Sentences with phrase «use as my wife»

So I'm looking for an online checking account that I could use as my wife and I's primary checking account.

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And, does it invite start - ups to fake it, using wives or girlfriends as the illusory heads of a companies that are actually run by their husbands or boyfriends?
During a meeting between Kim and a South Korean envoy in March, Asahi Shimbun reported that Ri referred to Kim as «my husband,» marking a major shift in language deliberately potentially used to normalize the relationship between the leader and his wife.
Although many people refer to his wife as Kate, her proper and full title that she is addressed as is Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge No matter how cute the little ones are, they have to have their full names used when called.
Beyond those investments, however, the duo grew Estately by grabbing as much free stuff as possible, including mooching server hosting from another startup, using online tools such as Google Apps and Google Voice, taking free lunches and dinners whenever possible and working out of Cole's basement apartment where Ward took over Cole's wife's desk while she was off getting her PhD.
«This might explain the awkward mistranslation of the French President describing Malcolm Turnbull's wife as delicious,» McKinnell said, attaching a picture of the Google translation for the French word, «délicieux,» which can be interpreted as «delightful» or «lovely» — as well as «delicious,» though it is unlikely Macron meant it in the way that term is traditionally used in English.
As we reported here on a few years back, Kiwi inventor and entrepreneur Glenn Martin has been tinkering with his design for a personal jetpack in his garage for more than 30 years, using his wife as a test piloAs we reported here on a few years back, Kiwi inventor and entrepreneur Glenn Martin has been tinkering with his design for a personal jetpack in his garage for more than 30 years, using his wife as a test piloas a test pilot.
Using the valuations as the basis for their equity split, Patriot's original owners (Hotze; his wife, Cindy; and their partner, Patty Brown) received 87 % of the stock in the new company, which kept Patriot's name; Watts and his wife, Jo Ann, received the rest.
Cuban says he uses headphones to watch TV, so as to not disturb his wife, and sets the television to turn off automatically so he can just fall asleep.
The Shimmer Floor Wax skit shows a husband and wife fighting over whether a product is meant to be used as a dessert topping or as floor wax.
As a male - to - female transsexual that walks with Christ, I am quite use to many levels of humor about my wife and I... and this was a splendid joke, in my opinion.
The same way that it was used in Ephesians 5:25 - 26 25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26 to make her holy, cleansing [a] her by the washing with water through the word,
At one time, during her teens and early 20's, my wife used birth control to control hormones and ease cramping, just as this woman mentions is why she uses it.
The same person who started Mormonism as a convicted fraud who told a story about using a black hat and a magic rock to translate the Book of Mormon, the world's most perfect book that has had 3000 corrects had two 14 year old wives.
The fundies usually use the muti - wives thing as a reason not to allow gay marriage.
My wife suggested years ago that I use «rocketscientist» as a username.
What is less clear to me is why complementarians like Keller insist that that 1 Timothy 2:12 is a part of biblical womanhood, but Acts 2 is not; why the presence of twelve male disciples implies restrictions on female leadership, but the presence of the apostle Junia is inconsequential; why the Greco - Roman household codes represent God's ideal familial structure for husbands and wives, but not for slaves and masters; why the apostle Paul's instructions to Timothy about Ephesian women teaching in the church are universally applicable, but his instructions to Corinthian women regarding head coverings are culturally conditioned (even though Paul uses the same line of argumentation — appealing the creation narrative — to support both); why the poetry of Proverbs 31 is often applied prescriptively and other poetry is not; why Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob represent the supremecy of male leadership while Deborah and Huldah and Miriam are mere exceptions to the rule; why «wives submit to your husbands» carries more weight than «submit one to another»; why the laws of the Old Testament are treated as irrelevant in one moment, but important enough to display in public courthouses and schools the next; why a feminist reading of the text represents a capitulation to culture but a reading that turns an ancient Near Eastern text into an apologetic for the post-Industrial Revolution nuclear family is not; why the curse of Genesis 3 has the final word on gender relationships rather than the new creation that began at the resurrection.
People try to use this as saying Jesus was not all he is made out to be... Well if you go by the bible then he was not in sin by having a wife, quite the opposite in fact by having a wife he was in line with the bible was he not?
While it lasts, married men should be as if they had no wives; mourners should be as if they had nothing to grieve them, the joyful as if they did not rejoice; buyers must not count on keeping what they buy nor those who use the world's wealth on using it to the full.
@Brett The early leaders of the church, Popes, Cardinals and Bishops used the generic term «wife» as church, collection of people or congregation because they knew they were about to screw the sheepies over not matter their gender.
In one particular case was over 30 years ago, and this pastor and his wife (no names used as requested) are STILL trying to bury the truth.
Yep, I didn't use my wife as my example of my best friend.
