Sentences with phrase «use as an experiment»

And with the English version already being used as an experiment by the bigger teams to test younger players or to give fringe members a game, at least until the latter stages where managers realise they have the chance to get their hands on some silverware, it could be seen as an even bigger waste of time.
However, you may want to approach their use as an experiment and not count on your cat thinking they are as great as you do.
When Alice was born she was taken away to be used as an experiment.
Lisa was merely a child and both she and her parents were kidnapped and used as experiments for the T - Virus.
Although you won't be part of the original movement — a group of artists who generally shared the same painting style and ideas during a specific time in history — you can still paint in the style they used as you experiment with and nurture your own.
The ʼ90s saw the voluntary introduction of the Property Condition Disclosure Statement, first used as an experiment by Maple Ridge licensees and offered to the rest of the province when consumers were enthusiastic.

Not exact matches

While working as the board's science consultant, Newnham studied the process scientists use to conduct experiments.
Just so long as it covers the cost of the electricity it uses, as well as the extra parts I bought for the experiment.
The experiment itself was simple: a hundred and forty - five undergraduate students were given a standard test of creativity known as an «unusual use» task, in which they had two minutes to list as many uses as possible for mundane objects such as toothpicks, bricks, and clothes hangers.
Using an online resource, such as, can help you find complimentary blends of colors by experimenting with its color wheel.
They see bitcoin as a digital gold and a technical experiment, as opposed to something you can actually use
For the most part, the Internet can still be used as a tool for people to start businesses, experiment, communicate and entertain themselves with.
In this column I've shared how much my experiment not flying has improved my life, which I say as someone with family all over and work that I used to think required flying.
Think of your current use of space as conducting an experiment.
Until now, experiments have only used relatively large detectors, failing to observe chameleons as the density of matter is too high.
Kolondra also said Opera is not talking with its mobile - operator partners about instituting the feature in its (far more widely used) mobile versions — many operators are controversially experimenting with blocking ads at the network level rather than in the browser, partly as a way of getting publishers and ad networks to give them a slice of their revenue.
And in the U.S., the National Ignition Facility is using lasers to ignite hydrogen plasma as it experiments with inertia confinement, also known as laser fusion.
There are already mobile apps that are experimenting with futuristic photo software concepts, like Fyuse and Phogy, as well as software using sophisticated algorithms to achieve the best quality of traditional photos, like A Better Camera.
Experiments on flattery, persuasion and the like could be made repeatable by using a computer as the flatterer or persuader.
In another experiment, rather than prime participants for particular roles, testosterone levels were used as a marker of which study subjects were inclined towards dominating power structures and which less interested in leading.
Two Sigma is reportedly experimenting with deep learning, a process that mimics the activity of neurons and was used to produce Amazon's «Alexa» robot, as well as Facebook's facial recognition system.
According to Kosinski, Kogan found a way to mirror the data and methodology being used for the myPersonality experiment, which he referred to as «psychographics.»
As a developer or entrepreneur, you may buy and use lumens to learn about cryptocurrency, experiment with operations, and build innovative applications on the Stellar Network.
However, it seems that interest in Litecoin is less focused on using it as a currency, but rather experimenting with it as a technology, still similar to Bitcoin in its earlier states.
They use several failed experiments that «prove» life came from nothing such as the Urey / Miller expirement (which actually proved nothing and created death, not life) That is the biggest problem that people have with they way it is taught.
Make your fight stand on it own and stop trying to use the experiment of 400 plus years of slavery and discrimination as part of your justification.
We have experimented with the use of EEG in prayer (watching the brain waves to discern a rise in spiritual consciousness), the use of the consensor with prayer groups, and the impact of certain kinds of music as observable with biofeedback machines.
What started off as an experiment six years ago, when the company bought 100 Huffys for employees to use to get around the sprawling campus, has since exploded into its own subculture.
Regarding science as a religion, I can see this use in the most general sense, but I know of no scientists who pray to their experiments.
