Sentences with phrase «urban minority students»

Today's research shows that, especially for urban minority students, charter schools and voucher programs improve high school graduation rates and college enrollment.
In short, when it comes to improvements in student test scores, the benefits of charter school attendance are clearly greatest for low - income urban minority students.
Like virtually all prior work, their results suggested that the effect on educational attainment is largest for urban minority students.
Because of the void that exists between high school counseling and college advising (Grites, 1979) and because of the additional obstacles and pressures that impinge on gifted urban minority students who attend college, the school counselor's role in preparing gifted urban minority youth for appropriate postsecondary school education can not be underestimated.
Behind the Headline Schools of Choice: Expanding opportunity for urban minority students Education Next Spring 2016
Charter schools and voucher programs improve a student's chances of graduating from high school and enrolling in college, with the greatest benefits concentrated among urban minority students.
Principals, assistant principals, and deans of instruction fill many roles, and those in schools that serve urban minority students function in additional capacities.
Martin West's longer article, «Schools of Choice: Expanding opportunity for urban minority students,» is part of a new Education Next series commemorating the 50th anniversary of James S. Coleman's groundbreaking report, «Equality of Educational Opportunity.»
If an urban minority student goes to a Catholic high school, the probability of graduating from college jumps from 11 percent to 27 percent.
The chief beneficiaries of policies that expand parental choice appear to be urban minority students — precisely the group that Coleman argued has the least choice in a public school system in which school assignment depends on where a family lives.
The article by Martin West is «Schools of Choice: Expanding opportunity for urban minority students,» also in the Spring 2016 issue of Education Next.
The difficulty of inculcating this idea into the schema of many of these gifted urban minority students can not be underestimated.
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