Sentences with phrase «use data points»

In this webinar, I'll walk participants through a sequence of exercises to help them map out the elements of their professional and personal life that are the most motivating, energizing, and inspiring — and use those data points as a springboard to craft a personalized career vision to help them map what's next.
The difference is that market indicators use data points from multiple securities rather than just a single security.
«We will be able to use your data points,» Kuhn explains, «to compare vasculature, cortical thickness, functional networks, etc., across the entire group as a function of age.»
Use data points, accolades and customer testimonials to build credibility.
«Amazon is able to use all their data points across all the packages that they're shipping in order to further optimize,» Wu said.
Sales teams have been in their own silo not using data points to create a stronger selling message.
While it is not easy, the main step into designing a strategy that is successfully using data points for optimization is by defining your key performance indicators or KPI's.
All of our work is data - driven - in fact, we may be the only activist movement on earth that uses a data point as its name and rallying cry.
While you can't magically change your BMR right away, knowing your personal number, how it's calculated, and which factors most influence your metabolism, can help you use this data point to create a smarter strategy for weight loss (or maintenance).
The researchers also use the data point of 22 % body fat for regular cycles — though I would argue that this is a statistic biased from the sample being drawn from the super industrialized nations of Western Europe and the United States.
The example that Robinson used to illustrate the second point had to do with real estate investor Sam Zell noticing where Starbucks locations were opening up, and using that data point as the spark that led Zell to see the bigger force of China's construction boom when it was still in its early stages.
Infact, the procedure of determining the behavior of such processes, a Statistical analytic process titled a «Time series» uses all data points that are collected within the method determined by the pre-procedure of «Experimental Design», made to facilitate the analysis in a manner of known (and best) correlation.
Salamano, you have provided a rather lengthy discourse on what Marcott shows and does not show, but a few threads back I took the Marcott authors at their word about resolution of their reconstruction and replotted it using a data point for every 500 and 1000 years.
It has grown to over 115,000 customers and built an automated platform for lending money to individuals using data points in order to determine a customer's credit score.
Signum; secure access device on the Ubiq blockchain; The system uses data points collected through NFC, RFID and 13 data points from a user's fingerprint to assemble and broadcast a unique transaction.

Not exact matches

The point is that businesses need to be more transparent and come clean with customers about how their data is used — and who it's getting handed off to.
Many businesses may be unaware that it is their responsibility to protect their customers» data from theft and fraud at the point of sale, not the payment service you use.
-- Douglas Merrill, former CIO of Google and now CEO of ZestFinance, a big - data startup that uses more than 100,000 data points about an individual to figure out if he or she will pay back a loan.
The same person pointed out that if the network simply mailed cheques to subscribers rather than to the cellphone provider to compensate the former for their data use, nobody would be complaining.
From his perspective, there was no point in releasing a handy data - and web - enabled device if people weren't going to use it because of its prohibitive cost, so he somehow forced AT&T to play ball.
He hopes that businesses will be more explicit in describing how third - party companies can use data collected by technology companies, offering bullet - point summaries in terms the average person can understand when policies are updated, and even explore the idea of creating an ombudsman to field concerns and mediate conflicts between platforms and users.
Some tools will help you do this by providing more data you can use to target your demographics more accurately or allowing you to reach wider audiences than you have up to this point.
We brought that down to the 20 we support by using a six - month three - stage process involving analysis of 45 different data points.
The Future List put out by The Information and Social Capital, took 6,000 data points on 552 senior investment professionals across 71 firms to use diversity to plot which investors are best positioned to take advantage of future trends.
Using all of the data being collected (remember, the app is taking advantage of all of your phone's sensors), Color hopes to eventually start recommending nearby points of interest, and maybe even interesting people.
Its big data technology using hundreds of thousands of data points to give you key actionable insights which are useful for shoppers and retailers alike.
The firm uses millions of data points like job openings, resumes, and compensation to determine the market value of individual skills.
For instance, Facebook has used R in predictive analytics to answer questions like «Which data points predict whether a user will stay?
Rather than using the new data to push investors to buy stock, Wieser recommends caution because he believes that the we're approaching the saturation point when increases in digital ad budgets won't lead to increased sales.
Martin arrived at that figure by using a wide range of data points and Apple's 30 % revenue share with developers.
At some point in the not - distant future, Griffith will have the most accurate tool around for measuring an individual's (or collective's) energy use as well as a gigantic pile of data, both of which will be commercially quite valuable as we are pushed toward a greener lifestyle.
Teams are heavily analytics - driven and use more than a dozen hard data points reflecting a player's strength, speed, baseball talent and other factors.
Bharat Masrani said to reporters after their annual meeting of shareholders that the Toronto - based bank views the federal legalization of pot for adult use as an «important data point
Could you tell us a little something about the algorithms and data points you're using
But its core selling point remains the ability to reduce the amount of data used, Ahmed says.
After that comment raised eyebrows, FICO — creator of the most widely used credit - scoring system — clarified that «at this point, social media data is not part of any FICO score.»
The proposal would also allow the commission to explore usage - based pricing at some point, in which consumers are charged based on how much data they use and companies are able to subsidize traffic to their websites or applications.»
Use a content map template to build miniature campaigns around specific data points or unique insights from that original content project, and create new content that explores those ideas.
The company is funnelling wearable - sourced data from more than one million customers (using Fitbit, iHealth and Jawbone trackers) in exchange for points that can be used like cash in its stores and on its website.
For example, many AdWords tools can be used for organic SEO campaigns as well, and Google frequently publishes major news and data points here, which you can use in almost any kind of marketing campaign.
We ranked the neighborhoods using the following two data points.
The app uses the student's college and major as its main data point for suggestions until and unless he or she adds more details in the extra credit section.
Managing that risk by recognizing and shoring up points of vulnerability is the difference between using data as a competitive advantage and being the victim of a catastrophic data loss.
Another section of content managed by Apple breaks down security policies for iCloud data and uses a chart and bullet points for clarity.
Bush also hinted that AI technology such as IBM's Watson might be used in conjunction with Athenahealth's technology, which could electronically survey patients in order to collect data points that might be early warning signs for disease.
But my specific point is that while everybody is busy telling you that «kids don't use email» or «email is dead» I have actual data from portfolio company's CEO showing the efficacy of email as a communication and marketing channel.
While every business is going to have a different audience and there isn't a single email solution that will work for everyone, this data is great to use as a starting point for your own testing.
Once she can start aggregating data from her patients with data from other doctors who are using the app, she will have a huge number of data points that she can use to track everything from the efficacy of the surgery in certain patient populations, to which doctors might get the best outcomes.
Using proprietary artificial intelligence technology and machine learning algorithms, Paysa analyzes millions of data points including jobs, resumes and compensation information, providing professionals with actionable tools, insights, and research.
Hover over counties and states to see data points for each region, or use the map's tabs to view the top counties for each of the factors driving our analysis.
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