Sentences with phrase «urban youth there»

As much as 14 percent of urban youth there — some 24 million kids — fit the bill as Internet addicts, according to the China Youth Internet Association.

Not exact matches

wrote the book when she found that there weren't any books geared toward educating urban youth about finances.
She said «there is a growing realization that agriculture is the solution to reducing food waste, getting youth in employment, urban agriculture and sequestrating carbon emissions».
I am calling it street wear because a lot of what is out there (the hoodies, tracksuits, sneakers) are pretty much my idea of what the Russian equivalent of an «urban youth» would wear.
I am calling it street wear because a lot of what is out there (the hoodies, tracksuits, sneakers) are pretty much my idea of what the Russian equivalent of an «urban youth»...
There she led a national study of educational effectiveness in urban community art centers * where artists serve disenfranchised youth and provide models of process based education, administration, and self - assessment.
There are very few studies of urban youth in poor metabolic control, a group at higher risk for T1DM complications compared to suburban youth with lower HbA1c (Delamater et al., 1999).
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