Sentences with phrase «use human language»

And at this particular CES, I'm coming to wonder: why not just use human language?
Even though certain species or even whole genera — such as African Greys, Amazons, Eclectus, and Macaws — are known to be «good talkers,» most species of parrots can use human language to some extent.
«A network of artificial neurons learns to use human language: A computer simulation of a cognitive model entirely made up of artificial neurons learns to communicate through dialogue starting from a state of tabula rasa.»
is an impossibility for anyone who uses a human language to understand the Bible.
The ANNABELL model is a cognitive architecture entirely made up of interconnected artificial neurons, able to learn to communicate using human language starting from a state of «tabula rasa» only through communication with a human interlocutor.
A group of researchers from the University of Sassari (Italy) and the University of Plymouth (UK) has developed a cognitive model, made up of two million interconnected artificial neurons, able to learn to communicate using human language starting from a state of «tabula rasa,» only through communication with a human interlocutor.
Of all the parrot species, male African Gray Parrots are the most proficient at learning and using human language.

Not exact matches

If you're familiar with the works of Steven Pinker, you'll recognize the incredible importance that language has played in human history in the preservation of information (stories being used to because they were... * SURPRISE!
Companies like Apple (aapl) and Google (goog) have built mobile phone powered digital assistants like Siri and Google's Assistant that use A.I. techniques like deep learning and natural language processing to recognize the human voice and answer people's questions on the fly.
«The language we have used to describe our fabric is common within the fabric industry, it in no way references human beings.
I don't mean this literally: The «from» line might still be your company's name, but the content should feel as if it comes from a human being, speaking in the first person (using «I» or «we» and addressing the recipient as «you»), with natural - sounding language.
Trump used some of his toughest language yet against North Korea in a wide - ranging address in Seoul on Wednesday that lodged specific accusations of chilling human rights abuses, although he offered no evidence to support the accusations.
«ICE is the growth sector — and I am loathe to use that language because we're talking about human beings here.
The companies join gay - rights and human rights groups as well as the American Civil Liberties Union in attacking the law over its broad language, which could be used by business owners to use religious objections to deny same - sex couples wedding.
For Nadella, using «the power of human language» to communicate with machines will be as profound as the development of the Internet and the use of touchscreens on mobile devices.
Deep Text uses neural networks, a subset of AI and deep learning intended to mimic activity of the human brain, to understand written language so that it can then act accordingly.
It is absolutely committed to the negative doctrine that there is no divine revelation that delivers genuine knowledge of God; it is absolutely committed to a radically apophatic conception of Christian theology, so that no human language or concept, no product of reason at all, can adequately express the mystery of the divine; and it is absolutely committed to using theology to articulate Christian doctrine given the needs and idiom of the day.
God using evolution to create shows way more time and dedication to the emergence of humans, but of course the fundamentalists know best and claim to KNOW that genesis was meant to be 100 % literal despite gaps and missing pieces translating from a very simplistic language into English.
As a participant in that 1998 Ramsey Colloquium, a longtime supporter of the cautious use of rights language, and a frequent critic of its misuses, I was moved by Reno's arguments to ponder whether the noble post — World War II universal human - rights idea has finally been so manipulated and politicized as to justify its abandonment by men and women of good will.
Most controversial, however, will be the use of inclusive language for human beings.
Once God is regarded as an actual entity, the use of personalistic language follows naturally, for our basic clue to the nature of an actual entity is given in our own immediate human experience.
Thus God uses human words and human language, human culture and human imagery, human existence and human nature.
The difficulty we have is that much of the language we would wish to use has been corrupted such that it is ambiguous, so tolerance and human rights can now be used to suppress Catholic beliefs and the freedom of Catholics to teach.
One possibility is that we are simply using this current language to speak of the importance of the church's developing its doctrine of nature more fully and in ways appropriate to our new understanding of the relation between human beings and the natural world.
The revelation consists first and foremost in the person of Jesus Christ himself, but this can become material for theological use only as it is given in human language.
In determining the «core rights» that constitute the heart of our human rights agenda, it is important to consider the way we use language.
Whitehead's use of assumptions dating back to Descartes and Locke in his account of perception leaves him vulnerable to the criticisms introduced by the revolution in philosophic method taking place at the time he was writing his major works, one in which the analysis of the functioning of language was replacing psychological introspection as the principal method for understanding human thought.
