Sentences with phrase «upon the human community»

But the effect upon human community is much the same in either case, Myths, Models and Paradigms (New York: Harper & Row, 1974).
No one can measure the known and unknown tragedies that have grown out of its defilement in our stock, nor the repercussions upon the human community at large from all the trauma so caused.
Everywhere we look we can find virtual mountains of scientific research with regard to unsustainable pyramid schemes that are surreptitiously foisted upon the human community by a few deceitful people with knowledge at the expense of many too many others who are not «in the know».

Not exact matches

It also didn't help that I brought in a new team to heavily focus on human elements such as the health and well - being of communities that depend upon nature.
«We call upon the international community to hold the Sudanese authorities to account for the safety of these human rights defenders.
Yet, thinkers from Edmund Burke to Russell Kirk have shown the deeply anti-conservative bases of the social contract theory of Lockean (and Hobbesian) origin, one that is premised upon a conception of human beings as naturally «free and independent,» as autonomous individuals who are thought to exist by nature detached from a web of relationships that include family, community, Church, region, and so on.
For Christians exile has been not only a condition forced upon a small group of people but a state into which everyone was called by God for their human maturation — a place of formation, where attitudes and motivations were molded by a community without earthly roots.
Far more than is usually acknowledged, the security and well - being of the human community are dependent upon that great triumph of the symbolizing mind, bookkeeping.
But it depends upon their giving up both their uncritical acceptance of the present ideology of modernization identifying it with Christianity and any revival of primalism in a militant and fundamentalist way in the name of their self - identity, and evaluating both modernity and tradition in the light of Christian personalism i.e. the idea of human beings as persons in community, and all natural and social functions as sacramental means of communion in the purpose of God.
You can check out your favorite stores on (they have an app, too, if you want to check it on the go) where they grade companies A-F (just like in school) based upon 5 issues: human rights, environment, animal protection, community involvement and social justice.
It is based on the fact that in the Church among all human communities men can most directly appeal to the reigning Christ's judgment upon the community itself.
And consonant with the immutable position of Yahwistic prophetism, whose primary proposition is always the effective impingement of divine life upon history, the meaning of Solomon's reign and of events subsequent to it is discerned in the scheme of sin and judgment: like Babel, apostasy results in the rupture of human community.
This forgiving, reconciling initiative enables us to meet the intrinsic claim that others — the good and the wicked — have upon us — the claim as God's creatures, to be re-accepted into the human community.
«There is a unity that underlies not only all mythologies and rituals but the whole of human culture, and this unity of unities depends upon a single mechanism, continually functioning because perpetually misunderstood the mechanism that assures the community's spontaneous and unanimous outburst of opposition to the surrogate victim» (pp. 299 300).
I have been arguing all along that this larger world is never just the human community, but is the world of man's dependence upon God who is his origin and his Lord.
One could travel in this bicentennial year to a thousand American communities, and in each of them see instances of human tragedy directly based upon failures of justice and the breakdown of moral ideas — this in the face of operative legal systems.
If we exact hate, discrimination, injustice, exploitation, or injury upon any other human being, then we have to be willing to be accountable when we are challenged by the international community.
In the Christ event, «human structures, already impregnated with the seeds of Redemption through antecedent events, became articulate and responsive with a sensitivity and receptiveness that literally thrust upon the social community a new level of consciousness, a new center of consciousness and concern» (RE 258).
Perhaps the future of cosmic evolution depends considerably upon how communities of human individuals take shape.
Rather than view Paul's words as «ancient mythology,» the Christian can use Paul's cosmic language to discuss the considerable «forces» that impinge upon and despoil human community.
But it is the combination of community and contrast that is most interesting, since often this is not adequately understood and, therefore, needs a particularly emphatic statement, even today when we are obliged to agree with Willkie and acknowledge that what happens anywhere in the world of human affairs has its affect upon what happens to us, whoever and wherever we may happen to live.
