Sentences with phrase «upon the law»

Clinical medical assistant duties depend upon the laws of their specific states, but their role is more medical than those of clerical and administrative medical assistants.
The manner in which the award is divided can be confusing and will depend upon the laws in the particular jurisdiction where the matter is brought.
These comments can be turned into testimonials, high quality links as well as direct sources for referral, thus building upon your law firm SEO.
The cost of bitcoins changes every once in a while relying upon the law of supply and interest.
The decision will be based primarily upon law enforcement's evaluation of the value of the information provided.
ME — That is why we as a «society» have to and do make agreed upon laws.
Both regarding the fit for a specific practice, but also about the mounting obligations placed upon law firms for securing client data.
This expansion of necessary skill - sets has put pressure upon law firms to change and has opened the door to competition.
Depending upon the laws of your state, interest may continue to accrue until the balance is paid in full.
Whether or not you will have to pay for your kid's college will depend upon the law in the state where you live.
Depending upon the laws of your state, the amount of time you spend with your child may affect how much you pay or receive in child support.
2) These sophisticated consumers are obligated to do their own research and not rely upon the law school's claims about employment.
I add my voice of support to Mr. Prutschi's position, and call upon our Law Society and Bar Associations to actively oppose this tax measure — it will make legal services even more unaffordable for the average Ontarian.
It has taken the estate 10 years to try to register the distinctive yodel, and based upon the law as it currently stands, this case will be swinging through the trees of European litigation for several years to come.
WHEREAS, this legislation imposes burdensome new regulations upon law abiding gun owners and will curtail the rights of law abiding citizens of this State; and
The Nortel case highlights just why it is that we can not rely upon the law alone to keep business on the straight and narrow.
In addition to the Sufis who looked upon the law as a means of self - discipline there were those who looked upon the shari`a as a set of symbols standing for hidden religious meanings.
«Senator Klein... and every member of the IDC supports building upon those laws by extending background checks to 10 days to make sure firearms do not wind up in the wrong hands,» Klein spokeswoman Candice Giove said Sunday.
WHEREAS, this legislation imposes far more burdensome regulations upon law abiding gun owners; notably;
This highlights the global reputation of and reliance upon the laws of England & Wales in international transactions and dispute resolution.
Such a national law society - created institute would draw its financial support from CanLII, and root its support from the legal profession in law school and CPD / CLE courses concerning the impact of technology upon laws and lawyering.
The absence of a plan leaves the burden upon the law society to pick up the pieces if something happens to the lawyer, often an avoidable one, which can end up costing the estate of the lawyer a lot of money.
The design and purpose is not a superimposition upon the laws of matter, it is in the laws of matter, which is to say that it is the very constitution of material being.
Men may break themselves and their civilizations upon that Law but the Law itself stands forever.
It is undoubtly upon the laws of Sparta where money was prohibited that the principles of these ecclesiastical governments are founded, with the difference that the prelates reserve for themselves the use of the wealth of which they most devoutly despoil their subjects.
It is extremely worth while to emphasize that to represent this divine causality after the analogy of natural law and to speculate upon the laws of supernatural activity in the spiritual world is to mistake entirely Jesus» belief in miracle.
To say that inner cosmological orders are of a transdimensionable reasoning and outer cosmological orders are dependent upon the laws of inner cosmologies transdimensional referencing is too much to ration rationally isn't it?
We can take upon ourselves these laws, bit by bit, and as we do, we can be assured that He will appreciate our efforts to help make this world into a place where He will feel comfortable to be, and He will not remain indebted.
Since moral relativism has to a large extent replaced the old clear - cut lines of authority, the burden placed upon the law today by our society is a virtually insupportable one.
«I expressed my concerns about the SAFE Act and how I believe we need to work to alleviate the intrusion upon law abiding citizens, and certainly also, education,» said Senator Pat Gallivan who voted for DeFrancisco.»
However, it is individuals in a position of upholding the laws set forth, and improving upon the laws going forward that can also have a fantastic positive influence on the lives of animals.
Law firm blogs are the natural successors to and improvement upon law firm newsletters, which have long since lost their power.
Pandora's Blog's aim is to build upon our law journal, Pandora's Box, in continuing to provide an accessible source of legal scholarship.
There was at least two occasions that upon the law review's citation check and quote review of a case that we found the online version having and extra word or missing a word which changed the outcome: e.g. changing «the appeal is allowed» to «the appeal is not allowed.»
Those of us who comment upon the law are not beyond reproach.
For example, a lawyer should consider whether breaking rules or laws could infringe upon law societies rules requiring lawyers to behave in a way that upholds the public's faith in the administration of justice.
Given the anticipated margins associated with cases that resolve for a fee, it is incumbent upon law firms to apply a marketing and intake process that would result in the best results.
After an injury that is the result of a negligent act of another party, whether a car accident, truck accident, motorcycle accident or a case involving an injury on private, government, public or commercial property, or a situation involving nursing home abuse or any other type of injury case, call upon the Law Office of Gary D. Baughman, APC for a fast response.
None of this is predicated upon law firms setting up eDisclosure software in - house.
However, when viewed through the lens of the already - existing obligations that attach to lawyers» management of their clients» data, the opinion does not lump any more responsibility upon law firms than that which already exists.
This is all part of the «traditional» legal career path often pressed upon law students by their schools and peers: Trying to line up a job with BigLaw, as in - house counsel at a corporation, or in the public sector.
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