The goodness of love as created by God is taken up again by the prophet Hosea, who uses the continuing infatuation and affection he has for his wife, Gomer, as an image of the love Yahweh has for his people Israel.
I'm agreeing with my wife, that it's kinda sadly opportunistic that we use the death of one person who disagreed with «us» as a chance to make some sort of point
In the marital act, moreover, husband and wife do not use their bodies as instruments to provide them with subjective states of consciousness but rather respect their bodies as intrinsic to themselves as bodily persons.
For him, running his businesses with his wife — and involving his kids — while using it as a platform to showcase faith is one thing.
There used to be a movement that regarded women being married as oppression to women in roles as a mother and wife.
The wife who responds to her husband's end - of - the - day greeting with cold silence conveys a powerful message, as surely as though she had used an angry verbal outburst.
Husbands give this as a reason for divorcing their wife for another woman, college kids use it as an explanation for taking drugs or sleeping around, and businessmen use it to defend greed, lavish vacations, and shady corporate ethics.
I Timothy 5:8 is a favorite of anti-SAHD pastors to toss out and use as biblical justification for why men MUST be the breadwinner and leave the responsibilities of full time child - rearing and running a household to their wives.
If the anthropologist identifies herself with the group under consideration when the word «men» is used, she soon finds that men's wives come in for discussion — that her sex is being talked «about» as the «other» rather than being included among those addressed directly.
(c) He was married to a woman whom he refers to only once as «the prophetess» (8:3) He does not apparently mean a female prophet (although the term is later so used in the Old Testament of Huldah, II Kings 22:14), but simply the wife of a prophet (cf. Duke - Duchess) In Amos» day only a few decades earlier the term «prophet» was in disrepute in the Northern Kingdom and Amos disclaimed the title (Amos 7:14).
Since there are at least four times as many wives as husbands of alcoholics, the words «she» and «wife» will be used generally throughout this discussion.
Being alert to the possibility that some wives may attempt to sabotage their husbands» sobriety does not mean that one should use this as a general approach to helping the family.
This is often used to «explain» why the god of the OT would order the Israelites to kill everyone in the tribes around them except for the virgins, who they could rape as long as they took them for their wives.
Always along with this primacy of her sexual uses, the Old Testament reveals a strong sense of her worth as property, so that even in the late and beautiful description of a wife and mother in the Book of Proverbs, (Chap.
To claim that church and wife are one and the same is to also say that Jesus wasn't skillful enough in his use of language to avoid confusion in the minds of regular people and so must be interpreted by the professed learned such as yourself in order for us mere mortals to grasp their true meaning, thereby revealing a flaw in this god's claim of being all - knowing and all-wise.
Since Greek used the words here translated «man» and «woman» also for «husband» and «wife,» neither is it clear whether Paul limits his language to women as females or as wives.
Meanwhile, as his wife's work became more important his own share of the housework grew larger, until he was keeping house as she had used to, from eight to 16 hours a day.
Though I wanted to change and had been authentic with others whom I trusted about my desire to change, I never changed until I became as authentic as I could muster: during a marital counseling group session when I confessed my continued use of porn to my wife
Soon after (and after a great deal of research), I started finding uses for it in cooking, baking, and body lotion for my wife and myself as well.
My wife's GF Patisserie uses a specially milled rice flower that is already three times as expensive as regular wheat flour, add to that the insane price for Xanthan or other necesseties and you got prices comparable to New York City's fine restaurants....
A sugar substitute was first used in its pies in 1988, changing its focus along with its name, as it soon became known as Nancy's Pies Inc., after Coin's wife.
Eventually peppermint became a commonly used ingredient in food and is now prevalent in Middle Eastern and Southeast Asian cuisine, as well as popular European and American desserts such as peppermint ice cream (which was loved by Napoleon Bonaparte's first wife, Marie Louis), candy canes and mint chocolates.
That's also what makes it the most jarring of the Kart games for players who aren't used to the style of this particular entry: it's the only one of them my wife refuses to play with me, as my Super Mario Kart muscle memory remains strong, and there's just not much you can pull from experience with the rest of the series to help you combat that.
Now it is a life on wheels with all the problems of such a life: two small daughters who have to sleep on a shelf of the truck Garlits uses as transportation; a wife trying to make a home on the road; short, frantic visits to places like Half Moon Bay and Yellow Belly and Cicero and Oswego; road maps and strong coffee and restless sleep at roadside.
As for the author's wife comparison, try using a whore instead, someone who wants material items.
After Christmas, players took their wives to Boston, and for New Year's, Jada threw a bash, as the Hornets used to do.
Hey Natalia I loved this article, me and my wife were reading this and this made us think back to when I use to work as a trucker and be away.
Been with my wife 18 years and she started to use witholding sex and intamacy from me as a weapon about 10 years ago, everyday is a living missery and im sad.
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