Sentences with phrase «upper body forward»

Exhaling again, from the groin, let you upper body forward over your right leg and then place your fingertips on both sides of the right foot, to the ground.
Thereafter, push the thighs backwards and by lengthening the upper body forward, lift using the upper part of the sternum
Rectus abdominis is the least efficient abdominal muscle, with a bowstring action on contraction that bends the upper body forward.
This may give you a sought after six - pack, but at the expense of spinal compression and bowing the upper body forward into a perpetual stoop.
Let your spine reach up through your shoulders, lengthen your neck, and curve your upper body forward.
From Tadasana, bend the knees and drop the hips, drawing the sitting bones back and the tailbone slightly down as you fold the upper body forward over the thighs.
Take care to keep the arch or lordosis in your lower back as you hinge your upper body forward.
From this position, hinge at the hips tilting your upper body forward.
Then, bend your upper body forward in this position with the weight still behind your neck.
In the deepest part of the lunge, flex your upper body forward slightly from the waist and bend your elbows to bring the weight behind your head.
In the deepest part of the lunge, flex your upper body forward slightly from the waist and curl the weights up toward your shoulders.
Pull your upper body forward by bending your elbows.
Bend your upper body forward and allow your hips and knees to bend slightly as well.
Important: When coming up, place your hands back onto your lower / lower back and then bend your knees to sink down — do not throw your upper body forward to spring out of this pose.
Bent - over tricep kickbacks: From standing, lean your upper body forward so you're slightly bent over with a dumbbell in each hand.
As you exhale, gently fold the upper body forward, bringing the hands toward the mat for an intense stretch in the outer hips.
Slowly lean the upper body forward towards the mat.
Keeping your back straight and the left knee slightly bent, lean your upper body forward while extending your free leg behind you for better balance.
Over time, the goal is to lean the upper body forward over the front leg.
Move: Keep the bands in the same position as the upright row, but hinge your upper body forward at the hips to about a 45 - degree angle.

Not exact matches

«Fish moving up,» Judge says, assuming the position, legs apart, upper body bent forward, rod held out and pointing directly downstream, with that sewing - thread line pinched lightly between his thumb and forefinger.
It gives him a better look at the ball and lets him wait a little longer, because his upper body doesn't move forward.
The Capitals won't have forward Andre Burakovsky for at least Games 3 and 4 in Columbus because of an upper - body injury.
Leaned forward, turned, hung my upper body onto the toilet seat, which I had put down.
In order to crawl, a baby must be able to briefly support the weight of her upper body and through ONE arm as she reaches the other one forward.
Facing a wall, bend forward from the hips until your legs and upper body form a 90 - degree angle.
Another reason why pregnant women experience upper back pain is because the center of gravity is shifted by the baby that is growing inside you, and extra weight can cause your body to lean forward.
Because the foot remains glued to the floor but the upper body continues moving forward, it can cause the person to lose her balance and fall.
Other researchers noted some critical bones were missing or shaped slightly differently than the same bones in humans today and from this they concluded Lucy walked with bent knees and her upper body bent forward slightly at the hips.
Stand straight and bend forward with your upper body.
So for example, to lift the weight up and out of the pins, your shoulders have to round forward and reduce your upper - back tension, and then it will be very hard to pull your shoulder blades together again as you hold the weight over your body.
While holding upper body in place, alternate leg positions by pushing hips up and immediately extending forward leg back and pulling rear leg forward under body, like a regular mountain climber.
With a quick but controlled movement, push leg back as far as you can, keeping hips as straight and still as possible, and upper body slightly forward.
Dips are perfect for building mass in the upper triceps, as long as you remember to keep your head up and your body as vertical as possible because if you lean too far forward, you'll place more focus on your chest.
It's a frontal pillow that's the weight of a smartphone, but able to support your head and upper body when you lean forward.
Have you seen one of those guys with an overdeveloped chest and anterior shoulders, whose forward rolled shoulders and rigid upper body make them look like cavemen?
As a whole (all heads working together), the pectoralis major assists adduction (lowering upper arm from side raise position to the midline of the body), medial rotation (rotating upper arm forward or inward to the midline of the body) and horizontal flexion (moving the upper arm from a side raise position to the front of the body).
Making sure you're not leaning forward with your upper body, slowly lower yourself down until your arms form a 90 - degree angle and your shoulders are mildly stretched, then push yourself upwards until your arms are straight again by engaging the triceps and shoulders.
Step forward with one leg, around two feet or so from the foot being left stationary behind, and lower your upper body down while keeping your torso upright and maintaining balance.
Developing these small muscles will help you achieve better symmetry and improved stability, prevent your shoulders from gowing too forward and give your upper body that sought - after three dimensional look, while weak rear delts can significantly limit your overall progress.
Place the left leg on top of the end of the bench, bend your torso forward from the waist until your upper body is parallel to the floor, and place your left hand on the other end of the bench for support.
Kneeling side leg kicks challenge your core to keep you from falling forward in addition to working the upper body, glutes, and legs.
Exhale, begin to fold forward from the hips, walking your hands out in front of you until your upper body comes to rest on the pillow.
Turn your entire upper body to the left side as far as you can without causing pain, but keep your hips facing forward.
Modifications are designed to take pressure off of the knee by giving more space to the pose, letting the ankle drop lower than the hip crease, and lessening the forward bend by supporting the upper body.
Before folding forward, let's explore one of my favorite gestures for the upper body, a movement my friend Marcia calls «hallelujah - asana.»
Reach your clasped hands down your back and puff up your chest before forward bending your upper body inside your right knee.
Stretch your arms forward so that the upper body is tilted towards the front.
A high bar position (where the bar rests high on the upper traps) facilitates a more vertical torso, since the body doesn't have to accommodate for the bar being too far behind the center of gravity by leaning forward at the waist.
This engages your core and upper body, allowing for more room to bring the foot forward, and this engagement builds strength in the abdominals and shoulders.»
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