Sentences with phrase «urban temperatures»

This could be because warmer urban temperatures may not be enough to overcome other adverse conditions such as limited water supply and rooting space in cities.
The sites were located across a variety of different urban temperatures, and air temperature was monitored at each site over the course of the experiment.
Scientists from Macao Polytechnic Institute are pioneers in exploring urban temperature in Hong Kong using seasonal econometric models.
This is because the design of buildings and the size of built up areas and spaces directly affects urban temperature, wind, rain and air quality - which in turn influence human comfort and health.
Conventional vehicles and air conditioners are the two biggest contributors to the heat island intensity — the difference between urban temperatures and the cooler temperatures of rural areas.
Single - day urban temperatures in some metro areas in the past 10 years have spiked as much as 27 degrees F higher than the surrounding rural area
The urban heat island (UHI) effect is a global phenomenon in which dark, impermeable surfaces and concentrated human activity cause urban temperatures to be several degrees hotter than those in surrounding areas.
Using the wealth of information available on - line, teach yourself the little bit of C / C + + needed to make the very simple modifications to the code to parse out rural vs. urban station data so that you can generate separate rural and urban temperature results.
It appears that Lister's group crunched some data on Chinese urban temperature monitoring and found that only about 60 % of measured temperature increase was actual trend as opposed to urban heat island effect.
German scientist A. Kratzer working on the impact of pollution on trees in the Ruhr Valley in the 1930s discovered urban temperatures were higher than the countryside.
What this means is that climatologists can be confident in using urban temperature data for monitoring stations in established cities so long as the monitoring station itself has been stable (no new asphalt walkways to grills nearby).
The higher urban temperatures are caused by the increased capacity of the urban land surface (eg.
You provide no comparisons of urban temperatures to surrounding suburban temperatures, and that is something one would expect from a post that proved the existence of UHI.
They found that in a hypothetical world in which cities sported highly reflective white roofs, urban temperatures were on average 0.6 °C cooler than in cities with existing, mostly black roofing materials.
They found that in a hypothetical world in which cities sported highly reflective white roofs, urban temperatures were on average 0.6 °C cooler than in...
In like manner, if I believe that the urban heat island effect is responsible for AGW, why can't I just subtract the urban temperature profile from the global surface temperature record and «whalla», problem solved.
Well it seems the warmers like Hanson appear to want to protect their secret algorithm that teases out the UHI effect in urban temperature data.
When it is windy the mixing is vertical as well as horizontal, so the urban temperature becomes more representative of the whole air - mass, especially because the generally faster moving air aloft can quickly cross whole cities including suburbs.
Characterizing the urban temperature trend using seasonal unit root analysis: Hong Kong from 1970 to 2015
In particular, the characterization of the urban temperature trend was investigated using a seasonal unit root analysis of monthly mean air temperature data over the period of January 1970 to December 2013.
«Air conditioning raising night - time temperatures in the US: Heat from cooling systems now raises some urban temperatures by more than 1C at night, reports Climate News Network»
In tandem with urbanisation in Hong Kong, urban temperature has risen faster than the countryside.
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