Sentences with phrase «urban heat islands»

Scientists include older urban sites not because they are ignorant of urban heat island effects, but because continuing to include them improves the accuracy of our identification of temperature trends.
An examination of urban heat island characteristics in a global climate model.
A few papers came up discussing urban heat islands in the summer.
Their global temperature estimates are reasonably accurate, and aren't seriously biased by urban heat islands, or anything like that.
That should be compared with rural stations to correct for urban heat island effect.
Further, decreasing building envelope temperatures and reducing air conditioning exhaust can reduce urban heat island effect.
The state of knowledge about urban heat islands around 1980 is described and work since then is assessed in terms of similarities to and contrasts with that situation.
If urban heat islands significantly biased the temperature record, then you'd expect a global map of temperature change to have red spots where the population is concentrated.
It also provides a ranking of the top urban heat island cities among the 50 largest metropolitan statistical areas.
How to move beyond the warm words about tackling urban heat islands to doing something about them.
Does the increasing area of urban heat islands increase global warming?
Urban heat islands occur mainly at night and are reduced in windy conditions.
So, for a typical urban heat island we would expect the first part of the adjustment to be slightly negative, and then the second part to be even more negative.
So, the chapter authors included a very brief section discussing urban heat islands.
The factors that contribute to urban heat islands vary from one urban area to another.
My yard only has vegetation in pots, no grass whatsoever, therefore should be a model urban heat island!
Was it related to the Little Ice age, or solar forcing, or cosmic rays, or perhaps urban heat islands?
Indeed, the term urban heat island is used to describe the dome of warm air that frequently builds up over towns and cities.
The reality is that the social, environmental and economic costs of urban heat islands add up to a bill that is too high for humanity to pay.
But from a climate and urban heat island standpoint, it makes a lot of sense to install bright, white roofs.
The frequency of heat waves is expected to rise, made worse by urban heat islands; and rainfall is projected to become intense and erratic in some regions.
They all use the same raw temperature data, and the issue is they make slightly different adjustments due to problems of urban heat islands and so on.
The most serious problem with land temperature data is from urban heat islands.
Both of these project involving using mobile phones sensors to gather atmospheric data at an extremely granular level, and I was wondering whether you felt this could be useful for either storm forecasting (from micro-scale pressure readings) or for long term climate study (such as urban heat island effects)?
Not much «blue» in the Arctic (not with urban heat islands or heavy industries) with a mean zonal anomaly of +4 C near the Pole.
Like other occupied roof decks, they provide an active amenity to building tenants, and bring eco-system services such as mitigating urban heat island effect and managing stormwater.
As buildings replace forest or grasslands, the local temperature rises — the so - called urban heat island effect.
The host country can be using a near - continuous epgrade of data, working back through old paper records and applying recently - considered corrections like urban heat island.
Oke, T. R., G. T. Johnson, D. G. Steyn and I. D. Watson, 1991: «Simulation of nocturnal surface urban heat islands under «ideal» conditions: Part 2.
Therefore the windy - night trends are still highly likely to be less affected by growing urban heat islands than the calm - night trends when the surface air is less connected to the air aloft which is also moving more slowly.
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