Sentences with phrase «upper air measurements»

Given reliable measurements, as outlined in Recommendation # 1, the level of confidence that can be attached to the trends will increase as the period of record of upper air measurements lengthens.
Surface and upper air measurement systems; theory and system response, sensor design; automated data collection, analysis and display systems

Not exact matches

Solar heating is the major source of error, both in upper - air and in in - situ surface temperature measurements.
As far as this historic period is concerned, the reconstruction of past temperatures based on deep boreholes in deep permafrost is one of the best past temperature proxies we have (for the global regions with permafrost — polar regions and mountainous regions)-- as a signal of average temperatures it's even more accurate than historic direct measurements of the air temperature, since the earth's upper crust acts as a near perfect conservator of past temperatures — given that no water circulation takes place, which is precisely the case in permafrost where by definition the water is frozen.
A number of possible research strategies for improving the understanding of uncertainties inherent in the various measurement systems and the relationship between surface and upper air temperature trends are proposed in the report.break
The panel was asked to assess whether these apparently conflicting surface and upper air temperature trends lie within the range of uncertainty inherent in the measurements and, if they are judged to lie outside that range, to identify the most probable reason (s) for the differences.
[Ankh]:» «As for CO2 itself, the old measurements made at sea - level pressure had little to say about the frigid and rarified air in the upper reaches of the atmosphere, where most of the infrared absorption takes place.
The major uncertainties in satellite measurements of upper air temperature are due to sensor and spacecraft biases and instabilities, the characteristics of which need to be estimated by performing satellite intercalibrations during overlapping intervals.
Since this phenomenon first became apparent in the early 1990s, the research community has been seeking to identify and quantify possible sources of errors in the surface and upper air temperature measurements, and it has been trying to understand the physical processes that may have caused surface and upper air temperatures to change relative to one another.
Lindzen was only able to keep the «iris» ball in the air for as long as he did because prior to the advent of AIRS the upper troposphere was an especially hard place to get accurate measurements, and by completely ignoring paleoclimate, e.g. the conflict between the «iris» and the Pleistocene glacial cycles, and the fact that prior to the Pleistocene higher CO2 levels led to temperatures that kept glaciers from existing at all (the latter having been firmed up only recently, to be fair).
Because the satellite data measure an average temperature through a depth of several kilometres in the atmosphere, they would be expected to compare better with upper - air measurements taken using weather balloons and radiosondes than they would with measurements at the surface.
Air was pumped from the upper opening at 20 L min − 1 and directed to waste after measuring CO2 concentration (in situ measurements using an NDIR analyzer).
This reduction in diurnal coverage is compounded by the recent NOAA decision to suspend taking operational geosynchronous upper - air temperature and water vapor profile measurements after the current GOES - N / O / P series until approximately 2025.
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