Sentences with phrase «urushiol as»

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You can also get a poison ivy rash from touching an object (such as a piece of clothing) that has urushiol oil on it.
This rash, known as contact dermatitis or rhus dermatitis, is actually an allergic reaction to the urushiol oil (which is found in poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac plants) produced by the toxic vine.
If you're going outdoors and think you might come into contact with poison ivy, use an over-the-counter barrier cream as a buffer between urushiol oil and your skin.
Dogs can respond with a similar rash as humans, but thick hair often protects the skin from exposure, even in urushiol sensitive dogs.
Unlike walnuts, pistachios, and other popular nuts, you'll never find cashews sold in their shells as the shells contain high levels of urushiol — the same oily irritant found in poison ivy leaves.
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