Sentences with phrase «upper digestive tract as»

Not exact matches

And when Italian epidemiologists examined 156 studies of alcohol and cancer, they found that drinking as little as 25 grams of alcohol a day — two bottles of beer — increases the risk of cancers of the upper digestive tract, larynx, intestines, liver, and breast.
It is classified as a fiber because it passes through the upper digestive tract without being metabolized.
As if the previous study wasn't impressive enough, other studied such as studied done by Norwegian scientists found a link between lentil consumption and a reduction in cancers of the upper digestive tracAs if the previous study wasn't impressive enough, other studied such as studied done by Norwegian scientists found a link between lentil consumption and a reduction in cancers of the upper digestive tracas studied done by Norwegian scientists found a link between lentil consumption and a reduction in cancers of the upper digestive tract.
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