Sentences with phrase «upward flow»

A primary line of evidence is the frequency and locations of earthquakes beneath the volcano, caused by upward flowing magma.
The slow upward flow of water insures that the short lived radioactive gases produced by fission die off before the reactor coolant reaches the above - ground portion of the plant (another bonus of gravity driven flow!).
Vents in the top of the chassis allow heat to escape, while a vented underside let cool air in, and the basic upward flow of heat provides all the airflow necessary.
The downward flow is (partly) balanced by upward flow near the equator (Ekman suction).
But also just realizing that the ebbs of desire will be accompanied by upward flows is one way to ensure expectations for sex don't get in the way of pleasure from sex, especially in the context of long - term relationships.
For example, although the Hawaiian Islands lie in the middle of a tectonic plate, their volcanic activity is not caused by the movement of the plates, but rather the upward flow of the mantle below.
The upward flow can be simplified to govern moving from the physical realm to matters of a more emotional, relational or spiritual nature.
This is important because this upward flow fans the mind, making it more active.
On a more subtle level, the chin lock stops the upward flow of energy.
This generates a heat in the system and opens the inner channels to the upward flow and rotation of energy.
Apana vayu, the downward flow of prana through the body, is at play, drawing energy down the backs of the legs and out the heels; meanwhile prana vayu, upward flow, keeps the heart from collapsing and supports the low back by lifting the belly in and up, creating a platform for the tailbone to lift up and off of.
The further down you go, the slower the groundwater moves and the longer since it was rainfall recharge on the surface and the longer until it will return to the surface in an upward flow.
The mountainous terrain amplifies the upward flow of cyclone winds and thus intensifying how much, and how fast, water vapor gets turned into rain.
The evaporative, conductive and radiative processes combined then set up a thermal gradient causing an upward flow of energy from water to air from where that 1 mm layer touches the ocean bulk below, up across the cooler layer then to the Knudsen layer by reversing the normal (warm at the top and cool at the bottom) temperature gradient which exists from that 1 mm layer down to the ocean bottom.
But untreated infections can spread on their own, and bacteria can also hitch a ride on sperm or the upward flow of a douche, which can take them into the cervix, through the uterus, down the fallopian tubes, and to the ovaries.
Second, a douche's upward flow might give pathogens a «free ride» into the depths of the reproductive tract, granting them access to areas that might have been difficult for them to reach otherwise.
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