Sentences with phrase «upon these questions by»

On Friday, we will build upon these questions by applying skills from Gottman Couples Therapy, and share an exercise that will help you to use negotiation for its intended purpose: mutual gain.
Upon questioning by the Salesperson, the Sellers stated that the property had experienced flooding problems in the past but the Sellers had hired a waterproofing company to address the problem and they had experienced no flooding problems since then.

Not exact matches

Subjects touched upon by Poloz during his speech and the ensuing round of questions also included fostering ties with the emerging economies of India, China, and Brazil, and the growth in household debt among Canadians.
Benoit told Marketing N / A was inspired by the level of transparency McDonald's showed with «Our Food, Your Questions» and shared an idea on how it could build upon the campaign with authentic stories about McDonald's.
We're moved by the work of God when relationships are stirred by significant questions that result in changed lives drawing upon life from the one true vine.
By transforming abortion from a controversial and complex moral and political question into a constitutional entitlement, Roe v. Wade bestowed upon abortion the status of a positive good.
But the deeper question (which was never answered by Hitchens) is where the moral compulsion upon anyone — atheist or believer — comes from in a godless universe.
In a blind headlong rush to gain profit by any means these forces have already begun to obliterate animal species, forest cover, fish stocks, water reserves, land and air, and have engaged upon a satanically mindless pilfering of finite resources by vandalism of Mother Earth, and have raised gigantic questions over human survival prospects.
In this post, I consider a question sent in to me by a reader about whether or not God can look upon sin and evil.
God answered this vital question by sending His Son, Jesus, as the fulfillment of the most violent religious writings, to show us that He had nothing to do with the violence, but was instead dying along with us in the midst of the violence, taking our sin and suffering upon Himself, bearing our guilt and shame in His own being, all for the sake of those He loved.
It surfaced during the challenges presented to the role of the Church during the Age of Enlightenment in the 17th century; it makes strides upon the publication of The Origin of The Species by Charles Darwin in the 19th century; its has gathered force in the 21st century as the role of science in Western civilization is being presented with its own challenges... of still yet unanswered questions.
Consequently he concerns himself with the historical question sufficiently seriously to trace, in one instance, the term «Son of Man» in the Gospels, the continuity between Jesus» message and the Church's witness: although Jesus may never have called himself Son of Man, he did say that acquittal by the Son of Man in the eschatological judgement was dependent upon one's present relation to himself (Mark 8.38 par.).
I greatly welcome this turn in the discussion, for this latter question was also the theme of my own sermon, and it was only because the former arose in «Meeting Point» and was seized upon by many of my correspondents that I have had to devote a disproportionate amount of space to the historical problem.
We can now deal with the question, earlier deferred, of how it is possible to insist upon internal relations between occasions while at the same time recognizing that from a logical point of view the members of a class of particulars defined by a function would have to be externally related.
The intuitional evidence for belief in Allah, the belief based upon the recognition of Allah by our inner consciousness, is brought to our attention in the Qur» an by pointing out the important psychological fact that there is an instinctive feeling of faith in Almighty Allah, the Creator of the universe, which comes to men when they are free from inclinations, or the distractions of dull routines, or when surprised by the question of the origin of the universe, or when faced with hardships or misfortunes which they can not overcome by themselves.
To encourage an essentially theological discussion with parishioners not given to that sort of talk, I base my questions in guided interviews upon crises experienced by the informants.
He must either become more and more unreasonably dogmatic, affirming that on all these questions he has answers given him by his tradition that are not subject to further adjudication, or else he must finally acknowledge that his theological work does rest upon presuppositions that are subject to evaluation in the context of general reflection.
Mark Graves» book is an admirable attempt to answer these two questions, which he does largely by drawing upon his professional acquaintance with systems theory.
One young woman asked me this question with tears streaming down her face, for she had been made to feel small and worthless by churches like these, and she lived in fear that thousands upon thousands of women were experiencing the same thing and there was nothing she could do to stop it.
The liberation that love engenders and the claim that it lays upon us are absolutely binding; they are kerygmatic address, which, as Bultmann interprets Paul, «accosts each individual, throwing the person himself into question by rendering his self - understanding problematic, and demanding a decision of hint» The kerygma can be defined as «absolute» in two respects.
«3 Whereas John Cobb recalled Whitehead's identification of molecules as «historic routes of actual occasions,» Donald Sherburne prefers the designation as «structured societies» — which leaves open the question of whether both a molecule and its constituent can be «enduring objects» (like a personal society).4 Enthused by Leclerc's reliance upon the Aristotelian distinction between actual and potential, Ford offered an option which might preserve the choice, in Whiteheadian terms.
Even if it is misconceived, though, the question is still pressed upon us: Is it permissible in our political community for public decisions to be based on moral values informed by religion?
Even modern forms of mass evangelism in which this same question is put very pointedly by the evangelist and great stress is laid upon the assurance of salvation are under suspicion by many.
Although no explicit feedback arrangement is shown in the image, the authority of the minister's interpretation of the Word depends upon his dedication and competence and is not above question by those who hear.
In African Religions and Philosophy, John S. Mbiti addresses the question of what remains after one's physical life by drawing upon a traditional African distinction between (1) the living.
As noted by Greeny, I was distinguishing between the commonly accepted qualifications for successful scholarship in virtually every secular discipline as opposed to the apparent extra requirements to «objectively» qualify one to study and comment upon questions of theology.