It is also apparent that the recent evidence for self - consciousness in primates and cetaceans, based on their capacity for language use and deception, requires us to acknowledge that nonhuman capacities are somewhat closer to human capacities than Whitehead asserted.
You can say whatever you want to... Al Quran teaches that God created human in different nationality, ethnicity, language so that one can interact with other and then HE gave free will to every single one of the human... and every one of us will be held accountable for the using of this «free will»....
The spectrum of views is sometimes startling: Elizabeth Achtemeier denounces women for divinizing the human when they use female language for God, whereas Hopko holds that deification of the human is a positive outcome of relationship with the triune God.
While classification freed directors to use explicit language in marvelous films like Platoon and Something Wild and has allowed films like Out of Africa and Children of a Lesser God to explore the complex nature of human sexuality, it has also given us a series of slasher films — Friday the 13th, with its many parts; The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, parts one and two — and films like Brian DePalma's artistically significant but deplorably explicit Body Double.
A useful way of approaching the varied structures of human existence is through reflection on the meaning of «I.» The use of the first person singular in some way is probably coterminous with language, but its meaning varies widely.
Instead of understanding, as James le Fanu writes, that «the implications of mortality are intrinsic to a proper grasp of the human experience», we choose to sanitise the things of death, including the language we use to describe it (in Last Things, Tablet, 29 November 2014, p. 28).
If we have something to say about the timeless enemies of the human condition — injustice, ignorance, bigotry, exploitation, hunger, war — we will fail if we try to sound like every other voice in the public realm instead of using our language and tradition.
In a work recently completed, but not yet published, I have explained how the adaptability of animal bodily systems, especially the brain, which Meredith and Stein have remarkably demonstrated in respect of the senses in their The Merging of the Senses and which is seen in infant language - learning in a way discussed by Meltzoff, Butterworth and others, reaches a peak in the case of the human use of language so that it is solely semantic and communicational constraints which determine grammar and nothing universal in grammar is determined by neurology.
Whenever this same kind of communion that is revealed in the fellowship of Jesus Christ rises to dominance over all other processes in human life, we have recurring the eschatological event, to use the language of Rudolf Bultmann.
It needs only a slight acquaintance with the traditional Jewish eschatology to recognize that these writers are all using language which implies that the eschaton, the final and decisive act of God, has already entered human experience.
The Greek term psyche (soul), which Christians naturally found themselves using in order to describe the spiritual aspect of a man, already implied the dualistic approach to human nature and introduced a concept for which there had been no verbal equivalent in the language of ancient Israel.26
Rather, what the human soul possesses by virtue of its rich inheritance from the body is the potentiality for learning and using language.
Therefore the language which we should use to describe the coming into being or the emergence of individual events should be subjectivistic language, purged of its associations with human existence, with consciousness, and with mentality.
Embedded in the debate about what register of language and what kind of words we might use in the Mass is a more fundamental, and vital, question: how valid is it to use any kind of human language to talk to, and about, God?
John Maynard Smith and Eörs Sazthmáry considered five major evolutionary transitions, ranging from the origin of life to the beginnings of human language, using an approach somewhat similar to that of Dawkins.10
To illustrate the importance of the «form of life» context for language he imagined the situation of a lion suddenly using familiar human expressions.
This book describes well many of the facets of the «human languages» used by the Holy Spirit to communicate the Word of God to us.
16 In DV, a strong plea is made for the rights of the human embryo; in DP this is strengthened and the language used is more forceful.
The Defense of Marriage Act decision used rather sweeping language about equal protection and human dignity as they apply to the recognition of same - sex unions.
It just means that whenever God enters the human story, God speaks to (and through) people using their own language, their own view of the world.
Then try to use EMPIRICAL evidence that unicorns existed and that serpents and mules can speak human languages.
Young as the human species is, it displays remarkable capacities: to think and reason and imagine; to ask questions and seek answers; to use language, metaphors and symbols; to ponder the mystery of origins; to locate oneself on maps of meaning; to project ideals and seek their realization; to ask how one fits into the most inclusive scheme of things.
Buchler often uses language to evoke a rich texture of meanings, rather than to offer a single precise definition for any concept or idea.16 (This style is more prevalent in the works on human process than in MNC.)
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