Sentences with phrase «to use dashboard»

So, the lawyers can use this dashboard from their home computers and from their iPads, but not from a company - issued laptop.
When using the dashboard, agents sign on once to access everything they need.
GPS navigation and paper maps — You probably already have a GPS on your smartphone, but consider using a dashboard GPS, as well.
There is also an easy - to - use dashboard where you can prototype and query transactions without writing any code.
You also have the option to contact your matchmaker using the dashboard messaging interface whenever you like.
Using a dashboard of measures, states could use a tiered approach to make a series of decisions about school performance on particular indicators.
The proposal to use dashboard colors to identify the lowest - achieving schools is being sharply criticized.
It can be adjusted from «comfort» to «sport» to «race» using dashboard switches.
Compliance personnel use our dashboard to generate alerts on risky customers and export suspicious activity reports.
Locu has managed to get 30,000 businesses to sign up for it service, by providing an easy - to - use dashboard for small business marketing materials.
Managers also use the dashboard to track profitability for Image One's 200 largest customers.
No surprise then that Casnocha advises you to use the dashboard model to measure your progress.
Sharma and Shah's collision alert system uses a dashboard camera and an algorithm that can determine whether an object near the vehicle is an on - road cow and whether or not its movements represent a risk to the vehicle.
Seeing Machines» Driver Safety System uses a dashboard - mounted driver - facing camera to detect if the person behind the wheel is paying attention or falling asleep.
We at the Los Angeles 10th district are using the Dashboard in order to find our most needy & underprivileged schools, in order to plan programs that give back.
The upcoming 2019 Ford Expedition will use the dashboard like on Ford F - 150.
The Q3 uses a dashboard - mounted MMI controller that is less intuitive than the console controller elsewhere in its lineup.
You could also search for the game on the Microsoft Store by using the Dashboard.
Administrators use the dashboard to track the performance of departments, but it's also helpful for individual faculty members.
After registering, players take on the role of a newly recruited Black Watchmen agent using a dashboard dubbed the «Mission Hub» to train and conduct research.
we are presently using the Dashboard information to place the Shoes that fit & Week - end Backpack Programs.
Each school will use the dashboard data to formulate an improvement plan each year, Baesler said.
Though very few teachers spent time reviewing the entire transcripts of their lessons, all participating teachers used the dashboard regularly, and felt that this was the aspect of the approach most likely to change their behaviour and lead to increased pupil attainment.
One hundred twenty - three LEAs are now using the dashboards to track student performance, spot trends, and support achievement for nearly half a million Texas students.
In Kickboard, staff members award «PRIDE dollars» for positive choices, and leaders use the dashboard tally to keep track of how the students are doing collectively with their PRIDE behaviors.
The driver can use the dashboard controls to pre-select a stiff suspension configuration for a sporty ride whenever he chooses.
Macmillan is considering using their dashboard directly with the agents and authors, so new features and functionalities are expected as authors give their feedback, which Next Big Book can incorporate in a scaled roll out.
«First, I wanted all of my material in one place where I could track my sales in real - time using their dashboard.
Listen as travel professionals and industry experts explain how they're using dashboards today, key metrics to track and how to connect your own dots.
You generally have to use a Dashboard widget to find out the latest weather...
You can use our dashboard billing tool to create and email Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash invoices to your clients in a snap.
The ability to control all your connected home tech from one easy - to - use dashboard solves one of the biggest annoyances that comes with a smart home, and despite the fact that it forces you to give up some of the more advanced controls for certain devices, the highly intuitive smartphone app makes the experience feel very streamlined overall.
Synchronized communications between three companies using a dashboard, weekly newsletter, contact lists, improved meeting minute distributions, and consistency of communication
And when you want to take a look at all the transactional business you manage, you can use the Dashboard for a high - level overview or invite colleagues, with just a click, to view the important details and completed filings.
The proposed Future Ready PA Index will serve as Pennsylvania's one - stop location for comprehensive information about school success and will use a dashboard model to highlight how schools are performing and making progress on multiple indicators.
In the MOA, they agreed to use dashboard cameras, and body camera technology wasn't as evolved in 2004 as it is today.
Now they get tailored analytics weekly, and they can use their dashboards in real - time.
While you can use dashboards like HootSuite to participate it's much easier to use a something made just for chats like TweetChat.
The Bad The Q3 uses a dashboard - mounted MMI controller that is less intuitive than the console controller elsewhere in its lineup.
The idea is to give corporate counsel an easy - to - use dashboard from which they can connect with all the tools they need to use in their day - to - day work and collaborate with other members of their legal team, both within the legal department and at outside firms.
I have 4 years with SQL Server, T - SQL and SSIS, SSAS, SSRS and use dashboards with reporting, in addition to alot of IT skills during my long time working with IT.
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