Sentences with phrase «use emergent constraints»

1) We use an Emergent Constraint (EC) approach, which means that we use GCMs to determine the relationship between variability and ECS.
Correcting for precipitation biases in the tropical western Pacific using an emergent constraint methodology, however, reduces the magnitude of these increases by ∼ 50 %.

Not exact matches

Bracegirdle, T. J. & Stephenson, D. B. On the robustness of emergent constraints used in multimodel climate change projections of Arctic warming.
Emergent constraints attempt to use
Since the AR4, there are a few examples of emergent constraints where observations are used to constrain multi-model ensemble projections.
One way to illustrate this is to look at the data Florent Brient and I analyzed in another emergent - constraint paper, which used fluctuations in TOA energy fluxes in marine tropical low - cloud (TLC) regions and their correlation with ECS (Brient and Schneider 2016, see blog post).
Regarding the emergent constraint used in Brient & Schneider (2016), it is noteworthy that if the models are weighted by reference to their consistency with the data, regression of ECS on TLC reflection variability explains almost none of the intermodel ECS variation — the R - squared is negligible.
What many previous emergent - constraint studies have done is to take such a band of observations and project it onto the vertical ECS axis using the estimated regression line between ECS and the natural fluctuations, taking into account uncertainties in the estimated regression model.
As with all emergent constraints, this means it can be difficult to use natural variations to constrain the climate response of clouds.
Other branches of climate science use the concept of emergent constraints.
The Zhai methods have more shortcomings than those used by Brient & Schneider for their very similar emergent constraint, and the radical difference for four CMIP5 models in the two studies» assessment of consistency with the observational constraint from seasonal variations is a major concern.
I would first have to ask whether the methods of emergent constraints are used commonly outside of climate science.
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