Sentences with phrase «upon the issue»

The case touches upon issues of crisis management, school leadership, and race and equity.
This report will touch upon this issue again in the recommendations.
A simple worksheet to encourage pupils to reflect upon issues relating to abortion.
The initial term period can either be 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 years in duration, depending upon issue age.
This court has strongly emphasized that administrative tribunals do not have to consider and comment upon every issue raised by the parties in their reasons.
For whatever reason, the article doesn't touch upon these issues at all.
In other words, 45 % of a teacher's evaluation is based upon issues over which a teacher has no control.
However, it seems like they really didn't want to stumble upon these issues.
Facing issues upon issues within the first month, this 25 - year - old home underwent a 4 - month renovation.
Please note, policies that choose the fixed rate loan option upon issue will be direct recognition loans.
Over the last two years, the movement has brought national attention upon the issue of minimum wage, with a special focus on how much fast - food chains pay workers.
I am so tired of people like you who speak upon issues they know nothing about.
A word therefore needs to be said upon each issue.
However, some complaints do touch upon issues consistent with other loan servicer problems.
And sadly the failed mass effect will reflect upon this issue greater than horizons success.
These works softly draw upon issues of health, the science of optics and light, and the idea of «free will», as well as notions of representation.
He has advised multiple clients on data protection and privacy matters and has handled many regulatory investigations focused upon those issues.
She touches upon an issue that many educators face when constructing lesson plans for their students.
The system must be changed to give independent thinkers more power and to give the voters an opportunity to choose based upon issues, not party labels.
Please note, policies that choose the fixed rate loan option upon issue will be direct recognition loans.
Demonstrations of professional practice, competence, specialist knowledge and expertise with a bearing upon the issues in the case; and
It's important to note that no - fault divorces are not necessarily uncontested, as uncontested divorce means that both spouses have agreed upon issues such as alimony and child custody.
With much debate surrounding the family dwelling upon issues such as divorce, remarriage and artificial contraception, Cormac Burke believes the main focus of discussion should be marriage itself, which he describes as a «conjoint family project» that is at the same time «a very attractive and divine mission».
Every recruiter looks forward to hire an individual who is not only analytical in behavior but he dwells upon the issue like the way it should be.
Partly, certain MPs seemed to seize upon the issue in a strategic attempt to undermine current leader Jeremy Corbyn.
An article published late last year by Dr. Ingenbleek entitled «The Oxidative Stress of Hyperhomocysteinemia Results from Reduced Bioavailability of Sulfur - Containing Reductants» expands upon the issues raised in the Nutrition article.
The key benefits of such injunctions were the speed with which the English courts can decide upon the issue of jurisdiction and the ability to have the debate over jurisdiction in English rather than a foreign language without the need to instruct legal advisers in another country.
We involve experts familiar with parental alienation and estrangement immediately upon the issue arising.
The monthly or yearly premium cost follows a schedule clearly stipulated by the insurance company upon issue.
This Court has strongly emphasized that administrative tribunals do not have to consider and comment upon every issue raised by the parties in their reasons.
Daydreamers are the ones who ascribe our civilization to venture forth into and upon the issues for and of lividness toward living.
Now the reason for my insistence upon the issue of the basis upon which the distinction into types or kinds of existence is made is because it is of the greatest relevance to Professor Buchler's charge of incoherence and arbitrariness in Whitehead's system.
All that either God or man hoped for, or would ever hope for, hangs upon the issue, as he who had been the Son of God fulfills to its final anguish the destiny he has chosen.
Though there was no vote upon the issue, Legislator Alden H. Wolfe announced that the legislature's environmental committee will further discuss the desalination proposal on October 10 at 5:15 p.m.
This is precisely why the Conservatives have stolen a march upon the issue of civil liberties, which I know somewhat irks certain members of the left; it is because they have brought together a coherent critique of the role of the state and the empowerment of the citizen, and then applied this logic to the EU accordingly.
Joining a session of the Learning and Teaching course, «Teaching History / Social Studies» with lecturer Sally Schwager, Forman expounded upon issues in teaching, education, and how the lessons of the classroom are often lessons of life.
A simple worksheet designed to enocurage pupils to reflect upon issues relating to euthanasia.
Not only does this mean you don't have to wait to see your book in print, but it also opens up even more doors for writing adaptive, timely, and responsive works that touch upon issues still being actively discussed in the public sphere.
Depending upon the issue price of new equity, the BFC Preferred could see a reduction to its conversion price of 15 % -25 %, and thereby gain an additional 300,000 - 500,000 shares upon conversion.
Hints of cholestasis often differ based on the specific medical conditions that brought upon the issue in the first place, however.
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