Sentences with phrase «upper end of the scenarios»

The upper end of the scenarios assessed, representing a cut of around a third in greenhouse gas emissions from business - as - usual projections, could assist in keeping concentrations of greenhouse gases at 450 parts per million.
The entire press release by IPCC was based on the upper end of a scenario of a report written by Greenpeace.

Not exact matches

The upper end of that is a worst case scenario, but even the best case scenario is going to hurt.
I happen to agree with you that the middle or upper end of the IPCC scenarios are unlikely to come to pass but for rather different reasons: I believe that if we are headed in that direction, we will change course and avert such a disaster.
How many took time to correct the commentators pointing out that the extreme scenarios used to whip up support for draconian climate change policies were merely hypothetical, and at the upper end of hypothetical?
As a rough estimate, I suggest that for a 6.4 ºC warming scenario, of the order of 20 15 cm would have to be added to the 59 cm defining the upper end of the sea level range.
These concern damages to coastal infrastructure and low - lying ecosystems from continuing sea level rise, where damages would be widespread if sea level turns out to be at the upper end of current scenarios; and, threats to agricultural production in both far south - eastern and far south - western Australia, which would affect ecosystems and rural communities severely at the dry end of projected rainfall changes.
Their scenario assumed a world with four times the carbon dioxide concentration of the preindustrial world, which lead author Hauke Schmidt says is at the upper end, but in the range of what is considered possible at the end of this century.
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