Sentences with phrase «use as a hunter»

Historically, Greyhounds have been used as hunters due to their great speed — they are the fastest breed of dog, reaching top speeds of over 40 miles per hour — and keen eyesight.
History: Chinese Crested origin is China (since 13th century) and was often used as a stomach warmer to drive out sickness and also used as a hunter of vermin as a «Chinese Ship Dog».
This breed was used originally on farms for stock control and as watch dogs and they were sometimes used as hunters for larger game animals.
It is also important to take the Yorkshire Terrier's past into account: this breed was used as a hunter dog to kill and drive away rats from the miners» houses centuries ago.
History and Facts: This breed was owned by the common people of Ireland and used as a hunter, guard dog, herd dog and all - around farm dog.
Its use as a hunter was not appreciated much in the United States until the 1990s.
Peruvian Inca Orchids were first bred to be used as hunters and messengers, and it can often feel like these dogs have no «off» switch.
In proportions the Norrbottenspets is slightly taller than long - fit for the original use as a hunter.
Used as both a hunter and shepherd, the Kuvasz eventually became popular in Europe as a police dog.

Not exact matches

From water - and snow - resistant parkas made from skins worn by hunters in polar regions to garments fabricated using woven straw, such as the ancient Japanese
From water - and snow - resistant parkas made from skins worn by hunters in polar regions to garments fabricated using woven straw, such as the ancient Japanese mino, people have long sought ways to remain dry while outside in wet weather.
«Nimrod» was a mighty hunter in the Bible, but when Bugs Bunny used the term facetiously to describe Elmer Fudd, many people, not recognizing the allusion, came to view «Nimrod» as equivalent to «dimwit».
Perhaps, the hunter shoud be content with using a tranquilizer rifle to down the hunted animal, get their picture taken as having conquered their prey, let the animal recover and both go on their way.
We can then hope that Kroenke sells up to someone who cares about the club, not asset strippers or glory hunters buying the club with borrowed money using the club as security against the loan.
The gun rights folks would tell you the AR - 15 is a «common weapon», and in a numerical sense, they are absolutely correct, as they are extremely popular, common, and frequently used by sportsmen and hunters.
Furthermore, a recent episode of House Hunters in Germany added some information about the high - efficiency water heaters used in Germany that take up a large amount of space in homes and therefore, are an incentive to not use hot water as much.
As chairwoman of the land - use committee, she negotiated various down zonings in Queens and supported new developments, including Willets Point and Hunters Point.
Towards this end, states governments have been given a 21 days ultimatum to disarm vigilantees and neighbourhood watch group, hunters and watch - night men or any group or association under any capacity or guise other than statutory security agencies recognized and gazetted by the Federal Government of Nigeria to bear firearms of specified category; who are currently possessing and using prohibited / illegal firearms such as Pump action gun and the likes for whatsoever purpose.
along the creeks in the 20th century, to big - game hunters who used Taylor Ranch as a base before the university acquired it and turned it into a biological field station.
Coss» paper grew out of a 2015 study in which he and a former graduate student reported that zebras living near human settlements could not be approached as closely before fleeing as wild horses when they saw a human approaching on foot — staying just outside the effective range of poisoned arrows used by African hunters for at least 24,000 years.
Their commitment to wilderness is as fervent as any I have come across, but it pays tribute to the historical presence of human beings, from the original residents, whom the pioneers called Sheep Eaters, to the gold miners of the late 19th century, to the ranchers who strung telephone wire along the creeks in the 20th century, to big - game hunters who used Taylor Ranch as a base before the university acquired it and turned it into a biological field station.
The Sea Ice Knowledge and Use (SIKU) project aims to record some of this information as the sea ice the hunters have known changes before their eyes.
But this hi - tech creature has an advantage over its hunters as it detects them using thermal imaging.
Although Liebenberg's observations support the runner - as - hunter hypothesis, Bramble and Lieberman think early Homo would more likely have first run to scavenge prey killed by other carnivores — a strategy the Hadza people of East Africa are known to use.
