Sentences with phrase «urban cities as»

And by pricing the device thoughtfully at R9, 990, the company is aiming to penetrate not only in semi-urban towns but urban cities as well.
It showed Mario running through an urban city as well as a variety of environments.
It showed Mario running through an urban city as well as Continue Reading →

Not exact matches

The company plans to follow its customers as they move back to cities, with new urban locations that are smaller than its 1,800 big boxes, and stop playing catch - up when it comes to digital.
Ali belongs to a new generation of urban planners taping into the rising demand for the services of a profession whose fortunes are tied to surging property development markets as well as the growth in city - building activity across Canada.
«There's a massive level of excitement about what it represents as a symbol of urban renewal, ambition for our city and recommitment to our downtown as the heart of it all,» says the 37 - year - old mayor.
Even as its groovy formula for urban renaissance is repeated in cities around the world — often with explicit reference to the original — the back - to - basics affectations of Brooklynization verge on cliché.
As per the title, he thinks the urban environment is our greatest invention as a species, and explores the economic underpinnings of assorted cities, ascendant and in decline, today and through historAs per the title, he thinks the urban environment is our greatest invention as a species, and explores the economic underpinnings of assorted cities, ascendant and in decline, today and through historas a species, and explores the economic underpinnings of assorted cities, ascendant and in decline, today and through history.
The self - driving car market is getting crowded, even as regulations are still getting hammered out, the technology is being tweaked, and urban planners are yet uncertain how cities should be designed to accommodate the automobiles.
So many bodies are brought in that the morgue workers struggle to identify and bury the dead fast enough to make space for the next batch that arrives with grim regularity, as the city's residents clear up after nine months of urban warfare.
In this regard, Entrepreneur India personally interacted with Revathy Ashok who is not only associated with the Indian Angel Network but is also Chief Executive Officer and Managing Trustee at Bangalore Political Action Committee (B.PAC) which works at improving urban governance in the city by engaging both elected representatives as well as citizens.
Visions of the Smart City are starting to materialize as CTO's for major municipalities are coming to understand how Internet of Things products and services can provide cost savings, increase quality of life and promote safety in urban environments.
New York is not only the name of a state on the eastern seaboard, but it is also the name of a highly populated and diverse urban city commonly regarded as a hub for startups — along with San Francisco.
Thanks to nuTonomy and MIT's partnership with Singapore, a country with dense urban areas has been highly receptive to driverless car technology, the comparatively small company could become the first to operate fully self - driving cars, known as «level four,» in a city commercially.
Thaddeus R. Miller, an Arizona State University scientist who helps lead a national research network focused on «Urban Resilience to Extreme Events,» said in an email that boosting the capacity of cities to stay safe and prosperous in a turbulent climate requires a culture shift as much as hardening physical systems:
During Hurricane Harvey, we saw how a city's layout can worsen the effects of a storm, as Houston's urban sprawl and scant zoning likely set the stage for catastrophic flooding.
Each year, the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC) compiles a list of the 100 fastest - growing inner city businesses in the U.S., recognizing the critical role they play in urban communities as both employers and community buildCity (ICIC) compiles a list of the 100 fastest - growing inner city businesses in the U.S., recognizing the critical role they play in urban communities as both employers and community buildcity businesses in the U.S., recognizing the critical role they play in urban communities as both employers and community builders.
Alphabet's Sidewalk Labs, the company's urban planning team, is set to pitch a proposal to rebuild part of a struggling American city as a new high - tech «smart city,» The Wall Street Journal reports.
Social movements have promoted the «right to the city» to denounce urban processes that generate injustices, such as gentrification, privatisation of public spaces, forced evictions and the mistreatment of urban refugees.
To his point, about 94 percent of Aspiration customers are spread across the heartland, as opposed to major urban areas like New York City and San Francisco.
International organisations which had previously ignored the significance of cities in international development - such as UNIDO and the Red Cross - pleaded to join an increasingly popular (and highly lucrative) urban field.
So this year as we went in search of the best places to retire, we identified four archetypes of next - generation retirees and found a place for each of them: a college town for the academically minded, a city for the urban - inclined, a mountain town for lovers of the outdoors, and an overseas destination for explorers.
Our new white paper explores urban analytics for digital cities with an estimated more than 50 % of the worlds population now living in cities, many city leaders are turning to «Smart Cities» as the solution for their urbanization challcities with an estimated more than 50 % of the worlds population now living in cities, many city leaders are turning to «Smart Cities» as the solution for their urbanization challcities, many city leaders are turning to «Smart Cities» as the solution for their urbanization challCities» as the solution for their urbanization challenges.
Louis has cultivated a bioscience machine as noted by The Initiative for Competitive Inner Cities» report, «Building Strong Clusters for Strong Urban Economies.»
As designers, city planners, and architects look to make urban spaces more functional, attractive, and inclusive, what new trends are emerging and what lessons can be learned?
This is the dark - side of the sweeping back - to - the - city movement of the past decade or two, which has brought affluent, highly educated people back to the urban cores of superstar cities, such as Toronto, New York, London, Paris and others.