And it is undoubtedly true that maintaining concepts of absolute moral value, of objective right and wrong is the only intelligible basis upon which you can protect and promote the flourishing of every member of the human community.
«The bill doesn't touch upon the human rights of the LGBT community,» said the initiator of the bill, United Russia deputy Vitaly Milonov.
As Kenneth Shine and I emphasized 15 years ago in this journal, if science is to flourish and attain its appropriate role in aiding human progress, «It is incumbent upon all of us in the scientific community to help provide a research environment that, through its adherence to high ethical standards and creative productivity, will attract and retain individuals of outstanding intellect and character to one of society's most important professions.»
In a case of genuine deficiency of human growth hormone the use of human growth hormone is not only frowned down upon, but actually encouraged by the medical community.
Plant characterisation modelling studies strengthen national conservation and sustainability policies key to ecosystems and developing human communities which are dependent upon them.
The World Education Forum (2000) reaffirmed education as a fundamental human right, and set objectives for achieving EFA goals based upon political commitments by the international community to achieve the right to basic education for all.
What we learned is that we both envisioned a common future for our community, and knew how we should meet those needs; our missions, which had come to focus upon the human - animal bond, were almost identical.
We admire the runners fighting for the high - energy dogs, the nurturers fighting for the bottle babies, the suckers for cute who help socialize puppies and kittens, those who see the wisdom and beauty in the eyes of an older dog, the angels who take in hospice cases, the skilled caretakers who make medical rehabilitation possible, the big hearted fosters consistently serving as the bridge to a new life, the visionaries attacking the problem at its source through spay / neuter services and community outreach, the writers, photographers, videographers, and forces of marketing who make the animals shine, the adoption counselors and matchmakers who help animals and humans find each other, and the every day dog walkers, kennel cleaners, bowl fillers, and paperwork filers who provide the very foundation upon which the rest of us stand.
The exhibition represents the life stories and related issues of the post-war Chinese LGBTQ community as the artworks on view touch upon a profusion of subject matters such as identity, equality, exploitation by mass media, social predicaments, comments on individuals / groups, human desire, as well as life and death.
Because these challenges appear to be derived for certain overgrowth activities of the human species, perhaps leaders of the human community are called upon to propose and adopt changes in theirs and our behavior, according to the practical requirements of biophysical reality.
Based upon the way that the scientific community treats climate change, they have already determined (to their financial satisfaction) beyond a reasonable doubt that humans are responsible for climate change and are milking it for all it is worth.
... To plunder the Earth for profit and to exploit human communities for short - term gain is to pour contempt upon God.
Finally, respect for human rights obligations, especially the right of indigenous communities «to practice and revitalise their cultural traditions and customs» [74] and to equality before the law, including in the enjoyment of the right to equal treatment before the tribunals and all other organs administering justice [75], calls for the development of principles which address the unique evidentiary issues involved in native title litigation, including the reality of claims based substantially upon orally - transmitted traditions, the lack of written records of indigenous laws and customs, the «unsceptical» receipt of uncorroborated historical evidence incapable of being tested under cross-examination, and the epistemological, ideological and cultural limitations of historical assessments of traditional laws and customs by non-indigenous commentators.
For me as Social Justice Commissioner, specifically charged by statute to report on the effect of the Native Title Act upon the human rights of Indigenous Australians, the challenge is to develop a framework that recognises the distinctiveness of Indigenous identity as it is shaped by our adherence to traditional laws and customs, while at the same time seeking to maximise the capacity of native title to contribute to the economic and social development of traditional owner groups and the communities they live in.
The principles outlined below are specific standards, based upon the UDHR and other sources of human rights principles, for ethical conduct between Developers and Indigenous communities.
Rather, the focus will be upon developing principles / policies consistently with the human rights of Indigenous people, which Indigenous communities can utilise in determining the relationship they wish to form with mining companies seeking access to and exploitation of resources on Indigenous land.
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