Sentences with phrase «upon the demand for»

«Through membership, growers are empowered to better understand and act upon demand for their product.
From fast food to fine dining, the heightened sophistication of consumers» palates is becoming increasingly evident based upon their demands for authentic flavours, nutritious offerings and chef - quality foods and beverages.
«(2) ACTION RESTORED TO COURT DOCKET - Upon a demand for a trial de novo, the action shall be restored to the docket of the court and treated for all purposes as if it had not been referred to arbitration.
The cost per click is based upon the demand for keywords, and can be as little as ten cents or less per click.
Rents and fees can span the spectrum, depending upon the demand for such locations in a particular shopping center and the popularity of the center itself.

Not exact matches

Thus, while display ads may have a marginal persuasive function upon product demand, searchers are more likely to seek out highly informational sources for their query.
The impending smart and hyper connected marketplace is upon us, creating a healthy demand for high skilled workers.
For example, we will consider paying signing bonuses to compensate for amounts forfeited by an executive upon terminating prior employment, to assist with relocation expenses or to create additional incentive for an executive to join our company in a position where there is high market demaFor example, we will consider paying signing bonuses to compensate for amounts forfeited by an executive upon terminating prior employment, to assist with relocation expenses or to create additional incentive for an executive to join our company in a position where there is high market demafor amounts forfeited by an executive upon terminating prior employment, to assist with relocation expenses or to create additional incentive for an executive to join our company in a position where there is high market demafor an executive to join our company in a position where there is high market demand.
SCH entered into a registration rights agreement with our founders and their family trusts pursuant to which they obtained demand and other rights to have their shares of our common stock registered for public offer and sale, and we succeeded to this agreement as issuer upon the conversion.
But there was such high demand for them upon arrival that cash shortages persisted.
Prices may or not rise depending upon supply / demand for goods and currency.
After all, the possibility that bitcoin demand is based upon unrealistic expectations also went mainstream in late 2017 — when more than a few Twitter votes for best Halloween costume of the year went to a guy sporting a bitcoin bubble suit.
If Love is God's primary characteristic, why are 4 of the 10 Commandments demands for obsequious submission upon penalty of eternal damnation?
Have you and your church, or any of the other christians heaping scorn upon the WBC in this blog, issued a public statement condemning your fellow christians at WBC for their behaviour, as many christians have demanded that muslims do when members of their tribe behave contrary to the declared principles of their myths and your expectations?
As far as creating the body and then demanding certain parts be cut off is also a symbolic and learning experience for Abraham and his seed that Abraham's seed would be blessed and that Abraham and his seed made would continue to make agreements and promises with God, if that keep their agreements they made with God great blessings would be upon them.
If for example the Christian Gospels are considered by themselves without any background of definite belief, or any authoritative norm of interpretation, all sorts of meanings can be put upon the bare words, the more so if the critic is ready and willing to make the early disciples of Christ neurotics, hysterics, or downright liars as the occasion may demand.
(Hosea 4:13) Similarly there were sacred springs (E.g., Genesis 16:7) and sacred caves, (E.g., I Kings 19:9 and, in general, shrines so numerous that, when the prophetic demand for the centralization of worship in Jerusalem arose, Jeremiah described his people as playing the harlot «upon every high mountain and under every green tree.»
Familiar examples of such action would include the advocacy of social services aimed at the redistribution of material well - being so that there would be some agreed - upon level of affluence for all, including refusal to live above this parity level, unilateral disarmament, pacifism, nonviolent refusal to abide by existing laws that perpetuate injustice with the willingness to suffer the penalties that existing laws demand.
A crucial judgment that the church must make is whether to reject their offerings because of their ambiguous character and radical demands or to seize upon them as an occasion for repentance for that in our history which now appears evil to so many sensitive critics.
It can be said, however, that the radical Christian invariably attempts by one means or another to return to the original message and person of Jesus with the conviction that such a return demands both an assault upon the established Church and a quest for a total or apocalyptic redemption.
The massive quantity of information the seminary graduate needs to know, the time - demands placed upon him or her, the scholarly requirements, the need for «formation» (more than simply «learning things.»)
Sugirtharajah says, «rewriting and retranslating are not a simple dependence upon the past, but a radical remolding of the text to meet new situations and demands».48 The translators of this period seek for a wider intertextuality49 which links Biblical texts with Asian scriptural texts.
A crucial question for the Roman Catholic community today, for example, is whether or not it can respond creatively to the challenge of individual voices as diverse as those of Hans Küng and Daniel Berrigan, and adapt its communal life to the demands for change that they place upon it.
A demand simply for freedom to act upon subjective religious feelings is a claim (though not a strong one) that can easily be seen to validate a relativist worldview.
Instead, the Church's demand must be for freedom to act upon what religious people have judged to be true.
Our commitment to human rights, if it is to be sustained, must depend not on practice, law, or the passing policies of governments (though we must be earnestly concerned about all of these), but rather on a promise that bestows dignity upon every person and demands of every person a respect — no, a reverence — for the dignity of all others.
Instead of joining in a hue and cry against a churchman for engaging in this system in which every one of us is implicated, from which even the bishop's salary is derived, or hiding our Christian faces in shame because his hypocritical enemies hold him up as a «horrible example,» the clear call of Christ is that his followers should make a frontal attack upon the pagan system itself, and demand that our economic order shall give way to an economic order embodying the principles of the kingdom of God (July 17, 1929).
(p. 111) So long as such an anti-war stance, with its own sort of heroic aspirations, does not, through the sorts of errors mentioned above, condemn or spit upon the more tangible heroic feelings stirred up by the real wars that inevitably will come (and thus demand, as C.S. Lewis put it, «long - faced» warriors even for just wars), and so long as it does not plug its ears against the geo - strategic and national considerations that must remain part of all politics, she would broadly endorse it, and would encourage all of us, whether theists or not, to yearningly quest for a world without war that we nonetheless know can never fully arrive.
