Sentences with phrase «upon the mind»

Saying important information aloud makes a more significant impact upon the mind and memory.
Such slaves as they have become would never ask for freedom because these are chains upon their minds and emotions.
I seriously believe, and not alone I, that this is the key to the influence of body upon mind.
One of the things I found very frustrating within the church was the limitations put upon my mind.
This may even alter the psychological behavior of people towards the app and the intimacy built upon their minds about the app may get affected which negatively impacts the user experience.
In fact, just as water tastes so much sweeter when it is sparse, so the truth just might have more of an impact upon your mind.
They proceed as if nothing has changed, believing that the inscription «One Nation Under God» on our buildings means that it is then surely impressed upon the minds of those around us.
We have seen that at one period a rigid scheme of interpretation tended to blanket the direct impact of the Bible upon the mind; and at another period the license of private interpretation threatened to befog it in a cloud of individual predilections.
Most social - economic theories of alienation onesidedly ascribe the individual's state of mind to external conditions, while the positive or negative quality of those conditions depends upon the mind's own need to create a spiritual environment and must, in the final analysis, be judged by their success or failure to fulfill this need.
It is a shame that many folks are so hammered by their hard long fought ways of an education and they can not hardly let or wantonly allow their own instincts to give rise to propel their written ideas without civil contentions wiggling upon their minded ways.
It is a shame that many folks are so hammered by their hard long ways of an education and they can not hardly let or wantonly allow their own instincts to give rise to propel their ideas without civil contentions wiggling upon the minded ways.
Our labouring together with God imparts upon the mind's eyes that we have been given an equal footing with God and are left to our own means to live out our life no matter what befalls one.
The operation should be performed by a surgeon without administering an anesthetic, as the brief pain attending the operation will have a salutary effect upon the mind, especially if it be connected with the idea of punishment, as it may well be in some cases.
«He knows his sheep, and they know him; and it is this direct bearing of the teacher on the taught, of his mind upon their minds, and the mutual sympathy which exists between them, which is his strength and influence when he addresses them.
This is really a fuller development and perfection of that pattern of creative causality centred upon the Mind of God which is written into the whole of material being, and which we name the Unity Law of Control and Direction (see Editorial, September 2006).
One way to ward off that dreadful prospect is to have indeliblyimprinted upon our minds the life and literary legacy of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
The Enlightenment fastened upon our minds anthropocentrism, dualism, and individualism.
To say anything about the sacrament of Holy Communion is to have the problem of the divided church bear directly upon mind and conscience.
Channeling our wondering into the form of a question is the imposition of a pattern and a procedure upon the mind,» says Abraham Joshua Heschel and continues: «To know that a question is an answer in disguise is a minimum of wisdom.
As ever at such moments, we need to allow the light of Christ, the Word made flesh, to shine more brightly upon our minds and hearts.
But, although some of the specific experiences, such as pains, may be (at least virtually) determined by the brain (at least in what we usually consider «normal,» as distinct from «altered,» states of consciousness), others, such as thoughts and decisions, are not, but are based upon the mind's self - determination.
The French Revolution made a profound impression upon the mind of the young humanist.
Some of the events that impinge upon our minds are internal to ourselves — pain, memory, etc — while others are external, as when we perceive other series of events going on about us.
Moreover the ultimate level of being of anything created is its dynamic, relational, immediate dependency upon the Mind of God.
Once Upon Your Mind is interactive, improvised storytelling.
You can set Catholic against Protestant, and Protestant against Protestant, when you try to foist your own religion upon the minds of men.
A flashback scene reveals that Turk stumbled upon the Mind Stone when he got caught up in «one of those crazy scraps... that only seem to happen in New York City.»
His anger and frustration have let loose upon the minds of Nintendo's loyalists.
And as balance decays so does the world, eroding over time and out of space, compressing the player to a smaller and smaller area, pressing in upon the mind.
Recognizing the power of this sublime imagery upon the mind and spirit of both the historical and the modern connoisseur, he observes that the paintings have a «seemingly magical ability to transmit experience.»
«In the present times of political excitement, the exacerbation of angry and unsocial feelings might be much softened by the effects which the fine arts had ever produced upon the minds of men.»
The mighty objects he beholds, act upon his mind by enlarging it, and he partakes of the greatness he contemplates....
I turned quickly away and went from room to room admiring the changes, but after supper, when we were all gathered about the sitting room table, Father returned to the subject most upon his mind.
News reports of the last several months freshly impress upon the mind the bright prospects for the human future now that science, greed, and justice have joined forces against the wickedness of the cigarette industry.
The armaments of scholarly technique are critical in the enterprise, of course; those techniques, though, can be deployed for greater or lesser good depending upon the mind and character, even the soul, of the historian.
It would be rash to place any limits to its proved ability to appeal to men in the most varied circumstances, provided that they permit the impact of the biblical facts themselves upon the mind.
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