Sentences with phrase «urban adjustment»

The gridded average net effect of NASA's urban adjustments on all their urban stations.
Similarly, its notable that the GISS urban adjustments (via nightlights) don't appear to have a large impact vis - a-vis the unadjusted data, a point that others have previously made.
Over the last few days, I've shown that Hansen et al 1999 illustrated and discussed the effect of the NASA adjustment for two stations (Phoenix, Tokyo) where the NASA urban adjustment yielded the expected adjustment (denoted in these posts as a «positive» adjustment).
In an earlier post, I'd observed that negative urban adjustments (i.e. for -LSB-...]
Even Hansen has a big urban adjustment for Phoenix Sky.
Urban adjustment in the Moscow region would be on especially shaky ground given the lack of coverage in rural areas.
For USHCN stations the time - of - observation and station history adjustments of Karl et al. [1990] are applied before the urban adjustment is made.
The urban adjustment is improved in the current GISS analysis.
To make a «no urban adjustment» run of ccc - gistemp: «python tool/ - s 0,1,3,5»; and to make an «urban adjustment» land - index: «python tool/ - s 0,1,2,3,5».
Omitting Step 2 will therefore give us an idea of the magnitude of the effect of the urban adjustment.
Step 2 is the urban adjustment step (in which stations marked as urban have their trend adjusted).
Most of them rural and they performed no urban adjustment.
«GISS homogenization (urban adjustment) One of the improvements — introduced in 1998 — was the implementation of a method to address the problem of urban warming: The urban and peri-urban (i.e., other than rural) stations are adjusted so that their long - term trend matches that of the mean of neighboring rural stations.
A.The procedure used in the mid 1980s has not been changed significantly, except for the addition of an urban adjustment scheme.
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