Sentences with phrase «upside of the market»

However, if the market goes up, you get the full upside of the market's return whereas the EIA caps your upside as JLP shows.
For example, most stock markets have a bullish bias, this means traders tend to like the long side or upside of the market more and as a result of this it is actually more difficult and generally requires more margin to sell short in a stock market.
On Monday, one of Barnier's senior advisers, Stefan de Rynck, had also thundered against what the EU sees as British «cherry - picking» — a desire to want all the upside of market access with none of its obligations.
«We're really looking for high beta that have participated on the upside of the market, not just something that got whacked,» Burkly said in a Tuesday «Trading Nation» interview.
The DRS lacks some of the upside of the market, but more importantly, avoids a good portion of the downside.
However, in order to get some of the upside of the markets a small portion of the premium goes toward purchasing a Call option.
This is bad as the index annuity pitch, which in my experience, also leaves out dividends when they «give you the upside of the market
I had a client tell me recently, «So what you're telling me is that I can have 100 percent downside protection and capture 80 percent of the upside of the market.
In my opinion, one of the best FIAs available today offers the person the ability to earn up to 80 percent of the upside of the market and 20 percent earns a fixed amount of 1 percent.
If you only earn 30 % of the upside of the market and received zero of the downside, you beat the market.
BSLI Foresight Plan provides customers the upside of market returns, while shielding their investments from downside risks, its Chief Actuarial Officer Fabien Jeudy said here.
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