Sentences with phrase «upon which»

The close relation that exists between the notions of «sexuality,» «self,» «identity,» «fulfillment,» and «right» makes clear the links between the ideas that underlie the revisionist proposals of the new reformers and those upon which modern political society is founded.
«Rather than rational self interest being the basis upon which your micro-economical decisions were made, start to say, «What if the golden rule was the basis for our microeconomic decisions?
I bet it is rehashed in the next gubernatorial race and other occasions until it gets passed and subsequently slapped down by the US Supreme Court, upon which not a single atheist has ever sat.
If there is any proposition upon which great minds have agreed throughout history, from Plato to Einstein and Whitehead, from Zoroaster, Ikhnaton, Moses, Isaiah, Jesus, Paul, the authors of the Vedic hymns, Confucius, Lao Tse, to many recent Indian and Japanese writers, it is that human life is not adequately interpretable in merely human terms.
Ideological purity, a fundamentalist view of scriptural literalism, tribal mentality, denial of science, a hostile fear of progress, demonization of education, the need to control women's bodies, severe xenophobia, intolerance of dissent, should not the foundations upon which a «tolerant» religion is based.
And yet there are many issues and teachings in the Bible that are clarified extensively and are aspects upon which nearly all Christians agree.
The significant equality upon which democracy rests is moral.
For X is not a member of the dominant societies in our cosmic epoch upon which the systematic procedure of measurement depends.
To be ecologically sensitive is to be knowledgeable about, and respectful of, the beauty and dynamic equilibria of ecosystems, particularly those upon which one has an impact and of which one is a part.
Updike's everyday experiences were the material — the pure potency, we could say — upon which he exercised his boundlessly formative powers.
The specific purpose of the church Eddy founded is to be an effective agency for the spiritual awakening upon which, as Christian Scientists see it, the solution of humanity's manifold problems ultimately rests.
The old dominance should be transformed into the firm foundations, upon which new feelings arise, drawing their intensities from delicacies of contrast between system and freshness.
If metaphysics is indeed the elaboration of the first principles upon which all experience depends, then it is essential to get clear on both what those principles are and how one might proceed in securing a knowledge of their basic structure.
In both cases, thus, Whitehead can be understood as stating in [A] the notional and ideological background upon which he elaborates the discussion that follows from [B] to [F].
As contemporary societies plunder the earth's forests, contaminate its air, pollute its waterways, overuse its soil, deplete its mineral resources, empty its ozone layer, and overpopulate its habitats, we are undermining the very foundations upon which we depend.
Its molten surface began to cool, and several billion years ago it acquired a solid crust upon which very primitive forms of life began to appear.
The unanswered question was his pillow upon which he laid his beleaguered head.
For example, the red heifer which was to be used in ceremonies of cleansing was to be a beast upon which the yoke had never come (Num 19:2; Deut 21:3).
In a press release, Chancellor Jerry Falwell, Jr. described Beck as a «conservative leader» and «one of the few courageous voices in the national media standing up for the principles upon which this nation was founded.»
The verses in Mark upon which their practice is based does not guarantee or even mention immunity from snakebite.
Isolation or estrangement is also relatively irreligious because it reduces the number and closeness of relationships upon which any value depends.
At the laying of the cornerstone for the institution on September 24, 1858, Bellows made a statement upon which those who object to the treatment of alcoholism as a sickness could well ponder today, over one hundred years later:
So we move behind the Greek of Luke 7.20 to an Aramaic tradition which has been variously translated, and we must necessarily conclude that Thomas 113 is not, in fact, dependent upon Luke 17.20, but upon a tradition upon which Luke also is dependent.
The mastery of skill in establishing and utilizing a therapeutic relationship in these ways is the foundation upon which the minister can build a differential approach to the major types of pastoral counseling.
By offering a standardized curriculum focused on math and science, we can give Wakandans a bedrock upon which they can build a more civilized society.
