Sentences with phrase «use encouraging words»

Do not try to guide her by pulling at the leash, keep the lead slack, use encouraging words to entice kitty to move around.
Use encouraging words.
Use encouraging words and actions.
I'm not talking about fake praise here, and you can use your encouraging words, but when their art is finished, have a special place.
A labor partner should always use encouraging words during labor.
Thereare so many different factors to really get the truth... Just parent out of love and it won't be abuse use encouraging words and don't discipline out of anger always have your child best interest.
Remember to use encouraging words when your child attempts to kick the ball.
They did recognize the benefits of using encouraging words when speaking to people with mental health issues.

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A senior European Union official echoed Bains» words, suggesting the G7 needed to encourage use of artificial intelligence to improve daily lives while affirming the importance of privacy and accountability to maintain trust with workers.
In other words, he's looking at ways in which we can use and tailor concepts like reward and punishment to encourage people to work collaboratively rather than self - interestedly.
By using targeted - remarketing messages you can encourage this type of digital word of mouth.
Use call - to - action words such as «learn» and «visit» to engage people and encourage them to find out why the information on your page is important to them.
Then I red something like this, that you wrote almost four years ago and it encourages me, because you were speaking to my heart 4 years ago, and today I am here and reading it, because God saw fit to use you through the written word.
Though it can sometimes refer simply to an encouraging message (1 Thess 3:6), and Jesus often used the term to describe the coming of the Kingdom of God (cf. Matt 4:23; 9:35), Paul is the one who used the word in his writings, and he uses the word most often in reference to describe the complete chain of events regarding what God has done for sinful humanity through Jesus Christ to provide eternal life for them.
The wearer is encouraged to embrace their word and then give it to someone who could use the message.
I've been encouraging my friends, using Chambers» words, to step forward in obedience.
In evangelical circles, he's like the kid from high school who makes crude jokes at every opportunity, uses the words «gay» and «queer» to describe the things he most detests, encourages his friends to subject the unpopular kids to ridicule, and belittles the guys who aren't «macho» or «manly» enough to be in his club.
But his rationale ends with an economically worded warning whose implications are exceedingly far - reaching and implicitly add a very strong rider to any conclusion that might be drawn from his doctrinal expose, such as that indulgences should be widely granted and the people strongly encouraged to use them: `... yet other works of satisfaction are more meritorious with respect to our essential reward, which is infinitely better than the remission of temporal punishment».
This use of words is effective when it is based on motivational research, is meant to overcome man's resistance and to arouse his desires, and is aimed at encouraging action.
Using this religious viewpoint as their justification for 1) inflicting suffering on others and, 2) ignoring the suffering of others, all while encouraging and engineering the suffering of everyone they can,... is a clear indication that the Catholic religion is psychopathic in thought, word, and deed and should be abolished by all peace - loving and caring people everywhere... especially any Catholics who never look closely at what the whole Church is doing!
The Real Bread Campaign encourages restaurateurs, street foodists and everyone else serving baked goods to name the bakery that made them — particularly if using words such as «gourmet», «high quality» or «artisan» in their marketing.
As she gets comfortable with these new words in her vocabulary, you can start encouraging her to use them in social situations.
Instead, the show (whose childlike characters and physical manifestation of words could easily share PBS prime time slots) encourages the whole family to use our eyes and hearts to relate to each other, and takes us from acknowledging what makes us unique to accepting how that diversity makes our community special — and downright wonderful.
Encouraging tots to use words to self - advocate («I didn't like it when you took all the blue Legis!»)
Speech Development: The repetition of class structure and songs each week encourages memorization and the use of new words and phrases.
Using polite words should be encouraged, especially when someone is asking for and receiving something.
Songs with simple directions encourage the use of actions with words.
However, whether your baby is an early talker or not, be sure to encourage your baby to chatter by using proper words when talking and also frequently point out objects around the house.
Even if the item in question is in plain sight, encourage your preschooler to use as many describing words as she can.
Using these pegs, encourage kids to stack towers of pegs with the same colors and make sure you use your color words when playing!
«Of course, more needs to be done and we will continue to work with government, industry and non-profit groups to spread the word and encourage safe and responsible online use
Daydream Believers has emerged as an expression of this same understanding and hope ~ it is using our words to create the reality for our children by lifting up their strengths and encouraging the development of traits such as compassion, joy and wonder.
It can be used for a whole range of tasks, from playing high - def video to word processing, and its designers, a group of Cambridge University computer scientists, came up with the idea of Raspberry Pi to encourage more children to get involved with the programming side of computer science, after seeing skill levels among A level students dwindle since the mid 1990s.
Instead, encourage your child to avoid using nasty words, fake apologies or justifying cruel jokes by adding «just kidding» to the end of the sentence.
And while you do everything in your power to not say the word no to them to encourage the use of the word, your one year old heads straight for the dog's water bowl and you just know what she intends to do to it...
Provide positive feedback when your baby tries new words and use an encouraging tone when correcting him.
Use encouraging positive words when asking your child to do something.
Encourage him to «write» his own words using the letters.
Play word games like Scrabble and hangman, and encourage your child to use big words.
You may want to ensure your caregiver and all those who support you during labor use encouraging and positive words and phrases.
With the repetition of songs, music toys can also encourage the use of words and memorization.
You can also use actions with the words you say, such as waving as you say «byebye» or holding your hands out to your baby and saying «up» — this will help them understand the words better and encourage them to say them.
Continue encouraging use of the words they have mastered.
Encourage speech in all areas of their life using any words they have already mastered.
Even if your preschooler is still struggling with letters, encourage him to write a word or two in a special notebook on a daily basis, using crayons or markers.
For other topics, we encourage you to use the keywords on the left side of the screen and pick out the words that are of most interest to you.
Encourage her to find a more effective way of responding, like using words to express herself or asking for help from an adult.
Some smart campaigns are going to figure out ways to use widgets to keep their name in front of supporters, to encourage them to spread the word and maybe even to raise a few bucks here and there.
Experts worried that his words could encourage the inappropriate use of force.
Maude was so keen to talk about the strike, in fact, that he encouraged the public to break the law by keeping over the legal limit of gasoline in their home, encouraged panic buying at petrol forecourts and, worst of all, used a series of terms which the public found baffling and posh, including the word «supper».
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