Sentences with phrase «urination at»

If you desire urine testing for chlamydia and gonorrhea, please refrain from urination at least one hour beforehand.
The judge held that it was open to the authority to meet the claimant's need for «safe urination at night» in a more economical manner, by the provision of pads.
Be sure to check your cat's litter often for blood, crystals or no urination at all.
Watching what you eat and drink in the evening can help curb frequent urination at night.
And of course he handled the countless picayune issues that cross the desk of your average local elected official, like complaints about idling buses and public urination at Dallas BBQ, overly stringent leash - law enforcement and illegal commercial traffic on West End Avenue.
Nocturnal enuresis is the involuntary urination while sleeping by a person who would normally be able to control urination at their age.

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He excelled at finding it, and by the time he was 15 the arrests were mounting: consumption of alcohol by a minor, drunk and disorderly, fighting, public urination.
At first, have child sit on the potty about 10 minutes; after two to three successful urinations into the potty and much praise, the child will begin to understand and prompting and sit time can be reduced.
At this age, they may not be able to delay elimination, but they need to make the connection between the feeling of fullness and the act of excretion or urination.
Frequent urination is a pregnancy symptom that nobody enjoys, especially when it wakes you up at night, when you're desperate for as many ZZZs as possible.
At the beginning they get a raisin for just sitting on the potty, and a semisweet chocolate chip for urination / defecation.
The infant should be assessed for jaundice, adequate hydration, and age - appropriate elimination patterns (at least six urinations per day and three to four stools per day) by 5 to 7 days of age.
Bed - wetting, also known as nocturnal enuresis, is urination (peeing) at night that your child can not control.
Involuntary urination is also not a good feeling, and it can happen at any time, even if you don't laugh or sneeze.
At eight months pregnant, it is likely you will experience the emergence of new symptoms such as heartburn, hemorrhoids, and a significant increase in the frequency of urination.
Having said that, bowel movements usually occur with urination, and if you child is sitting down to urinate, he may have a bowel movement at the same time and thus make the whole potty training process a lot easier.
Since bowel movements and urination often happen at the same time, it makes sense to have your son start by sitting on the toilet.
I grew up with anatomically correct genitalia, and I must say, I have never experienced pain at urination.
Mom was no longer charting urination and stooling at this time (said she discontinued that at 8 weeks)- History: Mom reported baby crying mid-nap, and resumed night waking one week before 4 mo. well baby check.
A decline in the City's quality of life is her overarching theme, with subway delays, public urination, crippling traffic and increasing numbers of homeless people on the street prime examples she offers of problems caused, or at least not adequately addressed, by Mayor de Blasio.
In a move aimed at dampening the impact of «broken windows» policing, the New York City Council passed bills to create a civil process for some of the most common low - level infractions observed by police officers, including public drinking and public urination.
She stopped short, however, at making outdoor urination a civil penalty.
At an Association for a Better New York power breakfast on Thursday morning, she blasted the mayor's quality of life record, insisting that his plan to tackle the city's homelessness crisis is insufficient, calling for a better plan to address mental health issues and complaining about public urination.
Bonds, special elections and a ban on public urination and defecation are scheduled to be discussed at the Hempstead Town Board meeting Tuesday.
However, he and Gheorghe Doros, PhD, professor of biostatistics at BUSPH, discovered that despite increased prostate size in the group that received testosterone therapy, there were fewer urinary symptoms such as frequent urination, incomplete bladder emptying, weak urinary stream and waking up at night to urinate.
When the prostate becomes enlarged, it can restrict or block urine flow causing interrupted or weak urine stream, leakage, urge incontinence and more frequent urination, especially at night.
«This is a safe procedure for men with BPH to improve urination while preserving sexual function,» said Mike Hsieh, MD, urologist at UC San Diego Health System.
Sarsaparilla 30: A bladder infection requiring Sarsaparilla involves pain that is most concentrated at the end of urination.
