Sentences with phrase «urban elite»

In reality, the movement itself was closely tied to and funded by urban elites and their corporations, and the movement served the business interests of these institutions.
I get the point he crossed from science to advocacy forget him I got politicians and NGO crusaders for that and FOMD posts another Koch brothers yawn no one's trying to convince me or any «millions» any Bravo Sierra «carbon mitigation» will be decided by a small number of urban elites not my favorite people you probably only read my words because Judith Curry is not a crusader and an «advocate» only for science
Chicago offers the examples of several churches that have responded to the swell of new urban elites who began coming in the 1980s and have not stopped.
If true, that speaks not to Didion's prescience but to the absurd provincialism of certain urban elites, who only needed to drive south on the San Diego Freeway to discover that their views did not represent most of California, much less the whole country.
Much punditry since the election has located the triumph of Trump in a backlash among poor, white voters against liberal urban elites.
But I'm cautiously optimistic that real change is happening in Egypt, that the solidarity between Muslims and Christians, between urban elites and rural farmers, and between computer - savvy youth and illiterate workers - is sustainable.
But the tribes increasingly feel they are being abandoned in favour of the Palestinian - dominated urban elite, meaning that the principal no longer able to meet the demands of new jobs, higher salaries and rural development.
If we proceed on those terms... David can listen rather more to Conservative MPs, who represent the real people of this country, and give rather less regard to the Liberal Democrat intellectual urban elite, with their student politics idea of reforming the constitution and taking forward green policies.
The work of these two professional archaeologists charts the rise of this «urban elite centre» from its beginnings around AD 1050 to its peak in Inca times between 1470 and 1532.
The Wise Use movement claimed to fight distant urban elite environmentalists on behalf of everyday rural residents.
The major groups that don't are, in this country, the bicoastal urban elite, and, in England, what are called London's chattering class.»
While the lower - income residents are gradually forced out, they are rapidly replaced by the trend - setting urban elite.
You've written that many rural folk feel they have been unfairly tagged as racists by urban elites.
More recently Arnold coined the term «rural cleansing» in an attempt to starkly portray environmental movement campaigns as being only in the interests of urban elites.
Mr McEvoy added that being «China ready» was critical if the industry is to fully leverage Australia's destination appeal amongst China's new urban elite.
In that scenario, the urban elites can recover their former power and prestige and nothing will really change.
This is the dilemma facing the Third World countries, many of which have no indigenous press at all, but only a remnant of colonial news sources — perhaps a small news and information outlet in the capital city for the urban elite, plus incoming shortwave broadcasts from the superpowers available to those with batteries and radios.
Before the recent decades of economic growth there could have been some space for a urban elite against rural people type of movement in East Thrace and Instabul.
And in our rural areas what I have learned is that there are many people who feel that neither party represents them and many have a strong resentment toward the cities and urban elites.
«These first findings already reveal the potential that the site has for further research into the environment of the urban elites and for questions as to the luxurious furnishing in urban area.»
The speaker, who owns guns and opposes abortion, calls on the Democrats to expand their tent beyond the urban elite; the technocrats, the doctors, the lawyers, the journalists, the college graduates.
Its big idea is that globalization and rising prosperity have changed the values and behavior of the urban elite, «leading them to talk and act in ways that unwittingly activate authoritarian tendencies in a subset of the nationalists.»
What seems good to urban elites may not appeal equally elsewhere.
Meanwhile, capital - R Regionalism is still seen as a reactionary response to urban elites.
Given this topic, I assumed the critical challenge would be to question whether the breakdown of industrial production that has gutted small towns, forced labour into cities, and paved the way for the pastoral return of the urban elite really is «good news.»
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