Sentences with phrase «upper ocean temperature»

It is being transferred downward, but is capable of influencing upper ocean temperature in a warming direction for observations over a sufficient interval — which is to say multiple decades.
Tourre, Y. M., Y. Kushnir, and W. B. White, 1999: Evolution of interdecadal variability in sea level pressure, sea surface temperature, and upper ocean temperature over the Pacific Ocean.
White, W., and D. Cayan, 1998: Quasi-periodicity and global symmetries in interdecadal upper ocean temperature variability, J. Geophys.
Unfortunately we do not have any reliable and comprehensive measurements of upper ocean temperature and heat content prior to 2003, when ARGO measurements replaced the old expendable and spotty XBT data.
With an evident relationship across the CMIP5 models between equatorial SSTs and upper ocean temperatures in the extra-tropical subduction regions, our analysis suggests that cold SST biases within the extra-tropical Pacific indeed translate into a cold equatorial bias via the STCs.
Trending increases in certain environmental conditions that brew up these storms: increased sea surface and upper ocean temperatures and atmospheric instability.
Sea level along the U.S. East Coast and West Coast can rise and fall by an inch or two (several centimeters) over the course of a decade or two because of fluctuations in upper ocean temperatures.
Figure 3 - Schematic showing the upper ocean temperature profiles during the (A) nighttime or well mixed daytime and (B) daytime during conditions conducive to the formation of a diurnal warm layer.
Any field - or ship - based updates on ice conditions in the different regions such as sea ice morphology (e.g., concentration, ice type, floe size, thickness, snow cover, melt pond characteristics, topography), meteorology (surface measurements) and oceanography (e.g., temperature, salinity, upper ocean temperature).
Craig King - Further to Bob Loblaw's comments; that global surface air temperatures are warming faster than upper ocean temperatures is well - observed and completely uncontroversial.
When we add the graphs showing sea level rise, loss of glaciers, mass loss from Greenland and Antarctica, and upper ocean temperature, we have multiple trend lines all pointing in one direction: A warming world.
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