Sentences with phrase «upon the life for»

Wanted or unwanted they have an impact upon our lives for good or for ill.
Its implication is that by faith man enters upon the life for which he was originally created.

Not exact matches

A petition calling upon First Lady Melania Trump to either move to the White House or foot the bill for living in Trump Tower out of her own pocket has reached almost a quarter - of - a-million signatures.
«They constitute an unpaid extension of the workday; they encroach upon things like family life and drinking with people with whom you don't share a copier,» wrote Lauren Collins for The New Yorker.
We need to realize that at the core of our desire for a Sabbath isn't a need to escape the blinking screens of our electronic world, but the ways that work and other obligations have intruded upon our lives and our relationships.»
We all come upon times when life is extremely challenging, and for entrepreneurs those times can come a little more often.
If you're going to live with it for decades, as Keflezighi has, it's mentally healthier to accept it as something you brought into your life to enrich it rather than as something taken from you or inflicted upon you.
A pension, for those lucky enough to have one, offers a guaranteed check every month for the rest of your life upon retirement.
«I don't want to inject too much upon her as to how I'm choosing to live my life and what I've done in my career,» she told PAPER magazine for their newest Transformation issue.
Indeed, premiums for life insurance coverage vary widely depending upon the type of policy you own.
It can be challenging to find the best guaranteed acceptance life insurance for your needs, so we've assessed the top 9 carriers based upon quotes and coverage.
Other worries for residents are the impact of pipeline construction on the environment (75 %), the possibility of infringing upon the rights of communities living along the pipeline path (67 %), the project's impact on First Nations communities (also 67 %), a lack of trust in Enbridge (65 %) and Enbridge's history of incidents (60 %).
Depending upon the nature of the equipment, its useful life, and whether or not the intention is to keep it as a long - term asset, an equipment loan could make sense for a small business.
One of my biggest shocks in life was the dismay registered on the faces of people close to me upon seeing our new home for the first time.
These optional forms can include cost - of - living increases or higher level amounts; the hypothetical account balance is not available as a lump sum except for small amounts or to the beneficiary of the participant upon his or her death before commencement.
Survivorship Builder is a single policy covering two lives that pays the death benefit upon the second insured's death — an option that might prove beneficial to some, such as, providing an income tax free death benefit, liquidity for estate taxes and wealth transfer and supplemental income needs.
Immediate annuities will begin paying a stream of income immediately upon issuance for either a set period of time or as long as the annuitant or annuitants are living.
It's the environment and technology upon which clever developers can build smart applications for practical use in everyday life.
Upon graduating from college, Heather worked for PriceWaterhouseCoopers, but quickly realized that fitness as well as helping others were her ultimate passions in life.
Africans have seized upon Bitcoin as a means of economic stability as well as opening doors for entrepreneurship and investing in order to realize a better life.
For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment; if he did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah, a herald of righteousness, with seven others, when he brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly; if by turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes he condemned them to extinction, making them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly; and if he rescued righteous Lot, greatly distressed by the sensual conduct of the wicked (for as that righteous man lived among them day after day, he was tormenting his righteous soul over their lawless deeds that he saw and heard); then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment, and especially those who indulge in the lust of defiling passion and despise authoriFor if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment; if he did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah, a herald of righteousness, with seven others, when he brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly; if by turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes he condemned them to extinction, making them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly; and if he rescued righteous Lot, greatly distressed by the sensual conduct of the wicked (for as that righteous man lived among them day after day, he was tormenting his righteous soul over their lawless deeds that he saw and heard); then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment, and especially those who indulge in the lust of defiling passion and despise authorifor as that righteous man lived among them day after day, he was tormenting his righteous soul over their lawless deeds that he saw and heard); then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment, and especially those who indulge in the lust of defiling passion and despise authority.
Was there an intellectual cosmological order for the cellular realms of living cosmological components to become ever evolving cellular realms ending upon this celestial shorelines» planetary cosmology as being physical realms of mankind's cellular embodiments?
As for me, I am done here, I am going to enjoy this beautiful holiday with my family, and hope that some good in this life shines upon some of you... Whatever it is about believers that brings out your hate, I hope you resolve it soon...
circles back upon Justin himself, coiling around his personal and romantic life and squeezing them for all their musical worth.
So for years and years, we live a life that is based on faith, not detailed informations which never line - up to be fully agreed upon even by the most brilliant minds.
These blueprints have ushered in excel spreadsheet upon excel spreadsheet for us to use to count and quantify every component of church life.
It is always good for nations, as well as for individuals, to go back to first principles — to take fire again from the fire that plainly burned in so many brave others who cast their lives upon the flames of patriotic duty.
Daydreamers are the ones who ascribe our civilization to venture forth into and upon the issues for and of lividness toward living.
