Sentences with phrase «use context»

The Licensed support materials use the context of road safety to cover unit content and to develop course outcomes.
By this I mean that I will always use the context, both current and historical, including family of origin, to inform the work and deepen my understanding of anyone I embark on a path of working in partnership with toward the general goals of reducing pain, increasing joy and broadening one's life choices.»
Use the context of the conversation - the event you are at or common professional or personal interests - to determine the things about you that are directly relevant to your conversation partner.
From here, use context clues and job titles to find the right person.
It's not entirely clear what they mean, but we can use context clues to decipher:
AI is also a big feature on the device as Honor says that the phone will be able to use context such as chatting about movies to recommend films, driving to activate driving mode, and «DeepThink» which pulls up information relevant to what is on your display similar to Google Now on Tap.
To do this, open Task Manager and use the context menu.
Mouse users can point to an item to see more options, and keyboard users can use the context menu key.
The keyboard will even use context to guess which word you're likely to type, even if you haven't started typing a word yet.
Previously, you had to right - click and use a context menu.
In other speech recognition applications, the recognizer can use context, such as a dialogue history, to set up certain expectations and guide the recognition.
As an attorney, you have experiences that are different from those of your peers, and you should use that context and voice to add authenticity to your content.
This distinction becomes especially important in the land use context where board members often question experts in the form of hypotheticals, inquiring as to whether alternative configurations of the site plan or building layout could function on the site.
For the sake of those of in the so called soft sciences (if one is even willing to call it a science...) please use context for things.
Photo credit: Image used here in a fair use context.
Each invited artist will use the context of the exhibition already on display in the gallery to either inform their project or as a backdrop, with the goal of adding to and ultimately shifting the reception of the space as a whole.
Filling up their power meter lets you press circle to use a context - sensitive attack.
Encourage children to use context clues to determine the meaning of new and unfamiliar words.
Simply run your finger over the part of the text you want to mark, and then use the context menu to highlight the text or make a note.
Effective tutors incorporate techniques such as guided reading, paired or shared reading and learning to use context and other clues to help with comprehension and decoding.
When presented with cloze sentences, students must use context clues to determine the missing word.
Students can then use the context clues in the text and the image to determine the missing words.
This strategy also models how good readers use context clues to understand what they are reading.
If students can gain confidence in reading because they understand what most of the words on the page mean, and can use context clues to figure out the remaining words, then their reading scores jump significantly.
In fourth grade, students should have command of grade level appropriate sight words, be able to read and comprehend informational text with domain - specific vocabulary, use context to determine the correct meaning of homonyms (multiple - meaning words), and recognize figurative language, including common idioms, simple similes, and metaphors.
In third grade, students should have command of grade level sight words, be able to read and comprehend informational text with domain - specific vocabulary, and use context to determine the correct meaning of homonyms (multiple - meaning words).
In fifth grade, students should have command of grade level appropriate sight words, read and comprehend informational text with domain - specific vocabulary, and use context to determine the correct meaning of homonyms (multiple - meaning words) and figurative language, like metaphors, similes, and idioms.
A group of worksheets that focus on helping students identify and apply words, to match phrases and to use context clues.
Use context clues to help Jermaine solve the mystery of the missing hat..
When students encounter a vocabulary word that they don't know or are unfamiliar with, they must use context clues to help them work out the meaning of the word.
Students use context clues to help them determine the meaning of a word, which in turn helps them comprehend the sentence and text.
However, rather than scaffolding and having them complete the formative practice sentence completion activities, I have them answer the written response question in the unit using vocabulary words and underlining when they use context clues.
The foundation is to use context - relevant pictures, as these help people understand concepts better.
He is gaining a better understanding of how to use the context of the questions to properly answer the problem.
Skills Covered Include: - Apply information - Choose the correct word - Expand vocabulary - Understand meaning of words and ideas - Use context clues - Use dictionary and glossary skills - Develop life / survival skills - Find relevant facts - Spell correctly - Understand and use reference sources - Analyze information - Write an original sentence - Classify information - Determine alphabetical order - Express / justify an opinion - Make decisions / choices
Skills Covered Include: - Apply information - Choose the correct word - Expand vocabulary - Understand meaning of words and ideas - Use context clues - Use dictionary and glossary skills - Develop consumer skills - Find relevant facts - Understand and use reference sources - Understand consumer information - Analyze information - Fill out forms correctly
Use context (e.g., the overall meaning of a sentence or paragraph; a word's position or function in a sentence) as a clue to the meaning of a noun phrase.
If others can't use the context to work out the meaning of these words, the initial team scores points.
Since Ancient Greece, memory theorists have known that we use context — or the situation we're in, including sights, sounds, smells, where we are, who we are with — to organize and retrieve our memories.
It's OK to dig deeper than the numbers and also use context when judging Trubisky at QB.
Use the context clues provided.
Use the context to explore the nuances.
and use CONTEXT (WHy does not ANYONE address the issue I keep beinging up that the Bible was NOT originally written I USA using the Modern English??)
YOU refuse to use context, instead you make up crap about what Paul says.Youre the one who needs to learn about logic and using context when using communication... prove me wrong..
God is not that hard to understand in his communication to us... it is only hard when people forget to use context, when people like AMericans forget the Bible was written by mostly Jews in a different country and culture and time.
we are not referring to priests anyways... Matthew shows Jesus kingly lineage... use context please... I have studied and taught the Bible for 25 + years now..
but you cant explain it... you all don't seem t 0oever use context... you may have WORDS memorized... but you don't know the meanings
that is nrefering to the transfiguration... again use context..
reading involves context... we don't merely read it... we use context... as I been saying in posts..
again the blogger supposed an existence of God for arguments sake... please use the context oft hat for my argument...
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