The latter will in all probability come from the humbler walks of life; for the wise and the learned will presumably wish first to propose captious questions to the Teacher, invite him to colloquia, or subject him to an examination, upon which they will assure him a permanent position and a secure livelihood.
This may be overlooked by the world whose attention is focused upon that which is big — and the limit is insignificant, is for the present, a quiet - mannered nobody, but yet it is there.
But I know today that all of us need a shared sense of a spiritual or moral basis upon which to build our lives and commitments.
If innocence and experience, the two contrary states of the human soul, must culminate in a common vision, then that vision must act upon that which it portrays.
I take the five (or four depending on how you understand the grammar) spiritual gifts in Ephesians 4:11 along with Paul's statement in Ephesians 2:20 as being the «foundational» spiritual gifts, meaning, they lay the foundation of Jesus Christ upon which the other spiritual gifts build.
Since today there are no ideas of religious importance upon which such agreement can be claimed, there clearly could be no natural theology in this sense.
Yet it is more than a stamp; it is a burden laid upon him which makes him wholly acceptable, vulnerable, disponible, and yet withdraws him to the task of «giving his flesh for the life of the world»: almost in the moment when an outburst of popular devotion would bestow upon him the splendor of kingship, a kingship of popular acclaim which he refused without seeming even to consider attempting to manage it.
A great many people today are insisting that we must reject traditional images of power, but they lack an alternative concept of power upon which to base new images.
In this time of waiting, in this age marked only by the absence of faith in Christ, it is well that the modern soul should lack repose, piety, peace, or nobility, and should find the world outside the Church barren of spiritual rapture or mystery, and should discover no beautiful or terrible or merciful gods upon which to cast itself.
Mark's Gospel could not have been written before 65 A.D., and any written sources upon which he may have depended can hardly have been much earlier.
The reason I say your analogy isn't relevant is because white nationalism and timothy McVeigh both promote hate... that's the base upon which white nationalism is built upon.
Christianity understands itself in its linkage to the unique Christ - event and its anamnesis (cf. RM 55).47 Only in the process of a permanent critical revision of theological terms, the events, upon which theology reflects, can be «re-presented» (come into presence again) and — in anamnesis — may be «re-activated.»
We can draw an analogy from our own experience and see that as we are in our activity but are yet more than any particular action, with reserves of energy upon which we may draw, so God is in the divine operation in creation — indeed that operation is itself divine — but God is not lost in it.
Whether or not the minister uses religious tools in a particular relationship, the counselee knows that he represents the religious community and the vertical dimension of existence upon which both can draw in counseling.
It is this in which we place our trust, upon which we venture our souls, and onto which we project the values by which we measure the meaningfulness of our lives.
Once dualism made it possible to siphon mentality out of the natural world, «matter» was left bereft of the perceptivity upon which alone cosmic purpose could be implanted.
With all the hullabaloo surrounding the new Pope, I keep pondering the name given to Simon by Jesus: Peter (the «rock» upon which Jesus said he would build his church).
Those who cry «speciesism» subvert the principles upon which our liberty is founded.
In the book of Ester, Haman builds a «gallows» 75 feet tall upon which he wanted to hang Mordecai (Esther 5:14).
It dammed up the emotional energies to bring them into the service of the institution.8 Of course this assumes that the sexual energies can be thus sublimated, but the relation of these energies to human creativity is an enormously complex question upon which we have little dependable light.
The first argument, and that upon which he relied most heavily, is the familiar argument from motion or change.
We're back to the stereotypes, back to the cutout paper dolls upon which we list characteristics and roles and rules.
As I said earlier, it is not a belief that grew up within the church; it is the belief around which the church itself grew up, and the «given» upon which its faith was based.
which means he is a bit like a blank page upon which we project our fears, our ideals, our passions, and our hatred.
They are secondary because historically and philosophically they have a different pedigree, being based upon a few preconceived ideas concerning the nature and processes of the universe, and of man, upon which the whole concatenation of objections hinge.
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