Sentences with phrase «upwards of a few hours»

Some can take upwards of a few hours to clear out as you explore every room in search of lore books, chests, enemies, and even some hidden entrances that a character's dungeon skill can reveal.

Not exact matches

A few minutes later I was sitting across the table from one of my friends, the children's mother, watching comforting steam twining its way upwards from a mug of coffee and asking her how she managed to be awake at this hour every day.
Companies are always looking for people's opinions about products and services, and for sitting in one of these groups for a few hours, you could earn upwards of $ 100.
During my first few days with Driveclub — I've only spent time with the game after its worldwide release — I didn't get online once and although server communications have improved, as of writing, it's still taking upwards of half an hour to make a connection.
Excluding the multiplayer you are probably looking at upwards of around five hours (depending on how hard you find the last few levels).
Instead of one fish at a time, you will catch a whole bunch in a large net, getting upwards of 10 to 12 fish, and instead of taking 14 hours to craft a Green Table, it will only take 10 seconds, all with the help of a few Leaf Tickets.
A day stage can be completed in about three minutes or so, but the night stages can take around an average of eight minutes to complete (and that's for an S ranking; stumble or get lost a few times and that time can expand upwards of twelve to fifteen minutes), and making matters worse is that the night stages tend to come in groups of three, meaning that for about every half hour or more of night brawling, players are rewarded with a quick romp through the daylight before being sent back to the dark.
Exploring every nook and cranny and exhausting every facet of the game's content will take you upwards of 150 hours, and easily more, but you'll walk away with quite a few goodies, like the half a dozen or so alternate outfits for each character and insanely powerful weapons (which are required if you hope to take on the game's post-endgame super dungeon and bosses therein).
All of that on top of the lengthy main story means you should be prepared to spend upwards of 40 hours with Zero Dawn before reaching the end — unless you're hell bent on just blitzing through the game and doing as few optional activities as possible, though that would be akin to chugging an expensive bottle of wine.
The much anticipated token sale for social messaging giant Kik, which is today offering buyers the chance to purchase tokens that will power future apps on its platform, launched at 9 a.m. EST, drawing upwards of $ 70 million in its first few hours.
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