Cholera, for instance, can diminish about 6 % of water in the body and as a result, there will be urination cessation and at times death if there is no water restoration.
Pine essential oil is also used to treat food poisoning, as it encourages the body to process as well as get rid of toxic substances at a more rapid pace and, as a result, helps to get rid of them faster via urination.
Frequent urination and thirst can be annoying at first but no worries, it takes care of itself once your body adjusts and is no longer burning through the extra glycogen.
Some of the signs are «dribbling» at what should be the end of the urine stream; inability to urinate; incomplete emptying of the bladder; incontinence; needing to urinate every few hours at night; pain with urination; slowed or delayed start of the urinary stream; sudden urge to urinate and a weak urine stream.
Men with this disease often have chills; fever; pain in the lower back and genital area; urinary frequency and urgency, often at night; burning or painful urination; body aches; and a demonstrable infection of the urinary tract as evidenced by white blood cells and bacteria in the urine.
However, kidney detoxification will benefit more from a detox water diet, which will increase urination, help decrease the risk of urinary tract infections and increase the speed at which chemicals are excreted from the body.
My symptoms have included inability to train (2 minutes into a light run, I feel like I'm at the end of a marathon, no matter how slow I try to take it), nausea, flu - like muscle aches, head cold / allergic symptoms, increased urination and thirst, just to name a few.
In the morning before breakfast and after urination, body weight and waist circumference were measured at baseline and 6, 12, 18, and 24 months.
Sure I could only put maybe one or two hours into it at a time before I got bored, but the game was super fun and made me laugh so hard to the brink of self urination.
Unfortunately, the opposite's true for the relatively serious scenes, such as Oz and Heather's vulgar, squirm - inducing attempts at phone sex (when a comedy audience suddenly falls silent, that's not a good sign), and there's an extended urination scene that's surprisingly fetishistic for a mainstream Hollywood comedy.
(d) Direct the employee to go into the room used for urination, provide a specimen of at least 45 mL, not flush the toilet, and return to you with the specimen as soon as the employee has completed the void.
Dogs lose a great deal of water daily through urination, respiration, and evaporation, a relatively small amount of losses can result in serious health problems, so it is very important that an adequate water supply be available at all times.
More specifically, you're looking at excessive urination in your kitty.
Chronic Kidney Disease — weight loss, can have good or bad appetite, increases or decreases in urination, vomiting, may drink excessively or not at all, lethargy, diarrhea, poor hair coat
It's also possible to avoid this cause of inappropriate urination by having a male cat neutered before he becomes sexually mature, which occurs at about six months of age.
Animals are characteristically presented with sudden blindness and normal to near - normal ophthalmic findings, and many can develop weight gain, increased appetite and thirst, and increased urination either before or at the same time vision is lost.
Symptoms of a urinary tract infection include increased water consumption and frequency of urination, voiding small amounts and straining, accidents in the house, leaking urine during sleep, strong smelling or atypically colored urine, and incessant licking at the prepuce or vulva.
Regardless of their breed or size, both geriatric cats and dogs are at risk of developing diseases such as kidney disease, often characterized by excessive drinking of water, combined with increased urination, and often, weight loss.
The team at Anderson Mill Animal Clinic offers pet behavior counseling for many common problems, including inappropriate urination or defecation, urine marking, aggression, nipping and biting, separation anxiety, inappropriate chewing and barking, digging, chewing and introduction of new pets into the household.
Do not scowl or frown at your dog, especially in response to submissive urination.
If the above tips don't work for your cat or you need more ideas, take a look at this article: General Tips for Solving Inappropriate Urination Problems in Cats
A complete description of the episode is useful to the veterinary neurologist, including when the episodes happen; how long they last; what the patient is doing before, during and after the episode; how frequent they happen; whether the patient loses control of urination or defecation; if the episode starts at one part of the body or face; and does the patient lose consciousness.
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