Sentences with phrase «upvote existing»

Before filing a report, it's worth searching for existing feedback from other Insiders to see if you can upvote an existing report instead of filing a duplicate.
Many of the Quests for the Bug Bash will lead back to Feedback Hub so that you can upvote existing feedback or give new feedback based on your experience of completing the Quest.
All the Quests for the Bug Bash will lead back to Feedback Hub so that you can upvote existing feedback or give new feedback based on your experience of completing the Quest.
They can also post new feedback posts, upvote existing feedback and search for posts, along with answering mini-surveys targeted for the general public.

Not exact matches

If you agree with an existing answer, you may just upvote it.
The first is when a publisher would give the game a green light for development (or previously when Greenlight existed for Steam and gamers would upvote a game through the Greenlight process, it would be «greenlit» for distribution through the Steam storefront).
Please make sure to search for existing feedback to upvote before entering a new report.
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