Sentences with phrase «upper leg muscles»

Only upper leg muscles are strengthened, and hips and knees tend to bend.
Because they make it so easy for your child to get around, walkers can prevent a baby's upper leg muscles from developing correctly.
Each technique above will be working your lower and upper leg muscles in different ways.
Mirror test says sculpted shoulders and arms, a strong torso and ripper upper leg muscles.
Doctors inject into patients» upper leg muscles a harmless virus that permanently implants a working gene into muscle cells, theoretically enabling patients to make the enzyme indefinitely.
Athletes like my mom and I, who engage in high - impact activities, can easily over-develop and stress lower and upper leg muscles, which can knock the knees out of alignment.
I planned it to really target the glutes and upper leg muscles.
Results When they did the deadlift with the trap bar the participants had to work the upper leg muscles - the vastus lateralis to be precise - harder than they did when they used the straight barbell.
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