Suppose one wanted to measure urban literacy as a function of a city's size, or of the average income of its residents.
As the global population shifts to cities, solving urban problems represents the key to improving the lives of millions.
As early as 1986, Mayor Oscar Goodman created a redevelopment agency to focus on downtown, but it initially chased after office buildings and other projects that would not have benefited an urban, walkable core, Steve van Gorp, an urban planner who was a senior planner with the city of Las Vegas, told mAs early as 1986, Mayor Oscar Goodman created a redevelopment agency to focus on downtown, but it initially chased after office buildings and other projects that would not have benefited an urban, walkable core, Steve van Gorp, an urban planner who was a senior planner with the city of Las Vegas, told mas 1986, Mayor Oscar Goodman created a redevelopment agency to focus on downtown, but it initially chased after office buildings and other projects that would not have benefited an urban, walkable core, Steve van Gorp, an urban planner who was a senior planner with the city of Las Vegas, told me.
'' We're very excited about the green roof because it will add additional texture and color and send an extraordinary message about urban areas as innovative, sustainable and attractive,» said MaryAnne Gilmartin, president and CEO of Forest City Ratner Cos., which built the arena.
On any given day, residents can grab a coffee (served with animal crackers) at Tryst, arguably the most popular cafe in the neighborhood, stroll along the wide sidewalks, browse a few boutiques such as Urban Dwell, enjoy a meal on the balcony at Roofers Union while looking out over the city, and finally catch a live band or DJ playing at Songbyrd Music House.
Whether they're hauling parcels or children, cargo bikes are becoming a familiar sight in German cities as the nippy, clean alternative to cars and delivery vans — and shaking up urban transport in the process.
A liberal US Jew using his status as a Jew to sweep into Israel, bash the security measures while bemoaning the status of the poor Palestnians and then go back to his Ivory Tower in a large urban liberal city where his biggest concern is whether the Starbucks will get his latte order correct.
Biblicists will no doubt reject this approach as being wishy - washy and insufficiently prophetic, just as some activists have criticized Riverside Church's proposed «center for health of the city,» a think tank on urban problems.
Now comes an even more comprehensive claim about the positive impact of these schools: For, according to two law professors at the University of Notre Dame, Margaret F. Brinig and Nicole Stelle Garnett, inner - city Catholic schools are important factors in urban renewal as builders of «social capital» on inner - urban areas.
Our problem, he says, is not that we have become urbanized but that we have built our cities in such a way as to sacrifice our relation to nature for the sake of urban values; and the ironic result is that for most of their inhabitants our cities no longer provide even urban values.
Melville had as well a second reason to hate Manhattan — the whole urban world of «Cain's city and citified man,» as he wrote in Billy Budd (1924), the novella whose publication helped restore his literary reputation thirty years after his death.
Several of these reform movements — such as the 19th - century urban parks movement, without which contemporary big - city life would be almost unlivable — have made permanent contributions to our experience and understanding of good city life.
And can we learn once again to be happy in traditional towns and cities — not only as a moral antidote to individualism, inequality and the misuse of environmental resources, and not only as an aesthetic antidote to suburban sprawl, but also for the sake of the genuine goods and pleasures (including both communal belonging and individual freedom) of traditional urban life?
The task is to give cities an appropriate moral framework, as small towns once had, while retaining urban opportunities.
Affirming an urban presence: As populations have shifted away from urban areas, many city churches have closed and the buildings have been turned into restaurants, houses, nightclubs or offices.
As they ran, the son shared what he was learning in seminary about urban ministry, and the father, an inner city pastor, related experiences of his own.
In Aleppo, one of Syria's most war - torn cities, his job as a truck driver once provided a four - room house and a middle - class, urban life.
The city dweller who is without wealth is unable to escape the urban environment so as to enjoy a natural one.
As Geifman notes, Russia's «urban populace swelled from around 9 million people in the mid-19th century to about 25 million in 1913, with inhabitants of most major Russian cities increasing four - or five-fold,» leading to a «breakdown of social values.»
I present urban form to my students in the long and large western humanist tradition that sees cities as communal artifacts that human animals by our nature make in order to live well (with all the teleological and virtue ethics implications of that tradition's notion of living well).
While I believe there is already great material for men out there, as I surveyed the Bible and the culture of manhood (cross-ethnically), musical art, media, movies, magazines, the state of the church, urban dwellings, global cities, and the political climate of our country on gender, I continued to find the issue of manhood needing to be engaged.
Churches increasingly see missions in the streets of American cities; segments of church membership stirring up controversy; urban congregations moving to the suburbs; such issues as birth control, draft resistance, rebellion.
The sociologists Richard Lloyd and Terry Nichols Clark think of the city, and they mean this as praise, as an «entertainment machine» whose residents «can experience their own urban location as if tourists, emphasising aesthetic concerns».
A more likely source is the decline of the black family (approximately three - fifths of current black births are illegitimate) and the effect that liberal economic and social policies have had on encouraging dysfunctional social behavior and in undermining those forces within the city such as religion that have attempted to hold back the new urban barbarism.
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