Sentences with phrase «uptake of glucose»

Reduced uptake of glucose by cells, high triglycerides, and high circulating amounts of sugar in the bloodstream all promote the inflammation and damage that leads to chronic disease.
Insulin assists with cellular uptake of glucose from the bloodstream into the cells of the body for energy.
The cinnamon in this bar also helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels as this spice helps with cellular uptake of glucose, moving it quickly out of your blood and into your cells.
Protein combined with carbohydrate stimulates a greater release of insulin, which promotes faster uptake of glucose by the muscle cells and faster glycogen storage.
However, this doesn't explain the improvement in fasting insulin and glucose, and thus our second benefit is increased uptake of glucose into energy stores (study).
In persons with AD there is about 25 % less uptake of glucose
If possible, opt for Steel - Cut (which are not rolled, so your body takes longer to digest them which means slower uptake of glucose and less impact on your blood sugar.
It is thought that this is because polyunsaturated fats promote uptake of glucose by the insulin receptors in the muscles.
Recent investigations of naringin suggests hypoglycemic activity mediated via uptake of glucose in the skeletal muscle [1].
Insulin assists with cellular uptake of glucose from the bloodstream, thus exerting a hypoglycemic effect.
The Clamp method is recognized as the gold standard method, as it directly measures the body's uptake of glucose into tissue, but it is very expensive to perform.
Among other things, PPAR - gamma regulates the uptake of glucose in fat cells, and rosiglitazone targets the protein in these cells to improve glucose uptake in people with type 2 diabetes.
The uptake of glucose by cells closely reflects their energetic needs, and is becoming poorly regulated in many pathological conditions such as obesity, diabetes and cancer.
«Most importantly, we saw a dramatic increase in insulin sensitivity, demonstrated by a 32 percent increase in the uptake of glucose by tissues in response to insulin,» Dandona said.
Gobbling a slice of sweet pumpkin pie, for instance, causes beta cells in the pancreas to secrete insulin, a hormone that allows the uptake of glucose and most amino acids into the tissues.
They examined the brain's uptake of glucose, a type of sugar.
The NUCKS protein is a key player in insulin signalling, an important biochemical pathway that is needed to respond to insulin hormones, which promote the uptake of glucose to regulate blood glucose levels.
Human insulin is a hormone that is produced in the pancreas and secreted to aid in the body's uptake of glucose.
When blood sugar levels are too high, the beta cells of the pancreas secrete insulin which stimulates the uptake of glucose.
Mebendazole is thought to work by interference with microtubules of intestinal cells in parasitic worms, thereby blocking the uptake of glucose and other nutrients, resulting in the immobilization and death of the helminths [6, 13].
But the fact is that chromium enhances the effect of insulin in the body, improving the uptake of glucose, thereby causing a better blood circulation and more stable blood sugar levels.
Insulin is the opposite of glucagon and its role is to facilitate the uptake of glucose from the bloodstream into the cells.
The supplement helps insulin, which is responsible for the uptake of glucose circulating in the bloodstream.
Studies have shown that high - intensity cardio sessions that last more than 30 minutes are the most effective at increasing the uptake of glucose into cells.
When it comes to blood sugar maintenance, studies show that L - taurine helps by enhancing the uptake of glucose by red blood cells on the body.
This hormone inhibits the uptake of glucose by muscle and other cells and promotes the breakdown of glycogen in the liver in order to release glucose into the blood.
In the liver, insulin causes the uptake of glucose as well as the synthesis of glycogen, a glucose storage polymer.
Olive leaf extracts work against diabetes by significantly lowering blood sugar, slowing the digestion of starches into simple sugars, delaying the absorption of sugars from the intestine and promoting the uptake of glucose from blood into tissues.
It works by stimulating the regeneration of pancreatic cells that produce insulin, which aids in more insulin production; in turn stimulating production of enzymes that help with the uptake of glucose into cells; and then prevents stimulation of the liver to produce more glucose.
An increase in the uptake of glucose and fats causes the body to store more body fat.
Insulin inside the cells trigger the uptake of glucose from the blood serum, providing energy for the cells and lowering blood sugar.
That doesn't happen, though, unless insulin is released from the pancreas, binds to the muscle and signals it to increase the uptake of glucose.
TIP: Always eat a bit of protein or fat when you have something sweet to slow down the uptake of glucose and a blood sugar spike.
Ongoing research also suggests that adding healthy fats and proteins, such as peanut butter or olive oil, to meals with foods that have a high GI may slow the uptake of glucose, thus, lowering the food's GI.
If green tea also increases the uptake of glucose, it makes green tea even more interesting.
I have come to understand that «High blood glucose elicits the release of insulin, which speeds the uptake of glucose by tissues and favors the storage of fuels as glycogen and triglycerides, while inhibiting fatty acid mobilization in adipose tissue.»
In persons with AD there is about 25 % less uptake of glucose [24]; and in healthy elderly, there is about 15 % less uptake of glucose [25], in what is termed glucose cerebral hypometabolism [26] or Type III diabetes.
It also enhances the uptake of glucose and some amino acids by our muscles and increases protein synthesis.
The uptake of glucose in insulin resistant muscle is also reduced.
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