Sentences with phrase «urinary tract infections without»

Although you may need an appointment, you can get birth control, STD testing, and testing / treatment for urinary tract infections without having a medical exam.
On the other hand, some pets may be diagnosed with a urinary tract infection without any clinical symptoms being present.

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Furthermore, the investigators found that women were often treated for urinary tract infections in the absence of related symptoms, and without having had a urine culture.
«Urinary tract infections: Getting better without antibiotics.»
I have helped manage many cases where we reassured the pet owner and the DVM that if the vomiting, diarrhea or other signs they were seeing were from the product they used (floor cleaner, air freshener, etc), the signs should resolve without the need for meds, but it turned out the pet had a completely unrelated urinary tract or respiratory infection.
Alternatively, as mentioned, the cat might have a documented urinary tract infection, with or without symptoms.
In some situations, urinary tract infections in dogs may not cause any symptoms and may resolve on their own without any medical intervention.
They already have problems — and that's without adding the risk of cystitis and urinary tract infections.
Responsible for gastroenteritis, pneumonia, skin infections, urinary tract problems, and a host of other diseases, these tiny, one - celled organisms can multiply unchecked in your pet's body without the intervention of antibiotics.
Kidney disease is a leading cause of death in geriatric cats.Chronic Urinary Tract Infections can easily occur without you being aware.
Urinary tract infections are rare in cats without a concurrent disease such as kidney insufficiency, diabetes, or hyperthyroidism.
The disease Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) is a different condition that refers to inflammation in the urinary system without the presence of infection.Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) is a different condition that refers to inflammation in the urinary system without the presence of infection.urinary system without the presence of infection
And Julia, in New York City, whose financial situation left her without the means to get help for chronic urinary tract and bladder infections.
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