Sentences with phrase «urine odor molecules»

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Rather than simply mask the odor (which any dog can smell right through) these cleaners break down the urine molecules and remove the scent at its source, lessening the chance that your pup will return to the same spot in the future.
All urine odors are caused by molecules that emit a vapor.
The bubbling action penetrates deep to lift away the stain's actual molecules, erasing the stain completely, eliminating a broad range of stains and odors, including pet waste and urine, dirt, wine, ink and more.
In truth, however, if a dog or cat urinates on carpeting, and the urine gets into the padding or even all the way into the floorboards underneath, then more cleaning product must be used — whether it's green or not — so it can soak down deep enough to reach all the odor molecules.
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