In Genesis, Jacob also described himself as one bound for Sheol when he lost his beloved son Joseph, but his spirit came back to life upon Joseph's miraculous return.
The archbishop also asserted that laws are based upon certain principles: «the pursuit of the common good through respect for the natural law, the dignity of the human person, the inviolability of innocent life from conception to natural death, the sanctity of marriage, justice for the poor, protection of minors, and so on.»
Common folk need no worded gestures of inflammatory animalisms reciprocating within their only celestial Life for; they are happiest in the idle times just to be reflective upon their own self - worth issuances than to be sprawling within the social barrels opining disenchantments.
Yes, because the Pope is far less trustworthy than pharmaceutical companies that have convinced otherwise healthy women that they need to be dependent upon their products for the whole of their reproductive life.
Just so you know, as soon as I stumbled upon this particular toon, I subscribed for your RSS feed and followed you on Twitter right away I just love how despite the simplicity & minimalism of the toons (which btw, I really adore), you communicate larger - than - life truths.
In particular, we pray for peace in Ukraine, a country of ancient Christian tradition, while we call upon all parties involved to pursue the path of dialogue and of respect for international law in order to bring an end to the conflict and allow all Ukrainians to live in harmony.
There is not one shred of truth from science to account for the presence of life upon the earth by any means other than a special creation by the great original first Cause - God - Who is life and the fountain source of all life!
For thereby you shall have life and shall long endure upon the soil that Adonai swore to your ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give to them.»
And when our discourse was brought to that point, that the very highest delight of the earthly senses... was, in respect of the sweetness of that life, not only not worthy of comparison, but not even of mention; we raising up ourselves with a more glowing affection towards the «Self - same,» did by degrees pass through all things bodily, even the very heaven whence sun and moon and stars shine upon the earth; yea, we were soaring higher yet, by inward musing, and discourse, and admiring of Thy works; and we came to our own minds, and went beyond them, that we might arrive at that region of never - failing plenty, where Thou feedest Israel for ever with the food of truth.
A God who could make good children as easily as bad, yet preferred to make bad ones; who could have made every one of them happy, yet never made a single happy one; who made them prize their bitter life, yet stingily cut it short; who gave his angels eternal happiness unearned, yet required his other children to earn it; who gave his angels painless lives, yet cursed his other children with biting miseries and maladies of mind and body; who mouths justice, and invented hell - mouths mercy, and invented hell - mouths Golden Rules and forgiveness multiplied by seventy times seven, and invented hell; who mouths morals to other people, and has none himself; who frowns upon crimes, yet commits them all; who created man without invitation, then tries to shuffle the responsibility for man's acts upon man, instead of honorably placing it where it belongs, upon himself; and finally, with altogether divine obtuseness, invites his poor abused slave to worship him!
The major element in this innovation was the unusual legislation that Augustus initiated that, although aimed primarily at the elite, for the first time made «the private life of virtually every Roman... a matter of the state's concern and regulation», with the state taking upon itself the unusual role of not only arbiter but also prosecutor for crimes of immorality, crimes in which it had previously had no interest.
Which is to say that the path which the individual life must take is one of growth from nothingness to being, by attempting first to understand that one's life situation is ambiguous; second, by opening oneself up to the creative God - power within oneself and waiting for its revelation, however gradually it may come; and third, by acting upon its discovery.
According to Schweitzer's own words, then, the ethic of reverence for life is not founded upon a belief in a personal God.
So, I begin with a recognized fact (i.e. no natural explanation for universe), build upon it with another recognized fact (i.e. no natural explanation for life), to reach my conclusion.
Takeaway for me is that the pain / suffering / rejection we experience in this life does not equal rejection by God — even if it does serve as a chastisement / correction for sin / failure in our lives — it reveals God's love and personal concern for our development, reminding us of our mortality and need to rely upon him... In short, the wounds / scars we receive are God's way of branding / choosing us as his own...
The question is not as easy as it appears, but it is my contention that, mutatis mutandis, the ethic of reverence for life is not dependent upon a belief in God.
It was his belief that the ethic of reverence for life is not dependent upon a belief in God.
Charles had practiced homosexuality for 37 years but had turned from that life upon his commitment to Christ in 1972.
During last year's Albert Schweitzer Centennial Symposium at UNESCO in Paris, psychoanalyst Erich Fromm raised a pertinent question: «Is Schweitzer's religious ethic of reverence for life dependent upon a belief in God?»
For example, a man named Job, who lived some 3,600 years ago and was «the greatest of all the people of the East», made a startling statement, saying that God «stretches out the northern sky over empty space, suspending the earth upon nothing.»
And then Jesus came upon his disciples and said, «What's this shit I've been hearing about me being a human sacrifice for your sins!!? Who in the goddamned hell came up with that Neanderthal bullshit!!!? What are we, living in the fucking Stone Age!!!!? Blood sacrifice!!!!!!!!!!!?? Are you fucking kidding me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??? Listen, brethren, thou can takest that pathetic, immoral, sadistic, evil, sickening, disgusting pile of Cro - Magnon donkey shit and shove it straight up thy fucking asses!!!»
I thank the powers of the Godly ordained to have made my sub-microbial celestially built body and the social generalist ambiances leavening for giving me an afforded life to be so lived out upon an Omni - celestial portion of planetary worldly passions felt by self - loathing critiques of renounced meager reckoning!
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