Sentences with phrase «usage during peak demand»

0.13 GW DSBR scheme contracts with large energy users, paying them to reduce their usage during peak demand.
In a significant statement, a substantial majority express willingness to reduce usage during peak demand (69 %) and peak price periods (68 %) and would opt into a program to obtain electricity from renewable sources from their utility (86 %).

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That means that a customer's peak demand during the month would be multiplied by $ 14 and added to the electricity bill, which currently just calculates a customer's usage.
EPA also set basic criteria to highlight on the ENERGY STAR product finder products capable of supporting demand response; this «connected» functionality allows products to reduce their electricity usage during peak periods and shift charging to non-peak times.
«Demand ratchets» represent the extra costs businesses pay based on peak demand, which is often measured by the top 15 minutes of usage during any billing pDemand ratchets» represent the extra costs businesses pay based on peak demand, which is often measured by the top 15 minutes of usage during any billing pdemand, which is often measured by the top 15 minutes of usage during any billing period.
For instance, if the customer is billed under Time of Use rates, in order to understand how much a solar installation will reduce their utility bill, it is essential to understand how much energy they consume during peak demand times when energy is more expensive, and how those usage patterns intersect with the amount of energy their solar array is likely to be producing at different times.
The project has reduced household energy consumption by up to 15.2 % and office building consumption by up to 22.8 % through demand response (DR) testing during peak times of electricity usage.
Firms already opt to do this to a certain extent in what's called «triad avoidance ``, where they try to reduce usage during the year's three demand peaks, or triads.
However, they can deliver power during the peak usage daylight hours, when electricity demands are typically highest at offices and factories.
Some of them are also capable of reducing their electricity usage during peak periods and shift charging to non-peak times as part of utilities» demand response programs.
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