Throughout their careers clergy experience the need for some perspective on their work that will help them to order the mind - boggling variety of demands their parishioners lay upon them.
Young people readily learn to respect parents and teachers who respect them enough to make demands upon them commensurate with their ability and inspired by concern for truth and right.
She was so young for such great demands upon her life.
Athiests are the most hypocritical bunch I have ever heard.They slam religion (christianity) for imposing itself upon others, while they demand that religion should be outlawed simply because they don't agree with the concepts or precepts of that religion (christianity).
«It would be out of place to demand of fire, water, earth, and air their credentials, so to say, for acting upon us, or ministering to us.
Christianity is not an economic system, but it has a faith and ideal which puts upon any system the demand that it honor rather than exploit human personality, that it operate as a technique to provide for the material well - being of all the people and not for the exploitation of the weak by the strong.
(1) The simpler depends upon fewer specific conditions and has fewer, less demanding needs; human life, for example, depends upon so many more factors than single - celled marine life does.
The word «grace» has been almost mined for many thoughtful Christians because it has been mistakenly interpreted as if it means the sheer mercy of God descending upon man apart from any moral demand or human effort.
Nietzsche's Yes - saying is a call to total freedom, but it is also a demand for total responsibility, and in demanding that responsibility it negates every form of responsibility or ethical direction that rests upon the authority or the power of the beyond.
As the excitement stirred up by the news media subsides and the demand for titillation by something new focuses popular attention upon other movements, the time has come for serious Christians to look more carefully at Altizer, the constructive theologian.
Human relationships depend upon signs of love made visible; human life demands that we be shown love, whether divine or human, for us fully to apprehend it.
Should there be an «individual» who could not feel easy about yielding, and who raised a strong objection to this widespread practice of excusing, alas, we have not yet heard all; for there is always one excuse held in reserve, that lies in wait at his door and demands of him, «What good does it do for a single individual to insist upon opposing this?»
Nor will its use demand payment of fare, and no longer will His children need travel across land or sea, no, but upon the winds of the air as like He does, and shall dwell upon the clouds in great floating cities away from the foulness of the earth's sand upon which will crawl the wicked children, and the wicked hostesses except those which He sees fit to allow to visit the cloudy cities for reasons of firm discipline... (10:45) Round shapely... (10:63) And as it is written so shall it come to pass while I do live.
And by disbelief I do not mean some sort of brave rejection of the doctrine, some defiant demand flung at heaven for possession of one's own soul; I mean merely the impotence of an imagination that finds the very notion of sin incomprehensible, the conscience of a man who is sure that, whatever sin might be, it surely lies lightly upon a soul as decent as his own, and can be brushed off with a single casual stroke of a primly gloved hand; I mean an habitual insensibility to the illuminations and chastisements of beauty, a condition of being wholly at home in a world from which mystery and sin and glory have all been banished, and in which spiritual wretchedness has become material contentment.
In order to gain their positive regard for us, we are inclined at times to deny both to others and ourselves that there are aspects of our existence that simply can not measure up to others» real or imagined demands upon us.
For instance, known Jewish forms for receiving proselytes show parallels to elements in the Christian catechesis, such as the insistence upon a radical reorientation of moral standards, and upon membership in a society carrying solemn obligations; such, again, as the recital of typical commandments which the convert will be expected to observe, and the warning of the danger of persecution» with demands for constanFor instance, known Jewish forms for receiving proselytes show parallels to elements in the Christian catechesis, such as the insistence upon a radical reorientation of moral standards, and upon membership in a society carrying solemn obligations; such, again, as the recital of typical commandments which the convert will be expected to observe, and the warning of the danger of persecution» with demands for constanfor receiving proselytes show parallels to elements in the Christian catechesis, such as the insistence upon a radical reorientation of moral standards, and upon membership in a society carrying solemn obligations; such, again, as the recital of typical commandments which the convert will be expected to observe, and the warning of the danger of persecution» with demands for constanfor constancy.
What is more, they can be greatly helped if they see that this is indeed the chief stress in public prayer or church worship, so that such social praying is undertaken by a family of God's children addressing a loving Father (who makes demands upon them, to be sure, but who is no hateful dictator nor absentee ruler nor moral tyrant, but genuinely concerned for their best development as his children), rather than a kind of law - court or imperial audience with a terrifying deity.
The urbanization of the church, the changing social and institutional structures of the church, and the new demands upon the minister, all combined to pose acutely the question of the nature of the training of men for ministry.
The postmodernist is in every way a child of the romantics, one who stands alone in nature, defying demands upon the self and searching for that which will satisfy.
Vengeance and retaliation could be outwardly administered; penal justice could be roughly managed by legality; but the more magnanimity was called for, the more inward quality was indispensable, until at last the Bible faced man with an ideal that put upon him a profound demand for interior regeneration — «Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and railing, be put away from you, with all malice: and be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving each other, even as God also in Christ forgave you.»
[5] Pius XI made clear in his encyclical on education, «when the faithful demand Catholic schools for their children, they are not raising a question of party politics, but simply performing a religious duty which their conscience rigidly imposes upon them.»
There is so much for all of us that hides Jesus from us — the church itself hides him, all the hoopla of church with ministers as lost in the thick of it as everybody else so that the holiness of it somehow vanishes away to the point where services of worship run the risk of becoming only a kind of performance — on some Sundays better, on some Sundays worse — and only on the rarest occasions does anything strike to the quick the way that little girl's cry did with every last person who heard her realizing that Jesus didn't show for any of them — the mystery and miracle of Jesus with all his extraordinary demands upon us, all his extraordinary promises.
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