Sentences with phrase «upstream emission estimates»

All of these studies are reporting upstream emission estimates that are 10 - to 20-fold higher than those reported in this new paper by the Allen and colleagues.

Not exact matches

Walmart does not disclose GHG emissions from its international marine shipping activities; it does estimate emissions from all «upstream transportation and distribution» — which includes marine shipping, trucking, air freight and rail freight — in its 2014 Carbon Disclosure Project report.
We believe methodologies used by some other retailers are more robust — for example, Marks and Spencer uses 50 % primary data for its upstream transportation and distribution emissions estimate.
It produces this estimate for emissions from all upstream transportation and distribution primarily using data collected from its third - party logistics coordinators and EPA emission factors; only 7 % of emissions are from «primary data.»
Their conclusion is that upstream emissions are low, 0.42 % of natural gas production (lower than we estimated for shale gas back in our April 2011 paper, and towards the low end of what we estimated for conventional natural gas).
But the findings of the Alberta study clearly suggest that actual methane emissions from the upstream oil and gas sector (excluding mined oil sands) are likely to be at least 25 to 50 per cent greater than estimated.
Only 50 % Reduction in Upstream Emissions Possible According to the report Carbon Capture and Storage in the Alberta Tar Sands, CCS «has limited potential to reduce upstream emissions to levels comparable with the average for conventional oil,» with «even the most optimistic estimates from industry experts» showing reductions in the 10 - 30 % range in the medium term and up to 50 % in the loUpstream Emissions Possible According to the report Carbon Capture and Storage in the Alberta Tar Sands, CCS «has limited potential to reduce upstream emissions to levels comparable with the average for conventional oil,» with «even the most optimistic estimates from industry experts» showing reductions in the 10 - 30 % range in the medium term and up to 50 % in the lEmissions Possible According to the report Carbon Capture and Storage in the Alberta Tar Sands, CCS «has limited potential to reduce upstream emissions to levels comparable with the average for conventional oil,» with «even the most optimistic estimates from industry experts» showing reductions in the 10 - 30 % range in the medium term and up to 50 % in the loupstream emissions to levels comparable with the average for conventional oil,» with «even the most optimistic estimates from industry experts» showing reductions in the 10 - 30 % range in the medium term and up to 50 % in the lemissions to levels comparable with the average for conventional oil,» with «even the most optimistic estimates from industry experts» showing reductions in the 10 - 30 % range in the medium term and up to 50 % in the long term.
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