Sentences with phrase «urinary opening»

Basically, the penis is removed and a new urinary opening is made.
This procedure involves creating a new urinary opening in the area of the scrotum.
The flexibility of the non-bony part of the urethra plus the surgically enlarged urinary opening allows for smaller stones to pass rather than stick in the os penis.
This is the distance between the genital openings (penile opening in the male, vaginal and urinary openings in the female) and the anus.
In some emergency situations this is not possible (the male cat can not always be unblocked with a urinary catheter and a new urinary opening may have to be constructed on an emergency basis.)
Phthalates have been linked to early onset of puberty in girls, obesity, lower sperm count and testosterone level, under - virilized boys, and male genital deformities such as hypospadias (in which the urinary opening is located somewhere besides the head of the penis, like the underside).
A doctor takes a clamp and removes this foreskin, and boom, you can suddenly see the glans and urinary opening.
«Boys exposed to endocrine disruptors in the womb or as young infants may also develop genital abnormalities, including hypospadias (a congenital defect in boys in which the urinary opening is on the underside of the penis), undescended testes and smaller penises.»
The urinary bladder, urethra, and urinary opening all constitute the lower urinary tract.
This causes a narrowing of the urinary opening and the surgery may have to be revised.
The most immediate concern for the dog with bladder stones is that the urinary opening may obstruct as the dog attempts to pass the stones.
If the stone can not be dislodged, a new urinary opening may have to be surgically created.
In such cases, the veterinarian will try to dislodge the stone, flushing it back into the bladder to restore the patency of the urinary opening.
Symptoms of FLUTD include frequent or painful urination, bloody urine and frequent licking of the urinary opening.
The hindquarters should not have any folds of skin covering or interfering with the digestive tract or urinary openings.
Signs that your dog may have lower urinary tract disease include difficulty urinating, urine that appears bloody or cloudy, foul - smelling urine, and frequent licking of the urinary opening.
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