Sentences with phrase «upthrusts of»

Thus we have berm, a lovely word for a longish mound used for landscaping; pingos, if you're up north, where they'll be rather large conical upthrusts of ice covered with some soil (and, of course, given the yin / yang of this business, further south also a circular depression typically filled with water); further south still you'll trip over drumlins, formations made up of till left by receding glaciers, and not to be confused with eskers, which seem to have formed within holes inside glacier.
Christ is then the final flowering of this upthrust of Spirit from within evolving matter.
The Confession of Christ as the meaning of the upthrust of human history and the crown of its scientific and cultural progress is contradicted by the modern division of history into Ancient, Medieval, and Modern periods.
In particular, he made filial relationship with God a vital experience, and in so doing caused a fresh, original upthrust of confidence that death is an open door through which the soul's life with God moves on.
The overall rate of sedimentation is controlled by the upthrust of mountains and the erosion and chemical breakdown of their rocks.
The upthrust of great glacier - capped peaks tower over this country.

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The currents that give birth to sidereal systems; the folds and upthrusts that form mountains and continents; the ebb and flow within the biosphere — in each case what we had supposed to be the extreme of immobility and stability is discovered to be a state of fundamental and irresistible movement.
Covers types of forces, balanced forces, friction, upthrust and gravity.
8) upthrust effects floating and sinking 9) hydraulics is an application of liquid pressure (qualitative and quantitative) I hope you find this resource useful.
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