Sentences with phrase «use biblical passages»

Some Christian schools use biblical passages to justify a disciplined learning structure.
Students use thinking skills to solve some picture puzzles before making some of their own using Biblical passages relating to abortion.

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I am a spiritually oriented person myself but I am sick to death of seeing religion dragged into politics, Biblical passages used like football cheers to encourage the destruction of the opposition, etc..
Now it is true that certain Biblical passages were used to support this view, but this was largely because the doctrine was read into them, an easy temptation to fall into at any time.
Using your Biblical software tools, locate other passages in the Bible, where the individual is present.
Several generations of students at Duke Divinity School have heard James «Mickey» Efird use those carnivalesque words to conclude debates over the meaning of a biblical passage.
Not only should we not delete the Old Testament, we should not use the tools of biblical criticism to delete any passage in either Testament that does not suit our argument.
Yet as we look at each of the Five Points in more detail in subsequent posts, we will make room for other Calvinistic voices to be heard as well, and as we look at the biblical passages they use to defend their theology, we will see that Calvinism may not be as reasonable or biblical as it first appears.
Despite my hesitancy to use selective passages of Scripture to «make a point» and my general aversion to bullet - points, I felt it necessary to include a more detailed presentation of a biblical alternative to exclusivism for the benefit of those readers who are themselves searching for one.
Only a little more than a century ago, many of the very same passages now being invoked to argue that the scriptures label homosexuality a sin or that God can not countenance gay marriage were used to justify not «biblical marriage» but slavery.
To all those candidates — Dominican or not — who may aspire to run for public office, I would like to dedicate to them that biblical passage I used to start this column: «Cursed is the one who trusts in man» (Jeremiah 17:5)... «Let God be true, and every man a liar.»
Using the checkerboard motif that appears throughout his work, Nahusenay probes the Biblical passage, which illustrates the drunken gambling and revelry that took place underneath the cross during the Crucifixion.
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