Sentences with phrase «urinary problems related»

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The antiseptic, antimicrobial properties of buchu are useful for the treatment of kidney and urinary tract infections, as well as for gynecological problems related to yeast infections.
Breed - Related Health Concerns Dachshund paralysis (hereditary spinal disc problems); heart disease; urinary tract infections; diabetes; easy weight gain
Possible medical problems that relate to changes in urinary behaviors include a urinary tract infection or inflammation, blockage or partial blockage, kidney problems, or in the case of excessive thirst and urination, metabolic diseases such as diabetes.
A number of medical issues - including a urinary tract infection (UTI), a weak sphincter, hormone - related problems after spay surgery, bladder stones, diabetes, kidney disease, Cushing's disease, neurological problems and abnormalities of the genitalia - can cause urinary incontinence.
If cats do not feel safe eliminating then it can lead to stress - related problems such as urinary retention, constipation, bladder or bowel disease or inappropriate urination or defecation in quiet corners, for example.
The mass protrusion maybe indirectly related to the lymphoma, but there are many other causes of mass protrusion from the vagina which are possibly related to older age, urinary problems etc... Knowing when «it's time» is hard since as a loving owner you are biased towards looking at the positives rather than the negatives and since dogs are generally stoic by nature you may not see the full extent of her pain; you really need to look at Precious objectively and decide if she is the same dog or if there is something different, behavioural changes are usually the first signs.
The problem could be related to the urinary tract, bladder, or kidneys, or it could be something completely unrelated (such as diabetes).
A very common reason for cat visits to the veterinary hospital is for problems related to changes in urination and urinary habits.
That includes after spray surgery hormone - related problems, diabetes, urinary tract infection, Cushing's disease, bladder stones, genital abnormalities, problems with the nervous system, disease of the kidneys.
As indicated above, symptoms of urinary tract infection are usually related to problems with urination due to inflammation of the urinary tract.
Answer: I can't really relate the visit with the cat to her urinary problems unless it stressed her out, lowered her immune system, and made her more susceptible to a urinary tract infection.
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Concerns have been raised that early neutering would result in smaller diameters in the urinary tract, resulting in an increased incidence of cystitis and related problems.
Another 40 % of cat bladder problems are related to stones or urinary mucus - crystal plugs.
If stone problems are occurring in related dogs, in otherwise young and healthy animals, or if there is a history of unexplained, chronic urinary tract infections, a genetic factor should be considered.
A number of medical issues - including a urinary tract infection, a weak sphincter caused by old age, hormone - related problems after spay surgery, bladder stones, diabetes, kidney disease, Cushing's disease, neurological problems and abnormalities of the genitalia - can cause urinary incontinence in dogs.
Some common ailments that bring dogs and cats to the ER around the holidays are injuries that result from fighting between normally docile pets, stomach upset from food changes and stress - related urinary problems in cats.
If you fell for that line of illogic at the time, chances are that you now need a lot of veterinary services for nutrition - related diseases — problems that feeding your pet correctly in the first place would have prevented, such as diabetes, arthrtitis, urinary tract problems, and cognitive decline.
This discussion is only related to uroliths (which are stones found in the bladder or less commonly in other portions of the urinary tract) and crystaluria (crystals in the urinary tract) and how Young Again foods can help with these persistent problems.
Though urinary problems may be isolated; they could also be related to other kidney or bladder issues.
Stress - related conditions in animals include asthma, urinary tract problems, conjunctivitis, and gastrointestinal upset (vomiting and / or diarrhea).
Some of the most common clinical problems we see in aging bunnies involve their urinary tract and may be related to improper diet and inadequate exercise.
Breed - related health concerns: deafness, skin problems, hypothyroidism, autoimmune disease, eye and ear problems, patellar luxation, urinary tract problems.
As indicated above, symptoms of a urinary tract infection in dog are usually related to problems with urination due to inflammation of the urinary tract.
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