with at least one student loan; on average the typical graduate in the United States carries $ 27,975 of debt upon crossing the threshold at commencement.
The blood that Jesus shed upon the cross is our payment and our primary weapon.
The perspective of communion with Christ and his sacrifice upon the cross, to which sacramental communion properly understood contextualizes, allows us to utilize the graces given to us by the sacrament to do this and all that God asks of us.
All of these questions are finally only one question: Do we know what it is to pray for the reign of God, on earth as in heaven, in the name of Jesus who cried out for God upon his cross?
Though He may discipline you, He does not judge you, for the true penalty for sin has been born by Jesus upon the cross.
Upon the cross he was stripped, mocked, spat upon, struck, crowned with thorns, and given only vinegar and gall to drink.
And I, Nephi, saw that he was lifted up upon the cross and slain for the sins of the world.»
Now Bultmann believes that the disciples had such an experience when they beheld, hanging upon the cross, the man in whom all their hopes had recently come to rest.
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