Sentences with phrase «upper hand in negotiations»

• The NSA provided surveillance to US diplomats in order to give them the upper hand in negotiations at the UN Summit of the Americas.
The decline of factory jobs, through both automation and globalization, has given manufacturers the upper hand in negotiations with workers and governments.
Then a visit to a Sri Lankan safari don's living room where we commissioned a ride south (you can imagine who had the upper hand in that negotiation).
Tell me, do you know who has the upper hand in negotiations when the player has 3 years left on there contract?
he is done at AFC, why change a side that wins 8 straight, Walcott has the tendency to demand alot during negotiations, Wenger does not need him now and thus took the upper hand in negotiations by bursting his bubble,
Jonny Evans rumors leaked by the club to show Valencia we have options so we can get the upper hand in negotiations.
Flipping the Senate is important for de Blasio's agenda to pass in Albany as the mayor seeks a local minimum wage increase and an upper hand in negotiations over rent control and mayoral control of city schools expiring next year.
With little time left in session, it is becoming apparent that Republicans do in fact have the upper hand in negotiations.
The result is good news for Skelos, who will now have an upper hand in any negotiations to a former a new coalition with Independent Democratic Conference Leader Jeff Klein (It helps his Long Island delegation of nine Republicans remained intact, thus ensuring he'll be re-elected Senate majority leader).
His relative experience compared with the new legislative leaders, Mr. Flanagan and Speaker Carl E. Heastie, could give him an upper hand in negotiations.
As the pattern - setter in this year's contract talks, DaimlerChrysler Corp.'s deal with the United Auto Workers union may give UAW President Steve Yokich and his team the upper hand in its negotiations with Ford Motor Co.That's not to say a nasty standoff is imminent, times are still too good for either side to play that tough, but Ford's top executives likely won't get through talks this year without
As the pattern - setter in this year's contract talks, DaimlerChrysler Corp.'s deal with the United Auto Workers union may give UAW President Steve Yokich and his team the upper hand in its negotiations with Ford Motor Co..
As of February, it looked as though publishers were gaining the upper hand in negotiations towards a more traditional sales and usage structure, but we'll know in the next several weeks just how much ground they gained.
You will have the upper hand in negotiations and save yourself many thousands of dollars in interest and premiums.
Insurance companies know they have the upper hand in negotiations, but you have to know how to turn them in your favor.
Learn how to get the upper hand in negotiations and settlement meetings for favorable resolutions for your family law cases.
During the recession, the market saw high vacancies, which gave brokers representing commercial tenants the upper hand in negotiations.
It will also give you the upper hand in negotiations.
By identifying one of these issues, you gain the upper hand in negotiations.
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