Much of the time, theories will have to be adjusted and altered according to experiment and observation.BUT... Some of the time theory becomes fact... provable scientific fact, such as that we can use silicon and germanium in such a way that we can create electrical switches from these elements and we can use this to create computers.
The group was used as a lab to experiment with various group techniques including buzz groups, post-session evaluation techniques, opinionaires, brainstorming, and dialogue - stimulating methods.
Knowledgeable critics immediately jump into the fray, pointing out that the technology is not new, that in fact all the embryos used in the experiment were killed, and that the President's Council on Bioethics had considered the ACT procedure a year earlier and unanimously rejected it as unethical.
: A young girl has this pet, which is sort of a pig / cow / hippo hybrid, but it's going to be experimented on by this giant corporation to use as livestock, so she has to save it.
Though some of the splashier and more publicized experiments of the «wired church» attract the most attention and concern, most congregations that use computer technology are simply trying to make the ministries in which they are already engaged more effective, attractive and applicable to the lives of the people they serve, especially the young, for whom these technologies are as familiar a part of everyday life as using the telephone — a mobile unit, that is.
One goal of the experiment, (not the only one, but maybe an interesting one) is that I wanted to gain insights into problems in my relationship with God by using others as a mirror.
Physics, in particular, is noted for its ability to use inductive reasoning to posit universal laws such as Einstein's General Relativity, making the claim that experiments and observations on or from earth allow us to generalise a theory into universal law, i.e. a law of physics that we believe must hold everywhere in the universe because this is a law written into the fabric of the universe.
«Elementary» is used in an operational sense and varies with the circumstances.1 Particles which may be regarded as noncomposite in low - energy experiments show definite structure in high - energy ones.
Whilst acknowledging that many questions remain unanswered in the debate between those who would advocate the use of stem cells taken from human embryos, and those experimenting on stem cells drawn from tissues of the adult human body, there is a lengthy discussion of the moral status of the human embryo as being a crucial matter in this regard.
Interested to see this as I was just going to post to say how amazing your sweet potato brownies are but also that I've just experimented making them using pumpkin (I have to admit I used tinned rather than fresh).
Wine brands are using humor as a vehicle for education, but Gallo has discovered that any effort that encourages wine drinkers to explore, experiment and embark on a journey of discovery will bring the industry closer to reducing fear among budding oenophiles.
I used dried dill as I find it to be the most convenient to work with, but you can use fresh or experiment with other herbs instead if you prefer.
i'm going to experiment with freezing a portion to see how it holds up, as this would be a great thing to make a double - batch of for later use.
I will experiment with this recipe for sure, using it as a base.
I used your 1oz to 1 cup ratio of of your last ice pop post to experiment with some of my own, but I really want to know, how, as we appear to have the same mould you got them to come out looking so perfect and non slightly melted by trying to get them to come out at the top!!!
I, like you, changed my eating habits so much since college and even still I feel that they evolve more and more as I read, learn and experiment with healthy ingredients and recipes using fresh and seasonal recipes.
I will definately try, I do nt use preservatives as well, I do nt think artisanal chocolates needs them and they need to be consumed fresh, so I will experiment with it a little, the earl grey sounds wonderfull I love the taste with chocolate.
Last month I received a free sample of yacon syrup and I have been experimenting with it in cooking — it is being touted as a straight supplement for weight loss, but I am more interested in using it as a natural sweetener that is lower glycemic than most.
Since the taste of stevia is up to 300 times sweeter than that of cane sugar, it's best to start out on the conservative side as you experiment with using it in your recipes.
If you experiment with this and it doesn't rise as well, consider using it as a bread pudding filler, crumbling it up and adding some milk, maybe some sweetener and cinnamon and cloves, let it sit overnight and bake the next morning.
When I started brainstorming lasagna sauce recipe ideas in my head, I suddenly remembered that I'd bought a packet of agar - agar powder (vegan gelatin) to experiment with a dessert recipe for Valentine's Day... What if I use the nutty flavour chickpea flour as a base for my sauce (which I had done once before) and thicken it up with agar - agar powder?
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