Sentences with phrase «use contextual learning»

With a suite of powerful tools at your fingertips, you can use contextual learning to lower support costs, deliver an interactive experience and increase retention rates.

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Up comes a chance to learn more: on April 10th, the Interactive Advertising Bureau is sponsoring a panel discussion hosted by ClickZ's Kate Kaye covering the lessons we can learn about «behavioral» advertising (in this case: search and contextual ads, or basically Google Ads) from their use in the 2008 elections.
Using a genetic approach to increase spine turnover, they show that higher pre-learning spine turnover positively correlates with learning and memory performance in contextual fear conditioning and Morris water maze.
Using up - to - date «presentation of learned information makes for realistic, contextual, emotional connections» to what is learned, says Torres.
Designed for companies with over 100 employees, Northpass is a modern, easy - to - use learning management system for the rapid creation and contextual delivery of branded training modules.
Agile tools such as personas and story mapping can be used to bridge the upfront analysis gap and to give the contextual analysis needed for any learning design.
What if we take these Agile terms and use the tools as a means for doing the contextual analysis for a learning design and creating content of courses?
Eleven curricular models were critiqued by Van Tassel - Baska and Brown (2007) according to the key features that each model contributed to student learning, teacher use, and contextual fit, including alignment to standards and use with special populations of gifted and non-gifted learners.
A Commissioned Paper for the U.S. Department of Education Project Preparing Teachers to Use Contextual Teaching and Learning Strategies To Improve Student Success In and Beyond School.
To serve each of these purposes, states will use a wider range of long - and short - term outcomes, as well as contextual data about the conditions of learning present in schools and districts, than was required by NCLB.
When possible, use the same contextual situation from one learning goal to the next to allow students to more easily build their new knowledge through connections made to their prior knowledge.
As a teacher who used to teach in units or blocks, I find it much easier to spark curiosity in my students when I spiral math curriculum using 3 act math tasks to teach concepts because solution strategies are much less predictable, students are not expected to use a specific formula or algorithm explicitly taught moments before during a teacher directed lesson and each of these contextual tasks creates an intellectual need for the learning.
Unsupervised smart bots that use machine learning to learn from user conversations, enabling fluid, contextual conversations; and
The feature was shown off briefly, and it basically uses the power of Google's machine learning technology in order to provide contextual analysis of pictures.
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