The hunters maneuver the canoes into a U-shape around the dolphins, using sound as an acoustic barrier to drive them toward shore where they are killed.
On Hudson Bay the ice is nowhere near as reliable as it used to be for hunters.
Semaq Beri hunter - gatherers usually used specific terms for a range of odors as well as colors, say Majid of Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, and Kruspe of Lund University in Sweden.
In the past few years, consumers have grown used to the sight of handheld GPS receivers, which have been marketed as individual positioning devices for anglers, hunters, hikers, and cyclists — tools, in other words, for establishing one's individual bodily location.
This suggests that they could have been selected by Stone Age hunters to be used as projectile weapons.
To lure nomadic hunter - gatherers out of the forests and into settled communities, government representatives used a technique known as the «attraction front» for many decades.
«In this epoch, hunters of deer and wild boar used to shoot their arrows at the left shoulder blade of their prey,» he says, as it gave them the best chance of killing it at first shot.
With eyes twice as big as their brains, a head that can rotate 180 degrees in each direction and the ability to track prey using ultrasound, the tiny animals are formidable nocturnal hunters.
The main concept of the paleo diet is to eat as people used to eat before modern civilization when they were hunters.
As a hunter, you must use your cunning and expertise to track and maneuver your targets throughout the intense, evolving battles.
I don't mean to criticize harshly, but as a hunter who's used the Glaive's fancy acrobatics and interesting dynamics since it's introduction, I figured a few more tips wouldn't hurt!
Now she's leaping into action (and putting her ballet training to use) as fierce treasure hunter Lara Croft in Tomb Raider.
As you complete missions and take down bigger and badder beasts, your hunter rank will increase, which is the general barometer used to measure how far someone is in the game or how powerful they are.
So huge, that Nergigante could hitch a ride on its back and use that space as an arena to destroy the hunters fending him off (which he did to me, of course).
The monsters you face are just as detailed and varied as the tools you use to hunt them, with a variety of creatures of all shapes and sizes resembling real - world reptiles and birds of prey and tons of unique fantasy beasts that keep things very interesting such as the Kulu - Ya - Ku, a bird / wyvern hybrid that hops around with stolen eggs, or the Anjanath, a dinosaur - inspired monster immensely aggressive towards both hunters and other species.
i got 15 + hours on a demo now and i honestly think its a good feature for beginners, and its not as bad as it sounds and certanly not a game breaker, as people WONT be using it after they get used to controlling camera (which to be honest, HAS alittle learning curve to get used to in monster hunter games) ^ ^
Hunters is perhaps most notable for pushing the DS to its maximum potential both graphically and through innovative use of the touch screen, easily establishing it as one of the best handheld first - person shooter experiences produced for the dual - screened system.
Grave Encounters uses the «found footage» subgenre to piece together the last night of a «Ghost Hunters» styled television team as they find more...
These points can specifically be spent during the ongoing match for temporary use of ruffians, star hunters or heroes / villains such as Luke Skywalker, Han Solo or Boba Fett.
Using the gourmet cells in his body (which only the top gourmet hunters have) he can utilize such abilities as super strength to capture his target, take out competition, and usually eat part of the rare food for himself («Cause why else would he do it?).
Ebook edition: If your intended gift recipient has a Kindle — or if you know that he or she reads ebooks by using free Kindle «apps» on some other device — then you can give them HUNTER by going to its Amazon Kindle page and clicking the orange «Give as a gift» button, located in the upper right corner of the page.
This program is great for foreclosure hunters, whether they plan to use the home as a primary residence, second home or investment property.
Their use of Buffett «s quote «start at the As «is particularly apt for Hunters, highlighting their patient brute force approach — just like looking in a mirror for me!
They were also used in military campaigns, as herders, hunters, and guards.
Hunters objected, as did those who use guard dogs.
The dogs were used as big and small game hunters, tracking animals such as moose, elk, bear, mountain lion, badger, lynx, wolf, reindeer and rabbit.
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