Sentences with phrase «urinary tract problems often»

In cats, urinary tract problems often affect neutered males although female cats may also have the same issue.

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Although often considered a weed, due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, willow herb has long enjoyed a solid reputation for easing problems of the prostate gland and urinary tract.
Patients taking antibiotics for an unrelated problem (such as upper respiratory infection or urinary tract infection), will often report that their symptoms are much better while taking the antibiotic, and worsen when the antibiotic is stopped.
If your feline is passing water less often it could be a symptom of low blood pressure, liver or kidney problems or an injury to the urinary tract amongst other things.
Many pets with urinary tract infections will also often develop crystals or mucous plugs in the urinary tract which can create even more problems for the patient.
There are good dry cat foods but many cat experts today recommend wet / canned foods instead of dry because of the urinary tract problems cats can have which are often linked to not having enough moisture in their diet.
Behavioral problems are often multifactorial and involve ruling out medical problems first (with the urinary problems especially like urinary tract infections, FLUTD, crystals, stones, etc) and then really delving into many things like how many cats you have, the lay out of your house, what type litter you are using, what kind of litter box, where the litter boxes are located, etc etc etc..
You almost hope it is a urinary tract infection because treating behavioral problems is often much harder so start with that urinanalysis.
Various medical problems, including urinary tract infections, urinary incontinence, priapism (persistent, often painful erections) and skin allergies, can influence a dog's mounting behavior.
Behavior wise, cats with urinary tract problems urinate more often and they usually strain while using their litter box.
Abnormal results from a urine test often indicate a problem with the kidneys or urinary tract including infections.
Veterinarians often prescribe Hill's Prescription dry c / d for urinary tract problems but again, these diets are only ten percent water and contain a high level of species - inappropriate ingredients and questionable preservatives.
Urolithiasis is a frequent cause of recurrent signs of lower urinary tract inflammation in dogs and cats of any age while neoplasia of the bladder, urethra or prostate is often the underlying problem in older dogs.
Cats often don't get enough water — a common cause of kidney and urinary tract problems.
Cats also often suffer from dental problems, weight issues, kidney disease and urinary tract infections — so manufacturers have created diets to help address each of these problems.
Problems that occur in the urinary tract and bladder of cats are often referred to as Feline Lower Urinary Tract Durinary tract and bladder of cats are often referred to as Feline Lower Urinary Tract Distract and bladder of cats are often referred to as Feline Lower Urinary Tract DUrinary Tract DisTract Disease.
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