He responded by relating the parable of the Good Samaritan, one of my personal favorites... bear traps are hidden, and often unseen till bear or human are caught in them... the traps are deliberately placed, they don't just suddenly appear... the answer to the question was the man who had compassion on the man taken by robbers... he was a social and spiritual outcast who had compassion on someone who in normal circumstances would have hated his guts... because his doctrine and «lifestyle» were not acceptable to the religious establishment... I have had life experiences that bear this out, experiencing love and compassion from people whom today's religious establishment demonizes and looks down upon... any reading of the Good Samaritan story should be followed up by a reading of 1 Corinthians 13....
As before, the question of such survival is left open, but a new note is struck by the reference to the everlasting nature of God, which is his consequent nature as the weaving of his temporal physical feelings of actualities upon his nontemporal conceptualizations of all pure possibilities (PR 524).
It was regarded with great suspicion, particularly when it dared to question established truth, and in the popular mind it could not be clearly distinguished from the practices of the magician, which were rightly frowned upon by the church.
Childs has decisively altered the way in which interpreters like myself, who are situated in the church, do interpretation; moreover, even those who disagree with his perspective, sometimes vociferously, must struggle with the questions upon which he has insisted and the perspective he has legitimated by the power of his argument.
First, he was engaged upon a broad appeal to the public, by way of addresses in synagogues, preaching in the open air, teaching when he could find an audience willing to listen, and discussion with members of the public who wished to raise questions.
The question was remitted to the Council of Jerusalem (c. A.D. 49), where Peter, convinced by Paul's attack upon his conduct at Antioch, took Paul's side (Gal.
The much - discussed September lecture in Regensburg was precisely an appeal to Western secularists to recognise that philosophy is crippled by its exclusion of the questions addressed by religion, and an appeal to Christians not to repudiate the Christian - Hellenic synthesis with its accent upon the mutual dependence of faith and reason.
are questions we have tried to answer by drawing upon resources of inquiry now available that were not accessible in other times.
Whitehead's insistence upon the organismic connectedness of things is certainly conducive to answering this question by means of analogy and metaphor, mapping in isomorphic fashion characteristics of the actual occasion onto the macrocosmic objects of human experience.
In the case of Islam and Mormonism, these arguments center upon the character of the inspired text in question, as something dictated directly by God (through angelic mediation) and itself miraculous or as encompassed by miracles.
By the beginning of this century a great change had taken place and James Orr prefaced his defense of the traditional position by sketching the widespread questioning and rejection of «bodily resurrection» by Christian scholars.10 In 1907 Kirsopp Lake published the first study of the resurrection, in English, which rested upon a thorough application of historical criticism to the New Testament records and he concluded that «The empty tomb is for us doctrinally indefensible and is historically insufficiently accrediteBy the beginning of this century a great change had taken place and James Orr prefaced his defense of the traditional position by sketching the widespread questioning and rejection of «bodily resurrection» by Christian scholars.10 In 1907 Kirsopp Lake published the first study of the resurrection, in English, which rested upon a thorough application of historical criticism to the New Testament records and he concluded that «The empty tomb is for us doctrinally indefensible and is historically insufficiently accrediteby sketching the widespread questioning and rejection of «bodily resurrection» by Christian scholars.10 In 1907 Kirsopp Lake published the first study of the resurrection, in English, which rested upon a thorough application of historical criticism to the New Testament records and he concluded that «The empty tomb is for us doctrinally indefensible and is historically insufficiently accrediteby Christian scholars.10 In 1907 Kirsopp Lake published the first study of the resurrection, in English, which rested upon a thorough application of historical criticism to the New Testament records and he concluded that «The empty tomb is for us doctrinally indefensible and is historically insufficiently accredited.
The sources of being upon which all existence depends ultimately involve the answer to the question generated by the awareness of change.
The final question, as to the Christian conscience and the coercive use of military power by one State upon another, we shall defer to the next chapter which will be devoted centrally to this issue.
This is the question that must be forced upon every human conscience by our increasing awareness of the tide of anthropogenesis on which we are borne.
he responded to that ironic question with a story about a man set upon by thieves and left beside the road.
18:21 - 22) That means, if forgiveness is to be real, there is no question of commensurable achievements upon which the petitioner depends and bases a claim; the petition for forgiveness must be made by men who wholly renounce all claim.
If it is indeed the case that absent theistic assumptions, the scientific enterprise can ultimately be called into question, then by embracing naturalism, these biologists are effectually sawing off the branch upon which they are currently sitting.
The Court, if it had wished to rely upon Jefferson to determine the true and original intent of the First Amendment, could have served themselves and the American people well by referring to Jefferson's warning to Judge William Johnson regarding the de-ter-min-ation of the original intent of a statute or a con - st - itu - tion On every question of con - struc - tion, carry ourselves back to the time when the Con - st - itu - tion was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed.»
Thus, commenting in 1985 upon Gaudium et spes 43, Ratzinger rightly insists that the fidelity of the Bride of Christ is not called into question by the infidelities of her members.
So the question of how much goodness there was in Jim, and whether he could have been saved from himself had his «waywardness» not been seized upon by the Doors and their fans, i.e., by Rock, is not the important one.
And that anger is intensified by my realization that despite all reasoning to the contrary, I can not but perceive these questions as an assault upon my person.
Such questions are truly living questions, and surely they must be seriously discussed by future lecturers upon this Ingersoll foundation.
In fact, upon questioning what appeared to be a «miraculous» recovery from coma for a person that was actually pretty nasty, it was explained as «Satan trying to lead us astray»... because of course if we stopped believing in God because Satan «fooled» us by healing an atheist, than Satan wins.
The more we ponder these matters the more must we realize that, scientifically speaking, the real difficulty presented by Man is not the problem of whether he is a center of constant progress: it is far more the question of how long this progress can continue, at the speed at which it is going, without Life blowing up upon itself or causing the earth on which it was horn to explode.
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